
This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

Apple crepes recommended monthly age: 10M+

Food Pairing Uses: Staple Food/Side Dishes

Benefits: Calcium supplementation / Vitamin C supplementation / Prevention of constipation

Nutritional characteristics

I am used to having some apples at home, as the saying goes, "one apple a day, the doctor away from me", is the highest evaluation of apple nutrition. And you may not know that apples are eaten raw and laxative, cooked to stop diarrhea, killing two birds with one stone.

Make an apple into a pizza today and catch your baby's eye at once. Moist and juicy, and strong egg aroma, the baby likes it ~ can make breakfast, but also can make afternoon tea, a pan 10 minutes easy to get.

Ingredient tools

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

Ingredients: Eggs: 2, Apples: 1/2, Black Sesame Seeds: 3 g, Medium Gluten Flour: 30 g, Tools: Pan

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

1: Rub the apple into strips.

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

2: Add two eggs and medium gluten flour.

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

3. Stir well.

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

4: After the oil is hot, add the stirred apple shreds and spread evenly.

The same electric ceramic stove opens the low heat for 5 gears.

Don't be too thick, or it won't be easy to cook.

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

5: Sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

6: Fry at the bottom until solidified, yellow, then turn over, continue to fry for 2 minutes

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

7, the thick egg aroma and the sweetness of the apple, without adding a little sugar, the baby is super like ~

This fruit is now the best to eat and cheapest! Hydrate and fight colds, and if you don't give your baby to eat, you will lose a lot!

Add essentials

● Our production amount is not equal to the baby's added amount, let the baby decide how much to eat.

● Apples vary in size, and the mothers adjust the amount of flour according to the actual situation, remember to fry slowly over low heat.

● After the apple is wiped, the oxidation rate is very fast, it is recommended that the mothers rub the apple shredded, soak it in water to prevent oxidation from turning yellow.

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