
Wounded officers flow for years, easy to have, which imagery

Wounded officers flow for years, easy to have, which imagery

Easy to learn numerology Tang teacher/book

The "wounded officer" in numerology is a star of talent, representing, cleverness, invention, novelty, adventure, etc. It is also one of the ten gods who make money, but the word wounded officer, as the name suggests, will also have a bad meaning, breaking with tradition and having an otherworldly nature. Let's talk about what kind of imagery a person will have for a person when he is injured in the past few years.

First, the wounded officer flows for years, positive imagery

Wounded officers, such as wounded officers in the past years, did not meet with the main officials. In reality, the wounded officer can play an auspicious role, in reality, full of energy, with multi-faceted ambition and boldness, able to speak well, outstanding talent, personal expertise can be very well played, investment can make money, if the wounded officer is happy to use God or for the use of God, the flow of the year is easy to have the joy of promotion, promotion, life is rich and colorful, there is a relatively large increase in money and income.

Second, the wounded officer flows for many years, negative imagery

Avoid injuring officers, or wounded officers have played a negative role, and the years of wounded officers show that they are discouraged, have many obstacles in doing things, have busy lives, have a big temper, are easily excited, and are prone to cornering with people and more right and wrong. Unhappy, exaggerated and narrowed about other people's affairs, will not deal with daily interpersonal relationships, unfavorable changes in work. Investment loses money, it is easy to be plagued by disputes and injuries, and men are worried about their children's affairs.

Third, the female life, the image of the wounded officer flowing for years

Female life is to take the official as the husband, marriage is emotionally afraid of seeing the wounded officer, especially if the wounded officer sees the official, the marriage emotional reason is unfavorable, the year of the wounded official, the last marriage, the other half is picky, rejected, easy to break up, it is difficult to meet a good marriage, married ladies, impatient personality, lack of patience, easy to breed the heart of comparison, husband and wife are prone to tongue and tongue, family disharmony. Their own words or deeds are easy to bring crises to marriage, and women's lives hurt officials for many years, so it is better to pay more attention.

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