
The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

The Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai lamented in "Concubine Thin Life" that the fate of women is "Israel does things to others, and when can you get good", the truth of which is thought-provoking. In feudal society, women with relatively weak labor productivity often had to rely on men, follow the three from four virtues, and live their lives cautiously and only promises.

In modern times, with the continuous improvement of women's status, the situation of "women can stand up to half the sky" has gradually begun to appear. Even in the Republic of China era, when the status of women was not yet fully recognized, the emergence of a large number of advanced women also changed the face of society and subverted people's traditional cognition.

The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

Before and after the Republic of China, many talented women emerged, they either added incense with red sleeves, poetry and wine flowed, or raised eyebrows, with deep affection, leaving their own marks in the long river of history. Among the many talented women, Tang Yiying, who once captured two of the four princes of the Republic of China, can be called the "top scumbag" of the Republic of China, and her husband's lover is a high-class person, and her rich and prosperous life is amazing.

First, born into a famous family, formed a grudge

The pre-Qin Confucian scholar Mencius once lamented in his book Mencius: "The Ze of the Gentleman, the Fifth Dynasty and the Beheading", meaning that even the most prominent nobles are often difficult to continue to more than five generations. However, this sentence does not hold true for Tang Yiying. Born into a famous family, her ancestors were all high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty, even if her grandfather was a household attendant who managed finances, and her uncle served as a general of Ili.

The most profound influence on Tang Yiying's fate was her two aunts, who entered the palace to become the Zhen Concubine and Concubine Jin of the Guangxu Emperor's love concubine. Tang Yiying was born in 1904, and Zhenfei had died of illness, so it was Jinfei who really controlled her destiny. Because of her aunt's identity, Tang Yiying has been free to enter and leave the palace since she was a child, and she is very cute in the palace because of her cleverness and well-behavedness.

Life in the palace gave Tang Yiying the opportunity to contact and play with the prince, and among the princes, Tang Yiying and Puyi had the closest relationship. After Puyi succeeded to the throne, Tang Yiying and her family had the idea of choosing a concubine, but her aunt Concubine Jin, who knew the sinister palace, did not think so. Concubine Jin believed that Tang Yiying's entry into the palace was not a good source, and pointed her out to Puyi's younger brother Pujie.

The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

Tang Yiying is three years older than Pu Jie, and the personalities and hobbies of the two have nothing in common, which can be said to be not a good match. However, both parties could not resist the appointment of the elders and eventually entered the palace of marriage. After marriage, Pu jie and her family felt that the bride had a brutal personality, while Tang Yiying felt that Pu Jie's personality was weak, and they both felt that the other party was not a good match.

As the prince of the Qing court, Pu Jie inherited the huge wealth of his ancestors, and his family lived a carefree life. And Tang Yiying took advantage of her husband's cowardice, and perhaps to vent her resentment, often squandering the wealth of her family unscrupulously, without the slightest regard for decency. After the Qing imperial family was forced to abdicate, the unwilling Tang Yiying also made more excessive trouble.

Second, the talented woman's name rises, hooking up with a lover

After the Xinhai Revolution, the Qing imperial family abdicated, although it received preferential conditions from the Republic of China government, but as an orphan of the former dynasty, the identity was still quite embarrassing. However, in stark contrast, Tang Yiying was "blessed by misfortune" and her nature was fully released.

At this time, Tang Yiying has completely lost interest in her former dream lover Puyi, but is eager to find a charming noble prince and spend a lonely night together. To this end, Tang Yiying began to contact the literary salon of poetry, and also learned some painting skills, and had a little reputation as a talented woman, which also attracted the attention of hunters.

The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

And Tang Yiying, who was born into a famous family, also has a considerable standard for lovers, and the first thing she looks at is Zhang Xueliang, the son of the warlord Zhang Zuolin and one of the four princes of the Republic of China. The two met at a party at the Beijing Hotel in 1926, and Tang Yiying's husband Pujie was still a friend of Zhang Xueliang's.

However, Tang Yiying did not care about these at all, but exerted all her strength and exuded her own charm to conquer Zhang Xueliang. Zhang Xueliang recalled this tense and exciting secret affair experience in his memoirs in his later years, talking about the experience in which Tang Yiying was the one who took the initiative to attack, and even cut a thick copy of Zhang Xueliang's photos in the newspaper to show his intentions.

At that time, Zhang Xueliang, who was confused, was bent on staying with Tang Yiying, but Tang Yiying, who was only lonely in the spring, did not want to marry Zhang Xueliang. And when Zhang Xueliang found out that Tang Yiying's reputation as a "talented woman" was only a vain name, he also broke off the idea of marrying her.

Tang Yiying, who was playing every scene, only regarded Zhang Xueliang as a prey, and soon Tang Yiying found a new candidate, Lu Xiaojia, one of the four princes of the Republic of China and the son of the Zhejiang overseer. I have to say that Tang Yiying's vision of choosing lovers is quite poisonous, and the targets are all noble princes who are enough to sweep thousands of young girls that year.

The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

Under The sweet attack of Tang Yiying, Lu Xiaojia became her lover again. Pu Jie, who had been aware of this for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore and proposed a divorce to Tang Yiying. Therefore, Tang Yiying agreed to the divorce but asked Pu Jie for a huge amount of alimony. Pu Jie was naturally unwilling to pay alimony to a woman who did not obey women's morals, and the two sides were deadlocked.

Third, forced to divorce, still flowing

Unwilling to pay a large amount of alimony to Tang Yiying, Pu Jie had to swallow his anger and turn a blind eye to Tang Yiying's cheating behavior. However, pujie and Tang Yiying did not expect that one day, their marriage would come to an end, and Tang Yiying would have to "clean up".

After the September 18 Incident, the Japanese invaders planned to establish a puppet state of Manchukuo in the northeast, and installed Puyi, who had abdicated, as the Kant Emperor, and Pujie, who could not help himself, was also wrapped up in the northeast. In order to strengthen pujie's control, the Japanese invaders proposed to let pujie divorce and marry a Japanese woman as his wife, "deepening the friendship between the two countries."

As a result, the marriage between Pu Jie and Tang Yiying, which had already existed in name only, came to an end, and Tang Yiying's fantasy of sky-high alimony was also reduced to a bubble in front of the iron fist of the Japanese invaders, and had to "get out of the house" instead. However, Tang Yiying, who was profligate and profligate, was also prepared earlier, and the joint lover Lu Xiaojia stole many treasures and treasures accumulated by Pu Jie's ancestors, and then he flew away.

The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

However, the lover relationship between Tang Yiying and Lu Xiaojia also broke down not long after, Lu Xiaojia took away some of the belongings, and the two sides eventually broke up unhappily. Tang Yiying, on the other hand, did not care at all, still squandered her belongings in her own way, and finally squandered the huge wealth she had obtained from Pu Jie, the richest husband.

What is amazing is that Tang Yiying did not fall into a desperate situation. With the foundation of her previous painting, coupled with her experience of playing in the inner courtyard of the palace when she was young, Tang Yiying painted the palace courtyard and the character landscape on paper one by one, which attracted the attention and robbery of everyone, and soon became famous in the art world.

With the skill of painting, Tang Yiying also still lived a rich and prosperous life, in stark contrast to her husband Pu Jie, who became a foreign puppet, and Zhang Xueliang, a lover who was imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek for life.

brief summary:

Throughout Tang Yiying's life, after marrying Pu Jie reluctantly, he unrestrainedly squandered the Property of the Hove family, hooked up with his lover one after another, and even dared to propose huge alimony after her husband proposed divorce.

The "top scumbag" of the Republic of China: marry the richest husband, have the most affectionate lover, and live the coolest life

What is surprising is that in the Republic of China, where feudal customs are still prevalent, Tang Yiying has achieved a rich life where her husband has money and a lover, and she herself squanders her belongings without worry. This woman, who has been seriously deviant in the eyes of the world, has such a rich and colorful life experience.

Perhaps for Tang Yiying, since she was forced to marry Pujie, she was no longer willing to restrain herself according to the norms of secular etiquette, but behind the image of the scumbag was her own way and independent personality, and no amount of accusations and criticisms did not prevent Tang Yiying from making her own decision. This can't help but make people ask themselves, what is so bad about such a life?

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