
Growth is a change of color

Growth is a change of color

Smart people, do tomorrow's things today; Lazy people, do yesterday's things today; Confused people, push yesterday's events to tomorrow. May you be a smart kid! May you be a master of time!

Growth is a change of color
Growth is a change of color

Teacher Xie Penghui shared

Dear book club family, good morning! Thanks to Teacher Zhang Lige and Teacher Lin Genwei for their wonderful drive, thanks to all the teachers in the Team on Thursday for their hard work, and to all the teachers who actively signed in, read, shared, listened and silently undertook.

Now I'll think about the question: "Please share a little story of yours?" Share some of my son's performances over the last two days.

Through my learning at the book club, my changes, some of my sharing in class, and some of the content of the conversation with everyone. After he heard it, he would sometimes ask me, "Mom, when did this happen?" "Or when he hears me tell me about some rescue of children, he will ask me if this is true?" How old is he? He would ask me some questions in detail, and I would answer them one by one.

The day before yesterday, my good neighbor Teacher Chen's girlfriend was sick, he came back from school at night it was already half past seven, he saw Ran Ran's sister lying on the bed sick, he asked teacher Chen to wait for him after asking about the situation, he went to find someone, Teacher Chen said: "It's dark, where are you going?" "But he's already sliding away on the scooter. After about ten minutes he came back, and he said, "Teacher Chen, I went to call my upstairs neighbor Aunt Lingling, and she said that now many people can't leave, and she will come after work at eight o'clock." "The Aunt Lingling he said was our upstairs neighbor, opening a clinic opposite our neighborhood, and every time someone in our family got sick or needed her help, we would go to her, so my son went to find Aunt Lingling. When I came back, Teacher Chen couldn't wait to share this matter with me, and I was sincerely happy that the child had finally grown up and knew to care about others.

And yesterday at noon, he came back to me and said, "Mom, I saw a stray cat, this kitten is thin and black, it should have not eaten for several days, I fed it two ham sausages." "I said where are you looking for the ham sausage?" He said it was in the supermarket on the first floor of unit three, and I said how do you go to your aunt to get it? I came back and got three bucks to buy it, and I said it was great, and my son said he wanted to take a bowl and feed it some milk.

It turned out that the child was quite careful, not as careless as I usually saw, and did not like to pack things. It turned out that the child was growing up unconsciously, he found a bowl at home, took pure milk, and called me through the phone watch: "Mom, this kitten is gone." His voice was very anxious, I said it was okay, the kitten would come back to drink later, it would smell, so the son came back happily, and when I came back from work in the afternoon, the son said, "Mom, I found that the kitten should be back, because I saw that the milk was less." "It turns out that the child has been concerned about this matter, and I am sincerely happy in my heart, sometimes, what the parents do really affect the child."

Through the study in the book club changed me, I brought love home, and my son passed on love to others, whether it was the people around him or the small animals around him, they all cultivated his love. The earth is round, this love is also round, and in the end the love we paid was finally returned, and I was sincerely happy, grateful for our book club, grateful for our benevolent platform.

Well, thank you for listening and accompanying you.

Growth is a change of color
Growth is a change of color


Producer| Wang Cuiling

Proofreading | Ning Shubin

Review | Yang Pei

Push | Chen Rong

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