
He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

Introduction: China has gone from a weak and backward country that was humiliated in the past to a dragon standing on the top of the world today, and this journey has been too hard.

The many invasions of Western powers in the late Qing Dynasty, the turbulent changes of three governments in one country during the Republic of China period, the burning and looting of the Japanese army during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communists during the War of Liberation, and the eyes of neighboring countries in the early days of the founding of New China... These are one difficult hurdle after another, and it is every revolutionary who persists to the end to create a beautiful new China and leads us to a prosperous and rich new life.

He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

After the founding of New China, one of the thorny issues facing our country was to consolidate its own position, and in the face of many provocations by Vietnam, which was eager to move, our country did not show weakness, and when defending border security, we repeatedly sent soldiers to resist the Vietnamese army.

Our army has performed very well in this self-defense counterattack war, and while defending the safety of our people, it has also given Vietnam a clear warning that China's territory is tolerant of aggression and national security is of paramount importance.

He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

The PEOPLE's Liberation Army hero named Fu Pingshan, born in 1957 in Tanggu, Tianjin, was a member of the sports school football team, and later at the age of 19 he joined the army and became an ordinary soldier of the country, in which he performed very well, soon became a platoon leader of the unit, and later promoted to company commander.

During the war with Vietnam, he became a member of the survey brigade with elite soldiers, responsible for coordinating with the defense of the front-line troops, and in the winter of 1986, Fu Pingshan's twelve reconnaissance brigades received intelligence, and the Vietnamese side sent a part of the troops to camp near the Great Black Mountain, in order to confirm the credibility of the intelligence, Fu Pingshan led four squads to the Great Black Mountain.

He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

In the evening, Fu Pingshan and four squads set off, because the way up the mountain had been completely blocked by the enemy, at this time Fu Pingshan and other soldiers could only go up the hill along the path on the edge of the cliff of the Great Black Mountain, and it was already early the next morning after reaching the enemy's garrison, which showed the hardships along the way.

After arriving at the destination, Fu Pingshan and his men lurked near the enemy army waiting for an opportunity, just at this time a Vietnamese woman found them, she immediately reported the position of our army to the Vietnamese army, and soon our army was defended by the Vietnamese army, during the breakthrough, Fu Pingshan was seriously injured in the leg, in order to rescue the trapped team members, he dragged the injured legs back to the enemy camp to cover the retreat of the team members.

He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

At that time, Fu Pingshan did not have any spare weapons except a pistol, so he took this only pistol and fought with the enemy for 6 days, what happened between Fu Pingshan and the enemy army in these 6 days we could not imagine, and then Fu Pingshan was really exhausted and trapped in a cave by the enemy, and in the face of fu Pingshan's Viet Cong army, who had no chance of winning, he began to shout him to surrender.

Fu Pingshan did not waver in the slightest, and fired two shots at the shouting Vietnamese troops, his actions angered the Vietnamese troops, and then he threw dozens of grenades into the cave, and as the grenade exploded, the cave collapsed, and Fu Pingshan was also sacrificed in the cave.

He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

Relevant sources said that after Fu Pingshan's sacrifice, the Vietnamese army did not dispel the anger in his heart, poured his body with cement, and put it in the Vietnamese martyrs' cemetery, such a vicious act caused infinite sorrow to the world, and later our army spent a lot of money to buy off the Vietnamese border people in order to bring Fu Pingshan's body back to the motherland, and promised to send the body back to China with a reward of 10,000 yuan.

But unfortunately, because the cement had destroyed Fu Pingshan's body, it was already highly decayed when it was found, and there was no way to bring it back to the motherland, so it only brought back Fu Pingshan's skull, and after returning to China, Fu Pingshan's family cremated it, brought the ashes back to Tanggu, Tianjin, and buried it in the martyrs' cemetery, and the state posthumously remembered the first-class merit for Fu Pingshan's soldiers.

He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

Fu Pingshan was only 30 years old when he died, and his daughter was only 3 years old, after his sacrifice, his wife Yu Yanping could not accept such a heavy blow, and she stayed alone at home for a long time, after which she gradually lived a normal life.

She took her young daughter to live with the faith left by her husband, and she did not remarry from then on, raising her daughter alone. After that, Yu Yanping became the deputy chief physician in the hospital of the Armed Police Force, was awarded the rank of national colonel, and in 2005 she was also selected as one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Mothers of China", she carved her husband Fu Pingshan in her heart, inheriting his spirit and faith.

He was a Vietnamese counterattack fighter, who died in 6 days of fighting the enemy, and was a hero and legend

Summary: Because Fu Pingshan was killed in the fight against the Vietnamese enemy, the environment was the Vietnamese border, and the country considered political reasons, his heroic deeds were not vigorously publicized, but only a memorial ceremony was carried out in his hometown of Tanggu.

But his spirit deserves to be remembered by each and every one of us Chinese, he is the hero of the country and the hero of the people, he uses his body to protect his comrades-in-arms, and he has his own life to defend the homeland and the people, because of the bloody struggle of these fighters, China has today.

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