
Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the most talked about character is not Cao Cao, who threatened the Son of Heaven to order the princes, nor Liu Bei, who counterattacked and claimed the title of king, but Zhuge Liang, who was planning and planning, and decisively defeated Zhuge Liang thousands of miles away.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

It is said that Zhuge Liang uses soldiers like gods, but whether he will fight or not? Li Shimin, the Tang King, who was also proficient in the use of soldiers, gave his own evaluation, and it was to the point, pointing to the point.

Zhuge Liang used soldiers like gods

Regarding Zhuge Liang, that is a well-known figure. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a sentence of Wolong and Phoenix Chicks, one person can be safe in the world, so that Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong are famous in the world, and Liu Bei is even more gu Maolu after hearing it.

Zhuge Liang was attracted by Liu Bei's lofty ambitions, and Liu Bei was slightly impressed by Zhuge Liang's great talent. After Zhuge Liang joined Liu Bei's camp, the first thing to make meritorious contributions was longzhong pairing, and in just a few words, he explained to Liu Bei the general trend of the world.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

From this incident, it can be seen that Zhuge Liang is at least not a vain name. Although it is said that it is impossible to fight without a military general, a strategist of Zhuge Liang's level can be said to have shown great strength in the early development of Liu Bei.

From the time Liu Bei was chased and blocked by Cao Cao, it was Zhuge Liang who constantly gave him advice so that he could turn the danger into a disaster every time. In the Battle of Chibi, Zhuge Liang's grass boat borrowed arrows and borrowed the East Wind, which made him the first strategist of the Three Kingdoms.

Then, after the victory at Chibi, Zhuge Liang began to build his territory for Liu Bei. Zhuge Liang suggested that Liu Bei take Jingzhou as a base and then develop westward. But to the west was Liu Zhang, and Zhuge Liang knew that Liu Bei would not replace him.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

So Zhuge Liang thought of a poisonous plan, that is, to call Pang Tong and let him die in Luofengpo, giving Liu Bei a reason to attack Liu Zhang. After occupying Jingzhou and taking Yizhou, Zhuge Liang then suggested that Liu Bei continue to take Shuzhong to the west.

As we all know, there were no generals in Shuzhong, and Liu Bei did not have to work hard at all to attack Shuzhong. When Liu Bei was occupying Shuzhong, Zhuge Liang told Liu Bei that this was only the beginning, and that if he wanted to achieve great things, he must also occupy the Hanzhong region.

Liu Bei's idea was that he would definitely not abandon many places, as long as Zhuge Liang had a way. So at Zhuge Liang's suggestion, Liu Bei began to attack Hanzhong again. However, Zhuge Liang made a mistake at this time, that is, to let Guan Yu lose Jingzhou.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

Although people who are not sages can be blameless, zhuge Liang's mistake has ruined all the luck of the Shu kingdom. Because after Guan Yu's death, Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong died successively, and Liu Bei also died of illness in the White Emperor City because of the Battle of Yiling.

Zhuge Liang was six out of Qishan

After Liu Bei's death, he left Zhuge Liang with a mess. In the face of Ah Dou, who could not be supported, Zhuge Liang did not replace him, but chose to inherit Liu Bei's will and continue to fight for the Zhongxing Han Room.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

When Liu Bei made his fortune, he was under the banner of the Zhongxing Han Room, so that he could make himself the most righteous among these princes. Some people say that Zhuge Liang only needs to defend the Shu kingdom.

Because this place of Shu Han is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack. Because the Shu Dao is difficult, it is difficult to go to the blue sky. If others wanted to fight in, they must at least have several times the strength of the Shu army. Not to mention that there was Zhuge Liang and Zhao Zilong pressing the battle, who could fight in.

But Zhuge Liang, it is not possible not to march to the land of Guanzhong. Because he wanted the Zhongxing Han Room, he had to fight Cao Cao, a Han thief. Only in this way could the royal family of the Shu state gain the support of the people.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

So Zhuge Liang was forced to carry out the Northern Expedition, and what he did not expect was that the first Northern Expedition war was actually broken in the hands of his apprentice Ma Chen. The First Northern Expedition was originally zhuge Liang's most successful one.

However, after the first defeat, Zhuge Liang never succeeded again, because the State of Wei had a counselor named Sima Yi. Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi fought all their lives, although Sima Yi could not defeat Zhuge Liang, but Sima Yi was a person with real talent and practical learning.

Zhuge Liang's first Northern Expedition caught Sima Yi by surprise. By the time of the second time, Sima Yi was on guard, so until the Fifth Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang did not succeed.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

It can be said that Zhuge Liang was an enemy of Zhou Yu in the first half of his life, and an enemy of Sima Yi in the second half of his life. Zhuge Liang knew that if his Northern Expedition was not successful, the Shu kingdom's Jiangshan would definitely be destroyed, so he launched the last Northern Expedition at the end of his life.

This time Zhuge Liang wanted to take Chang'an directly and make others look like he was in a battle of trapped beasts. Because Sima Yi understood him, it should be that the limit was approaching and wanted to make a final attempt, so Sima Yi saw Zhuge Liang's plan at a glance.

Sima Yi blocked Zhuge Liang in the Wuzhangyuan area. Zhuge Liang knew that the matter had been exposed, and could only fight with Sima Yi. But what Zhuge Liang did not expect was that Sima Yi refused to fight.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

No matter how Zhuge Liang scolded or humiliated, Sima Yi ignored Zhuge Liang. Finally, after more than a hundred days of stalemate, Zhuge Liang was killed by Sima Yi, and then the qi luck of the Shu state was completely buried.

The falsehood of Zhuge Liang's strength

After Zhuge Liang's death, the Shu Han also went to extinction, so posterity began to doubt Zhuge Liang's military ability. Because the State of Shu and the State of Wei cannot be compared, first of all, the territory of the State of Shu is much smaller than that of the State of Wei.

The lack of land indicates a problem, that is, there is relatively little grain and grass. Food and grass are a particularly important strategic resource for a country. Because grain and grass are not only related to people's livelihood, but also an indispensable resource for marching and fighting.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

Moreover, the military strength of the Shu state was much less than that of the Wei state. Logically speaking, Zhuge Liang took the initiative to attack, which was to hit the stone with a pebble and commit a major taboo for soldiers. Therefore, people concluded that Zhuge Liang would not march and fight.

However, Tang Taizong Li Shimin put forward a different opinion, he said that Zhuge Liang used soldiers like gods, but he was forced by the general trend to go. Why does Li Shimin evaluate Zhuge Liang in this way, he also originated from Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

First of all, people just saw Zhuge Liang's self-imposed strength, and his six Northern Expedition wars basically consumed the national strength of the Shu state. But what people don't know is that Sima Yi did not dare to fight Zhuge Liang.

It should be known that the strength of the Wei army led by Sima Yi was dozens of times the strength of the Shu army led by Zhuge Liang. Sima Yi was also a genius who used soldiers like gods and was particularly good at arranging troops.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

However, he had so many troops, but he did not dare to do anything to Zhuge Liang, but chose to spend time with Zhuge Liang. This can only explain one problem, that is, Sima Yi is afraid of Zhuge Liang.

From one thing, we can see Sima Yi's vigilance against Zhuge Liang, that is, Zhuge Liang's empty city plan for him. Zhuge Liang used himself to scare off Sima Yi's tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

Will Zhuge Liang fight? Listen to the evaluation of professional Li Shimin, to the point

Sima Yi, such a powerful person, was so jealous of Zhuge Liang. It can be seen from this that Zhuge Liang's ability to fight is very strong, at least since he became famous, no one can catch Zhuge Liang's plan, and he has always avoided his sharp edge.

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