
Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

It was another day when South Korean journalists couldn't understand the brain circuits.

Originally, South Korea's daily new additions were not low, but some time ago, a "Gaon Awards Ceremony" was held in double dings (how does it feel like once a month?). )。

Moreover, when the group Red Babe wore a mask to walk the red carpet, it was stopped by reporters and asked to take off the mask to take a photo, although the members repeatedly expressed their refusal and request;

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

But the staff said that it was "no relationship" and asked them to do as the media said, so the sisters could only cooperate in the end...

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

But the moment they saw them put down their masks, the sheep also found that korean female idols are really meeting.

The original camera shot of the raw image would have widened the face and magnified the facial imperfections.

Let's not talk about the flatness of the face, just look at the state of the skin, red babe is simply a full super god!

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

And their base makeup and the original Korean popular sense of water light (oil?). Differently, it was also replaced by a matte base makeup, which looks more refreshing.

PS: When I first debuted, because I was a little slightly fat + water light base makeup more swollen face, I was ridiculed for low value Wendy, slimming + after choosing a more textured matte base makeup, now the face value in the raw picture is called a can play.

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

And this kind of "difficult" matte foundation on their faces, but also completely invisible in the winter face is easy to dry, dry lines, mouth closures, acne... Causes problems with base card powder.

I can only say that the skin maintenance is too good!

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

Everyone knows how much Korean girls attach importance to their skin, and sheep have also pickpocketed the treatment and maintenance and aesthetic projects they will do in order to achieve watery flawless muscles.

But many sisters have doubts:

Why did I do the same project as them, but the skin didn't get better? Can't reach their skin condition?

Could it be that something went wrong with the project & the product you bought?

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

The sheep can only answer: leaks! Uppercase leaks!

Many people will only see their treatment & care programs for the skin, but ignore the "maintenance period + treatment cycle".

Because of the metabolism & natural aging of the human body itself, skin maintenance and aesthetic projects need to be superimposed & time to produce results (the changes that can be achieved by doing one time and doing three times are even more different).

For example, although the water light needle can quickly replenish the superficial hyaluronic acid of the skin and nourish the skin, it will be metabolized by the human body with decomposition.

One injection only temporarily improves dry skin, while the subsequent delivery of hyaluronic acid & nutrients to the skin is continuously delivered, and the antioxidant capacity of the skin can be enhanced by several superimposed effects.

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

And the follow-up of their own life & maintenance methods will affect the effect maintenance time of medical aesthetic projects.

For example, although the photoelectric project can improve the appearance of the skin, if the skin is not good because of endocrine disorders, they usually do not protect the sun and do not take care of the skin.

Even if the skin appearance problem is solved temporarily, the skin condition will quickly bounce back.

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

So today the sheep will tell you about it:

1. Duration and duration of common skin treatment & maintenance programs

2. How to increase the duration of maintenance of efficacy

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

Treatment of acne muscles, lightening of pigmentation, acne scars and pits

Brush acid

Effects: Acne, keratosis, enlarged pores, dull skin, skin aging, etc.

Keen feeling:☆☆☆☆☆

Principle: Low concentration maintenance brush acid is a shallow mid-layer chemical peel.

Acids can dissolve and peel away aging keratin, dissolve acne in pores, thereby improving skin dullness and keratin aging problems.

And acidic substances can also inhibit the bad bacteria on the surface of the skin, so it can alleviate skin inflammation and achieve the effect of acne removal.

PS: The causes of acne are complex, brush acid is only more effective for closed mouths and micro-acne caused by clogged pores and excessive oil secretion.

Treatment cycle: 1 time per month, 4-5 times for a course of treatment.

Price range: 200-800 yuan / time

Follow-up maintenance: Brush acid will peel off keratinocytes, but the skin will also become thinner after the aging stratum corneum is shed, and the skin is more susceptible to irritation.

So don't use a cleanser with strong cleaning power, there are whitening, freckles, anti-aging skin care products, and be sure to do a good job of sun protection!

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?


Function: Fades stains, whitens

Keen feeling:★★☆☆☆

Principle: The laser is acted on a specific part, the shorter the pulse width of the laser, the stronger the instantaneous energy, and the less likely the energy is to spread around.

Energy maximizes the crushing of melanocytes in the epidermis of the skin, while stimulating the collagen fibrous network, promoting the renewal and proliferation of collagen and elastin fibers, and accelerating the metabolism of the skin.

Accelerate the excretion of melanin from the body to improve skin tone and remove spots.

Treatment cycle: generally once can see a more obvious effect, can be maintained for 1-3 years, after the first time at intervals of 1 month to carry out 2 treatment effect is better, generally 2-3 times for a course of treatment.

Price range: 600-4000 yuan / time

Follow-up maintenance: after treatment, increase hydration (medical dressings) and avoid the use of functional cosmetics.

And do not irritate the face with high temperatures for 3 days (say to the sauna sweat steam: leak!). ), the scab at the wound will naturally fall off after 5-7 days, do not cut off by hand during the healing period, cut off easy to produce pigmentation and scarring, and be sure to pay attention to sun protection!

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

Dot matrix laser

Role: Scarring, acne pits, enlarged pores

Principle: The epidermal peeling effect can be achieved by emitting energy through lattice laser.

Moreover, a dermal heating belt will be produced during treatment, stimulating the regeneration of collagen fibers, and the energy depth can penetrate deeply just enough to reach the location of the sebaceous glands, heating the sebaceous glands and reducing oil secretion.

Treatment cycle: once every 3 months, a course of treatment is 3-5 times

Price range: 1100-1700 yuan / time

Follow-up maintenance: The surface of the skin will lose a lot of moisture during treatment, so be sure to strengthen moisturizing and sun protection after surgery!

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

Microneedling (+ combination of pharmacy)

Function: acne removal, lightening acne pit acne scars, etc

Keen feeling:★★★☆☆

Principle: Micro-targeting of the skin caused by wounds will stimulate the production of new collagen & elastin at the junction of the dermis and subcutaneous layers, in addition to promoting the formation of new capillaries, thereby reducing scarring.

At the same time, it can also allow the follow-up drug to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, enhance the effect of the drug, and achieve a better whitening, acne removal, and lightening of acne scars & acne pits.

Treatment cycle: the first 2 times once a month, followed by 4-6 months once to achieve long-term maintenance effect.

Price range: 800-1500 yuan / time

Follow-up maintenance: within 8 hours after treatment, the wound has not healed and can not touch the water, do not wear makeup within a week, try to avoid sports sweating caused by wound infection, and then the cliché: be sure to do a good job of sun protection!

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

Improves dull, dry skin

Small bubbles

Function: Removes oil residue in pores and deeply cleanses

Principle: The suction of vacuum negative pressure is used to suck away the grease clogged in the pores and make the pores cleaner.

Treatment cycle: The body itself will undergo metabolism, so the sebaceous glands will still secrete new oil, and the pores will also be blocked again, but the frequent use of small bubbles will destroy the skin barrier, so it is recommended to use it once a month.

Price range: 120-200 yuan / time

Follow-up maintenance: after the small bubbles are done, the pores are open, and it is best not to wear makeup for 7 days.

And the cleaning of small bubbles is also an exfoliating project, so everyone should not do exfoliation care such as brushing acid for a month after doing it, and don't forget to hydrate and sunscreen Oh~

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

Water light needle

Role: Brightens skin tone, deeply hydrates, fades dry lines

Principle: Belonging to mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid and other nutrients can be injected directly into the dermis layer to make the skin look fuller and more radiant.

Treatment cycle: Hyaluronic acid, which is generally used for facial hydration, is not crosslinked, so it can be catabolized in the skin in about 1 month.

Therefore, in the early stage, it is necessary to carry out injection treatment once a month, 3-4 times a course of treatment, and after the skin condition of a treatment course is basically stable, it can be played once every 3-4 months as a daily maintenance item.

PS: Many people feel that the skin is worse than before after stopping the injection of water light needles, in fact, this feeling is a "gap" caused by the skin returning to its previous state, not rebound.

Price range: 230-1000 yuan / time

Follow-up maintenance: Because there will be a large area of wounds on the face, it is recommended to use three types of medical repair dressings to assist wound healing and increase hydration.

Do not wear makeup for 3 days after surgery, avoid irritating ingredients in cosmetics that affect the repair of the skin and easily induce allergies, and can not do radiofrequency and photoelectric therapy within 2 weeks.

Why did they all do the same project, but the skin did not get better?

Photon Rejuvenation (CC Light)

Function: Fades pigmentation, improves facial skin tone dullness & unevenness, red blood, enlarged pores, rough skin, enhances skin elasticity

Principle: Through the photochemical action generated by the strong pulse light to the dermis layer, the fibroblasts in the skin are activated, the production of collagen fibers and elastic fibers is accelerated, so that the skin can restore its original elasticity, be more translucent, and reduce the pores.

Moreover, the temperature of the pigment group in the skin tissue after absorbing light is also higher than that of normal tissue, so it can break and decompose the pigment group without damaging the normal skin tissue, and discharge it through skin metabolism to achieve the effect of fading pigmentation.

Treatment cycle: Generally do once in fact, you can see the effect, but according to the course of treatment (3-6 times) the treatment effect will be better after the superposition of the skin state, the interval of more than 2 weeks, 8 weeks can be carried out twice, according to their own skin state to come.

Price range: 1900-3000 yuan / time

Follow-up maintenance: Do not apply functional skin care products (whitening, freckle removal, etc.) for 2 weeks, it is best to use skin care products that are mainly moisturizing and can be used for sensitive skin prescribed in the hospital.

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