
Xiang Jian Happy (93) Childish language| insomnia・ leave ・ buffet


At night, I went to my grandson's room and found that it was late, but he was not yet asleep and was still rolling around in bed. I asked him what was wrong.

The child said he couldn't sleep.

"Can't sleep, you count the sheep!" I say.

Sun Tzu complained, "I counted, but I counted, forgot where to count, there were several sheep lost, I lost 'sheep'." ”


On this day, my family came to our house for dinner. As soon as we met, I greeted them warmly. The granddaughter listened to the side and asked incomprehensibly, "Grandpa, why do you always call Grandpa's family?" What does it mean to be a family?"

I was trying to explain.

Sun Tzu rushed to reply, "I don't understand this yet, kissing family means dear family." ”


On Sunday, I told the kids to take them to a nearby restaurant for a buffet.

The grandson asked, "What is a buffet?"

"There is no waiter, the whole process of serving themselves, taking things to eat." I explained.

The grandson thought about it and said he still wouldn't go. I asked why?

He replied, "I don't want to wash the dishes myself. ”

Wen Huang Chaopeng

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