
Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

author:Zhao's recipe

Hello everyone, I am Xiao Zhao, this issue teaches you to make braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices together to learn it.

Braised beef brisket

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

Ingredients: beef brisket, ginger, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, onion, potatoes, tomatoes, pepper.


1. Wash the meat and cut into small pieces, put the pot in cold water, add cooking wine and ginger slices, simmer for five minutes, then take out and clean the foam.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

2. Add oil to the pot and slowly fry the beef brisket, stir-fry until fragrant, add salt to continue stir-frying, then add hot water and soy sauce to color and season.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

3. After boiling, put it in a casserole dish, cover the pot and bring it to a boil over high heat, change it to medium heat, simmer for 60 minutes, then add tomatoes, potatoes and onions and simmer for another 60 minutes, collect the juice on high heat, sprinkle pepper before coming out of the pot.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

Braised prawns in oil

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

Ingredients: shrimp, cooking oil, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, pepper, tomato paste, cooking wine.

1. Remove the shrimp line, shrimp whiskers and shrimp feet and wash them.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

2. Pour cooking wine, pepper, tomato sauce, sugar and light soy sauce into a sauce in a bowl, cut the green onion and ginger shreds.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

3. Add oil in the pot, heat the oil, put the shrimp into the low heat and fry until slightly brown, then add the onion ginger, salt, pour in the cooking wine and stir-fry evenly.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

4. Pour in the prepared sauce, simmer for three or four minutes on low heat, then collect the juice out of the pot and put it on the plate.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

Boiled phoenix slices

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

Ingredients: chicken breast, cabbage hearts, garlic, celery, peppercorns, bean paste, dried chili peppers, broth, water starch, oil, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, ginger slices, cooking wine, garlic slices.

1. Cut the celery, garlic and cabbage into segments.

2. Cut the meat into slices, add cooking wine, soy sauce and stir well with water starch in a bowl.

3. Pour oil into the pan, heat the oil and add peppercorns and dried red peppers, fry until fragrant, take out the minced finely, then add celery, garlic and cabbage and put them on the plate.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

4. Pour oil into the pot, add watercress sauce and add broth to cook, add celery, garlic, cabbage, then add ginger slices, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, stir-fry evenly and put on the plate.

5. Spread the chicken in a pot, take it out and put it on the plate when it is cooked, add the peppercorns and dried red peppers and pour hot oil on it.

Recommended today: Braised beef brisket, braised prawns in oil, boiled phoenix slices, learn to make for your family

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Author: Zhao's recipe, please indicate the source headline number: Zhao's recipe

(I'm Xiao Zhao, add attention not to get lost) We'll see you next time.

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