
The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

In 1934, our party secretly arranged the arrest of red agents around the Kuomintang, and this spy case shocked the whole country, and this spy was Pan Dongzhou, who had been lurking by Zhang Xueliang's side for a long time. After his arrest, Zhang Xueliang personally went to Nanjing to defend him, and finally under the pressure of Chiang Kai-shek, Zhang Xueliang had to order his execution, and Zhang Xueliang was in tears on the day of his execution. How did Pan Dongzhou end up being executed? What is his relationship with Zhang Xueliang?

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times


Pan Dongzhou, formerly known as Pan Wenyu, was born in 1906 in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, an ordinary peasant family, he was an early theorist of the Communist Party of China, in the autumn of 1925, in order to better help China's development, the Soviet Union decided to help China cultivate a number of outstanding cadres, the Cpc Central Committee after strict screening, finally identified 11 people, Pan Wenyu is one of them. In July 1928, Pan Wenyu successfully succeeded in being selected as Premier Zhou's translator at the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in secret in Moscow with excellent results.

In this process, it has also been highly recognized by Premier Zhou and other CCP leaders.

When Premier Zhou left the Soviet Union, he had a conversation with Pan Wenyu, hoping that he could come back to help the development of the motherland, and Pan Wenyu gladly allowed it.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

Pan Wenyu

In the same year, Pan Wenyu returned to the motherland from Moscow, saw the devastated country, and he did not hesitate to devote himself to the revolutionary cause of our party. Pan Wenyu actively cooperated with Li Lisan in his work and founded the Chinese party magazine "Red Flag" in the Central Propaganda Department. It's in Pan Wenyu's

When the pursuit of ideals and the value of life are at their peak

However, his revolutionary career suffered major setbacks, and it was not others who brought him setbacks, but his old classmate Wang Ming, who studied in the Soviet Union. After the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee, Wang Ming successfully entered the central leadership, and Pan Wenyu was ostracized and transferred to the secretary of the Propaganda Department of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee to engage in the underground liaison work of our party in this area. Unfortunately, in a secret joint, Pan Wenyu accidentally exposed his whereabouts and was arrested by Kuomintang agents. In prison, Pan Wenyu based on the destruction of the organization in Hebei Province at that time, there were a large number of people who rebelled against the revolution, they all knew Pan Wenyu very well, Pan Wenyu had no way to hide his identity, simply admitted directly, the Kuomintang tortured him, but he never betrayed the organization and comrades.

Just when the Kuomintang was about to execute him,

A person who changed Pan Wenyu's life appeared in front of him, he was Li Tiancai. Li Tiancai admired Pan Wenyu's talent very much, and he constantly persuaded Pan Wenyu that the most important thing now was to save his life, and other things could be considered in the long run, as long as he wrote a statement of resignation from the party, he could take Pan Wenyu out safely.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

Wang Ming

After a fierce ideological struggle in prison, Pan Wenyu followed the advice of Li Tiancai and was released after writing a declaration of resignation from the party, and Pan Wenyu was once very depressed because of his resignation statement, because his heart still believed in communism. After Pan Wenyu was released from prison, he locked himself at home to translate Capital. After observation, Chen Geng, the head of the CCP's Special Intelligence Section, found that Pan Wenyu had not leaked party secrets, and according to Premier Zhou's instructions, Teko got in touch with Pan Wenyu, hoping that Pan Wenyu could lurk around the Kuomintang for a long time and become a lurker of the central authorities and collect intelligence. Pan Wenyu has always had the heart to work for the organization, and gladly agreed to change his name to Pan Dongzhou. Subsequently, under the arrangement of Li Tiancai, he became the secretary of Zhang Xueliang's side. He has been working with Zhang Xueliang.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times


After Pan Wenyu was rescued from prison by Li Tiancai, Pan Wenyu personally participated in and helped Li Tiancai to open the Northern Weekly to publicize the anti-Japanese resistance. Pan Wenyu

Young and lean

Zhang Xueliang liked him very much. After the July 7 Incident, Japan invaded China in an all-round way, and Zhang Xueliang began to inquire about the news of the Red Army, he wanted to deeply understand the revolutionary ideology of the Communist Party and try to cooperate with the Communist Party to jointly resist Japan. Because Li Tiancai had quit the Communist Party very early, he could not explain revolutionary ideas to Zhang Xueliang, at this time he thought of Pan Wenyu and took the initiative to recommend him to Zhang Xueliang. Pan Wenyu seized the opportunity to give Zhang Xueliang an in-depth and detailed account of the Communist Party's revolutionary ideas, and Zhang Xueliang admired him. Pan Wenyu passed the news that Zhang Xueliang wanted to cooperate with the Red Army to the Central Committee, and the Central Committee provided a copy of the Communist Party information to Pan Wenyu, who compiled these materials into a book and then forwarded them to Zhang Xueliang, and when Zhang Xueliang carefully read the book, his understanding of the Communist Party was more profound, and at the same time he had more trust in Pan Wenyu, Pan Wenyu was around Zhang Xueliang most of the time, and it was easy to access a large number of confidential documents.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

In the process of working for a long time, Zhang Xueliang paid more and more attention to Pan Wenyu, and even developed a certain dependence. When Zhang Xueliang was ordered by Chiang Kai-shek to encircle and suppress the Red Army troops, many of his confidential documents were made public to Pan Wenyu, who passed on everything he knew to the CCP Special Branch, which eventually led to the Kuomintang army's efforts to successfully eliminate the Red Army's troops. In order to obtain some information about our party, Zhang Xueliang also asked Pan Wenyu to carry out relevant work, and Pan Wenyu only took a week to integrate some unimportant information to Zhang Xueliang's desk, which made Zhang Xueliang love him and even called Pan Wenyu a teacher. During the fifth anti-encirclement campaign, Chiang Kai-shek strengthened his supervision of the whole process, and Pan Wenyu continued to use his position to continuously send intelligence to the Central Soviet Region. However, because the number of transmissions was too frequent, Pan Wenyu's whereabouts were eventually exposed.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Kai-shek was very angry about this and demanded that Zhang Xueliang execute Pan Wenyu immediately, but Zhang Xueliang always had great admiration for Pan Wenyu and did not carry out Chiang Kai-shek's orders. After he detained Pan Wenyu and did not deal with it for a long time, Zhang Xueliang personally went to Nanjing to intercede with Chiang Kai-shek, but Chiang Kai-shek had a tough attitude, and zhang Xueliang sent several intercession telegrams in a row, but all of them were rejected by Chiang Kai-shek.

He also reprimanded Zhang Xueliang for not enforcing the law strictly,

He also personally imprisoned Qian Dajun, who was absolutely loyal to him. Before the execution, Zhang Xueliang came to visit Pan Wenyu and asked him if he had any wishes that he had not fulfilled, and Pan Wenyu said that he hoped that Zhang Xueliang would be able to take care of his wife and two children, and there were no other requirements. Pan Wenyu slowly walked to the execution ground, and Zhang Xueliang looked at his back and burst into tears. On that day, Pan Wenyu's eyes were calm when he faced the enemy's guns, and he was only 29 years old when he died.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

Execution at the execution site

Before Pan Wenyu's death, he had written a self-description of more than 30,000 words, which described his mental pain after leaving the organization, and also mentioned his desire to return to the party and the organization. In addition, he also expressed deep guilt for Li Tiancai, who had saved himself. After reading this self-statement, Zhang Xueliang admired Pan Wenyu's integrity and moral character even more, and was determined to protect the safety of Pan Wenyu's wife and children. Later, when Zhang Xueliang's close associate Li Youwen recalled this period of history, he also praised Pan Wenyu, saying that Zhang Xueliang was influenced by Pan Wenyu and others when he was in Wuhan, and his thinking changed greatly.

He reformed his own army

A lot of interest was generated. He also often mentioned Pan Wenyu, saying that he was proficient in 6 languages, extremely talented, and a rare talent. Moreover, Zhang Xueliang, who was deeply influenced by Pan Wenyu, changed his attitude toward the Communist Party, and in the subsequent battle, Wen Zhongxin of our party was unfortunately captured, and Zhang Xueliang learned that after he ordered his subordinates to entertain Haosheng, he also specially arranged for Li Tiancai to be responsible for the relevant matters of this matter.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

After Pan Wenyu's death, Zhang Xueliang realized Pan Wenyu's last wish, sent Pan Wenyu's wife and children back to Hunan, and gave a large amount of living expenses. Pan Wenyu

Dying with

Li Tiancai worked together,

Zhang Xueliang changed from a warlord to a patriot with revolutionary tendencies.

It also laid the groundwork for Zhang Xueliang to launch the Xi'an Incident later, which was Pan Wenyu's most important contribution in history, and his spirit in heaven was enough to be comforted. After the founding of New China, Premier Zhou deliberately sent people to Hunan to find Pan Wenyu's wife Liao Sudan and his two children after several twists and turns. Immediately afterwards, the family of the martyr was properly resettled, and his two children also inherited their father's legacy to join the People's Liberation Army.

The red agent Pan Wenyu was executed after his whereabouts were exposed, and Zhang Xueliang delayed interceding for him several times

Pan Wenyu and his wife Liao Sudan

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