
Buying and selling biological flesh and blood is also a crime - the "grass label" floating on the child's head

author:Zhengbao human education

In 1980, farmers in L Township, H County, Anhui Province, were not ashamed of the phenomenon of selling their own children, and regarded it as a way to get rid of poverty and become rich.

A child can generally sell for about 2,000 yuan, while the monthly salary of ordinary workers in cities and towns at that time was only thirty or forty yuan.

The fact that farmers here are selling their own children as a "road to riches" that they relish is truly shocking.

Here, 72 families of farmers sold their own flesh and bones to 75 people, the oldest being only six years old, the youngest being born just seven days old, and 69 babies under the age of one.

A pair of twins with three large tile houses.

Three large tile houses with large green tile roofs do not know when they will emerge in this village.

Everyone in the village knows where this beam, this wall, this big tile house came from.

In the winter of 1986, the 33-year-old Quan Mingshui added a pair of twins to his home.

One night, Qian Mingshui's relatives came in with a furious wind and said, "The buyer from Shandong is coming, give him the child quickly."

"It's only 20 days, and it's not yet a full moon."

"No matter, anyway, people come all the way to buy goods, and we didn't force it for him, what are you afraid of?"?

Qian Mingshui obeyed, wrapped the baby in a small quilt, and went out with a flashlight. When I came back, I had 1700 yuan in my arms.

Soon Qian Mingshui sold another baby and received 1500 yuan.

A pair of twins were turned into three large tile houses in the commodity trade, and the whole family proudly raised their glasses of congratulations on the housewarming in this new tile house.

Here, a woman's belly is also a small bank.

On a train galloping in Jianghuai Land.

Zhao Youshan said to his wife, "You see the third son playing so well with the buyer, it seems that this business is not yellow."

"That's the third son of the family, a mouth is more than 1,000 pieces, can also deceive people"?

"Buy a few chickens when you go back and treat your stomach."

Zhao Youshan and his wife came to Mapo Township, Tongshan County, Xuzhou, during a frolicking, and the buyer was a 33-year-old young man.

There are three golden flowers in his house, but he lacks a man.

Zhao Youshan lived in the Zhou family for two nights, with fish and meat plus old wine, and his six-year-old son also had a lot of fun with the three daughters of the Zhou family.

The business introducer dragged Zhao Youshan and said, "How is this, rest assured."

Zhao Youshan patted his thigh, "Good, go home tomorrow morning."

In the early morning of the next day, the third son was still asleep, and Zhao Yongshan and his wife kicked more than 1,000 yuan and left happily.

Of course, Zhao Youshan did not forget to buy chicken to treat his wife's belly. The wife's stomach was also angry, and soon she gave birth to another daughter.

The "seven-level floating tu" cannot resist the temptation of 2,000 yuan.

One morning, Li Tongyou opened the door of the pig house and prepared to go to herd the pigs.

A small swaddle was found on the grass of the pig house, which was the illegitimate child left behind by a pair of young men and women passing by.

"What a cruel heart, what a parent," Li Tongyou scolded indignantly, and carried the baby back to the house.

Old Li picked up a child, and the news spread quickly in the township, and in less than a meal, Li Tongyou received several waves of villagers.

A neighbor patted Li Tongyou's shoulder, squeezed his eyes slyly, and said, "Congratulations, congratulations, you are rich."

"A child can sell more than 2,000 pieces, which is no more cost-effective than you fattening pigs."

Li Tongyou was a little fluttery after listening, he ran to the supply and marketing agency to buy a lot of milk powder and other nutritional products, he wanted to make the child fat a little better to sell, sell a good price.

On that day, the buyer came, he pulled the baby's arm, propped the baby's calf, found a small hemorrhoid on the body, and asked for a return.

Li Tongyou quickly carried the child to the hospital for treatment, all his efforts were not in vain, hundreds of yuan of nutrition expenses and medical expenses to adjust the child finally sold a good price.

Until now, the villagers are still envious of the good feng shui of the old Li family's ancestral grave, otherwise which parent would throw the gold yuanbao in his hand into his pigsty?

‬ “儿倒爷”的生意

Qian Qin, 44, came to live in a village of eight major households.

One year, Qian Qinlai, who had already been a grandfather, gave birth to another boy somehow, and he was really embarrassed to leave a son younger than his grandson, so he had to give it to others.

But the other party said that he also had to give some labor fees, and one was 1400 yuan. Qian Qinlai tasted the sweetness and since then he has been in the business of "children's brokers", and there are as many as 35 people in this township who are "children's grandfathers".

Wu Jianlong is one of the 35 fallen masters. In the tenth month of the lunar calendar in 1986, when he learned that a farmer in the county had a boy who was only seven days old, he took the initiative to go to the door to persuade him to sell the baby, and said that the families who came to buy children in Shandong were eating commodity grain, and they were willing to pay a large maintenance fee.

Wu Jianlong brought the baby to Shandong and sold it for 2080 yuan, but only gave the baby's parents 1300 yuan, and he netted 780 yuan.

After that, Wu Jianlong took the same measures, selling the children of the farmer Wang Xicheng for 2,000 yuan, handing wang Xicheng 1,500 yuan, and he left another 500 yuan.

"Erzhu Grandpa" makes excellent use of economic leverage, and in the process of inserting grass labels for children, he has earned eye-catching wealth.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end

It is understood that in the criminal activities of buying and selling biological children, H County is the focus of Anhui Province, L Township is the focus of H County, and Ding Village is the focus of L Township.

In this village, 12 families have sold their own children, and 17 people have engaged in the business of falling out of their grandfathers.

But the people of Ding Village are complaining, and they can only blame Shandong, they have harmed us, and if they do not pay a high price, we will not sell our own children. If you think about it, a boy can sell for 2,000 yuan, and a fat pig can only sell for 500 yuan, of course, it is cost-effective to sell children.

In 1987, the political and legal department of H County tried the case, arrested three people, took one person on trial, and fined the seller more than 2,000 yuan.

But there was a question about how to convict, and the people in L Township said that what we sold was our own flesh and bones, and we did not steal it.

"Erzhu Grandpa" said that the vast majority of transactions are entrusted by the baby's parents, and even the two parties decide in person out of voluntariness.

The case file is reported by the county to the region, from the region to the province, and then by the province to the province, and finally convicted of the crime of human trafficking

What kind of harm does such cases bring to society and to these children. It's shocking

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