
Sales increased by 169% This year is expected to break 6 million new car-making forces Who are you most optimistic about?

Sales increased by 169% This year is expected to break 6 million new car-making forces Who are you most optimistic about?

Top News Henan Business Daily reporter Guo Dingran

When waiting for traffic lights, have you noticed that there are more and more "green" cars on the street?

Yes, the era of new energy has accelerated. In 2021, China's new energy vehicle sales will exceed 3 million, leading the world for seven consecutive years.

In the future, what kind of pattern will the new energy automobile industry usher in?

Domestic new energy vehicle sales have led the world for 7 years

On January 11, 2022, the Passenger Car Market Information Association (HEREINB) announced its sales of new energy vehicles in December 2021 and its annual sales analysis.

So far, the domestic retail sales of new energy vehicles from January to December 2021 reached 2.989 million units, an increase of 169.1% year-on-year, a new high.

It is worth noting that according to the data of the Association, the domestic retail sales of new energy vehicles accounted for 22.6% in December 2021, and the retail sales in January to December accounted for 14.8%, an increase from 5.8% in 2020.

That is to say, from January to December 2021, for every 100 cars sold, nearly 15 are new energy vehicles.

The top news Henan Business Daily reporter noted that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a document saying that in 2021, China's automobile production and sales completed 26.082 million vehicles and 26.275 million vehicles, an increase of 3.4% and 3.8% respectively year-on-year, ending a downward trend for three consecutive years. Among them, the sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.521 million units, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, ranking first in the world for seven consecutive years.

Industry insiders said that the above-mentioned data and statistics of the Federation of Vehicles and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology are different, the Association of Automobiles and Industry is retail data, and the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology contains wholesale data (that is, the number of car companies selling to dealers).

However, both the data of the Federation of Automobile Associations and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology prove that the rapid growth of domestic new energy vehicle sales in 2021 and the strong market demand for new energy.

The Association also specially adjusted its forecast for the new energy passenger car market in 2022, from the original expectation of 4.8 million new energy passenger car sales in 2022 to more than 5.5 million, and the penetration rate of new energy passenger cars is about 25%. New energy vehicles are expected to exceed 6 million, with a penetration rate of about 22%.

In other words, about 25 out of every 100 passenger cars sold in 2022 will be new energy passenger cars.

The top 15 new energy vehicles have sold more than 60,000 units

From the overall situation of domestic new energy vehicle sales in 2021, BYD ranked first with 584,000 units, SAIC-GM-Wuling ranked second with 431,100 units, and Tesla ranked third with 320,700 units.

It is worth noting that the top 15 auto companies have sales of more than 60,000 vehicles, an increase of more than 100% year-on-year, which shows the rapid growth of the new energy vehicle market.

In terms of specific model sales rankings, BYD occupies two seats in the top five sales of new energy cars, Hongguang MINI under SAIC-GM-Wuling ranks first with 395,500 units, and BYD Qin and Tesla Model 3 are in second and third places, respectively.

In terms of new energy SUVs, the top two sales are Tesla ModelY and BYD Song, both of which exceed 100,000 vehicles. The third place is Ideal ONE, with sales of 90,500 units, which is also the only new power brand to enter the top three of the list.

Cross-border car building, new brands get together

New energy vehicles, an industry that is in the midst of a blowout, have also attracted more Internet players. Previously, there have been Ali and SAIC Group and other joint cooperation of Zhiji Automobile, Qihoo 360 into Nezha Automobile.

The new players in 2021 may be the most eye-catching Xiaomi. Although there have been several "rumors" that Xiaomi will not build cars, in March 2021, Xiaomi officially announced the construction of cars. Lei Jun, the helmsman, said that by the end of 2020, Xiaomi has 108 billion yuan in cash reserves, has a research and development team of more than 10,000 people, has a perfect intelligent ecology, and has enough confidence to build cars.

In addition, in March 2021, Baidu entered the automotive industry as a vehicle manufacturer, and jointly invested with Geely Group to establish Jidu Automobile, of which Baidu owns 55% of the equity and is in a controlling position.

In addition, Huawei, which has announced that it will not build its own cars, has reached a cooperation curve car with BEIC Jihu, Jinkang Cyris and Changan Automobile. Some insiders also said that Huawei's move is to first accumulate experience in the industry, and then eventually will personally go down to build a car.

"Entering the field of new energy vehicles requires a lot of capital and strong research and development capabilities, and Xiaomi and Huawei have advantages in technology accumulation, technical strength, number of engineers and capital." Zhang Xiang, a researcher and automotive analyst at the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center of North China University of Technology, said that the new power brands that enter the market will definitely die first, and at present, he is most optimistic about Xiaomi and Huawei.

In 2022, new power brands will also usher in a new wave of products. The future new energy vehicle market is cruel, and the entry players will face more fierce competition.

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