
He worked as a translator for the prime minister and later became an agent of our party, and Zhang Xueliang burst into tears on the day of his execution

Hubei Province is a place where people are brilliant and spiritual, and countless heroes have produced countless heroes from ancient times to the present. The people of Hubei have flexible minds and bold personalities, which is the most valuable wealth in this land.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Hubei Province also produced many famous heroes and sons and daughters, including generals and warriors who made great achievements on the battlefield, as well as unsung heroes who paid in anonymity on the underground front.

The person we want to talk about today is a legendary figure, who is proficient in many Chinese words, who once served as a translator for Premier Zhou; he is very knowledgeable, once lurked as a secret agent of our party next to the young marshal Zhang Xueliang and became his teacher, but finally died tragically, and zhang Xueliang still remembered him with tears on the day he was executed, this person is Pan Dongzhou.

He worked as a translator for the prime minister and later became an agent of our party, and Zhang Xueliang burst into tears on the day of his execution

Pan Dongzhou original text Pan Wenyu, born in Hubei Province in 1906, showed his amazing talent at a young age, when he was young, he was sent to a private school by his parents to study, and when he was only 9 years old, he exported it into a chapter and wrote a pen, which was once praised by the local people as a genius.

At the age of 16, Pan Dongzhou was admitted to the Second Normal School of Hubei Province for further study, where he was exposed to advanced Marxist ideas and was influenced by communist ideas, and Pan Dongzhou soon embarked on the road of revolution. He gave speeches, wrote texts, criticized current events, and used all his efforts to rebel against that strange era.

Later, he was sent to Moscow for further study, where he received systematic communist ideological inheritance, genius is worthy of genius, Pan Dongzhou only took half a year to master the very difficult Russian language, and in just over a year, Pan Dongzhou became the secretary general of the delegation of the Moscow Communist International.

He worked as a translator for the prime minister and later became an agent of our party, and Zhang Xueliang burst into tears on the day of his execution

After returning from the Soviet Union, Pan Dongzhou founded the magazine "Red Flag" and continued to shine with enthusiasm for propagating Marx's thought and the theory of the Communist International.

Later, in 1927, when the Kuomintang split, the Kuomintang was unscrupulously pursuing and killing communists in the country, so the Sixth National Congress of the Party decided to be held in Moscow, at which Pan Dongzhou not only translated Russian for everyone, but also diligently prepared meeting materials for all participants and sorted out the minutes of the meeting.

After returning to China in 1928, Pan Dongzhou continued to devote himself to picking up a pen and wielding literary skills and propagating the revolution until he went underground in 1931, but soon due to the betrayal of traitors, Pan Dongzhou was arrested and imprisoned.

He worked as a translator for the prime minister and later became an agent of our party, and Zhang Xueliang burst into tears on the day of his execution

In 1932, Zhang Xueliang's right-hand man Li Tiancai went to visit Pan Dongzhou in prison, and what they said was unknown to the outside world, but after their talks, Li Tiancai released Pan Dongzhou on bail, and soon after Pan Dongzhou published a newspaper and left the party.

After his release from prison, Pan Dongzhou indulged in learning and gave full play to his own strengths, and he decided to translate "Capital" to combine "Capital" with the current situation in China at that time and publicize the anti-Japanese resistance.

At that time, Zhang Xueliang was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek in 1934 after the "918 Incident" as the deputy commander-in-chief of the three provinces of Anhui, Hubei, Henan, in order to be better qualified, Zhang Xueliang at this time needed a military master, so under the recommendation of Li Tiancai, Pan Dongzhou became acquainted with Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Xueliang was amazed by his talent and knowledge, and everyone before and after him called Pan Dongzhou a teacher.

He worked as a translator for the prime minister and later became an agent of our party, and Zhang Xueliang burst into tears on the day of his execution

Through his own knowledge and unique insights, Pan Dongzhou is always able to give Zhang Xueliang good advice, and can also give details to supplement the various propositions put forward by Zhang Xueliang. For the questions that Zhang Xueliang usually asks for advice, Pan Dongzhou is also handy, and the answers are like a stream.

Over time, Zhang Xueliang felt that he could not do without Pan Dongzhou, and his trust in him was also increasing day by day, he sighed at Pan Dongzhou's learning, while marveling at Pan Dongzhou's insight, he felt that he had become his right and left arm.

At this time, Pan Dongzhou took advantage of his identity to pass on the military operations of Zhang Xueliang and the Kuomintang to our party's liaison station in Beiping, and repeatedly helped our army escape from encirclement and suppression and get out of danger.

In 1934, a very important piece of information was transmitted, which helped our Party grasp the enemy's dynamics and smashed the enemy's plan of action.

He worked as a translator for the prime minister and later became an agent of our party, and Zhang Xueliang burst into tears on the day of his execution

Pan Dongzhou's behavior also aroused the vigilance of some people; the Kuomintang once launched a surprise operation to destroy our party's liaison station in Peiping, and found a lot of information that only existed within the Kuomintang, some even top-secret documents and originals.

Chiang Kai-shek, who learned the news, was greatly angered and called Zhang Xueliang to make sure that the traitors should be found and the military law should be upheld. Zhang Xueliang is a person who cherishes talent, and when there is no evidence to absolutely point to Pan Dongzhou, he chooses to believe Pan Dongzhou.

However, when Pan Dongzhou once again passed on information to our party, the intelligence officer in the middle defected, and he reported Pan Dongzhou with evidence, and Pan Dongzhou's behavior of collaborating with the enemy was already a foregone conclusion, and Chiang Kai-shek called Zhang Xueliang again to ask him to severely punish the traitors.

He worked as a translator for the prime minister and later became an agent of our party, and Zhang Xueliang burst into tears on the day of his execution

At this time, Zhang Xueliang was in a dilemma, on the one hand, the teacher he respected, on the other hand, Chiang Kai-shek's step by step, at this time, an order from Chiang Kai-shek ended Zhang Xueliang's embarrassment.

Chiang Kai-shek assigned his beloved Qian Dajun to Zhang Xueliang's office to supervise the law enforcement process, and in March 1935, Pan Dongzhou was escorted away from the Young Marshal's Mansion, looking at the back of Pan Dongzhou's departure, Zhang Xueliang burst into tears but could not do anything.

Pan Dongzhou, whose life spanned only 29 years, was brutally murdered by the enemy, and in that turbulent era, he used his own strength to propagate Marxist ideas and awaken countless sleeping Chinese.

He was in the enemy camp but constantly relayed information to help our army get out of danger again and again. Later, Pan Dongzhou was posthumously recognized as a martyr by our party, and although he died early, he was immortal.

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