
"Travel +" strategic upgrade, Jietu T-X concept car shape grabbed the camera, hardcore style out of the circle

Entering 2022, car brands are announcing the sales results of the previous year. Jietu Automobile, which is backed by Chery Group, also recently announced its sales data for 2021. According to official information, in 2021, Jietu Automobile sold 154077 vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 17.9% year-on-year, and sold more than 10,000 for 12 consecutive months.

Although in the huge car market, this achievement is not too eye-catching, but in terms of the establishment time and year-on-year growth results of Jietu Automobile, its development momentum is still relatively optimistic. As of the end of December 2021, the cumulative sales volume of Jietu Automobile has reached 463814, and the user group is growing.

"Travel +" strategic upgrade, Jietu T-X concept car shape grabbed the camera, hardcore style out of the circle

However, the Jietu car with a sense of crisis does not dare to relax. In the face of the trend of young, diversified and personalized automobile consumption, Jietu Automobile released a new product strategic plan on January 10, which will comprehensively upgrade the "travel +" strategy from the brand, product and marketing dimensions.

What is the "Travel Plus" strategy?

The Jetway brand has been closely associated with the concept of "travel" since its inception. With the rise of self-driving travel, more and more car owners are choosing to travel by car, which has indeed created a new consumer segment for Jietu Automobile. Aiming at the differentiated positioning of unique market segments, Jietu Automobile innovatively proposes the "travel +" strategy to meet the travel needs of more consumers through the ecological layout of the whole travel industry chain that combines people, vehicles and scenes.

For example, in terms of models, Jietu Automobile officially released the layout of X, T, P and V product sequences at this conference, focusing on SUVs, hardcore off-road, hard pickup trucks, and MPV models. Jietu Automobile officially opened the era of "4+3+N product matrix", namely SUV series (Jietu X-1, Jietu X-2, Jietu X70, Jietu X90), cross-border series (Jietu hardcore off-road, Jietu hard pickup truck, Jietu MPV), hybrid series (synchronous planning of hybrid and living space series of all products).

There is also the Kunlun architecture released at the press conference, which is an important achievement of Jietu Automobile's intelligent empowerment of "travel +". Kunlun architecture combined with Chery Group platform architecture and "travel +" positioning to build, support the iterative capabilities of 5G intelligent driving, the use of industry-leading central computer and Gigabit Ethernet, with high computing, high bandwidth, high security industry-leading at the same time, but also the "travel +" intelligent ecology to provide standard expansion port, can self-evolve, connect unlimited possible travel scene needs, can be called super brain wisdom cockpit.

"Travel +" strategic upgrade, Jietu T-X concept car shape grabbed the camera, hardcore style out of the circle

In addition to the model creation and closer to the travel concept, Jietu Automobile has also joined hands with more brands to expand the tourism ecosystem. Jietu Automobile integrates the resources of the well-known domestic tourism industry, and through cooperation with enterprises or scenic spots such as Tuju Camping, Qunar, Pathfinder, Hongxing Erke, Inner Mongolia Keshketeng Banner, Ningxia Shapotou Scenic Spot, etc., covers the three major ecosystems of travel, consumption and leisure, and provides users with high-quality and upgraded value-added rights, positive interaction and interesting experience.

Therefore, at the event site of China's first Travel + Conference and Jietu Automobile Brand Night, Jietu Automobile showed the diversified and personalized scene experience of future travel through the cross-border display carefully created by the "Travel +" ecosystem alliance partners such as Fangte and Qiuyedi. At present, Jietu Automobile has built 80 "Travel +" ecological alliance units, and according to the plan, it will be expanded to 100+ in 2022.

"Travel +" strategic upgrade, Jietu T-X concept car shape grabbed the camera, hardcore style out of the circle

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group, said: "Jetway Automobile has built the 'Travel +' ecosystem into a new benchmark for user experience in the automotive industry. ”

It will be launched in 2023, and the Jetway T-X concept car has attracted attention

"Travel +" strategic upgrade, Jietu T-X concept car shape grabbed the camera, hardcore style out of the circle

The most notable thing at the press conference was undoubtedly the T-X concept car code-named Jietu. The new car is based on the Kunlun architecture, the shape of the body is very tough and square, and the front face has a clear retro atmosphere. In addition, there are wide wheel eyebrows on both sides of the front face, sharp headlights outlined by LED lights, and the "JETOUR" brand logo that emits light at the front grille, making the front face look more wild and recognizable.

"Travel +" strategic upgrade, Jietu T-X concept car shape grabbed the camera, hardcore style out of the circle

As can be seen from the side, the new car's large wheel hub is very imposing, and it is also equipped with hidden door handles and drone platform roof. The D-pillar is also hemmed in black to create the style of a suspended roof. The rear of the car is equipped with an external spare tire and a side-open tailgate.

"Travel +" strategic upgrade, Jietu T-X concept car shape grabbed the camera, hardcore style out of the circle

As for the power, the Jietu T-X will be equipped with the Kunpeng plug-in hybrid system, the official comprehensive mileage is 1000km, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of 100 km is as low as 1L/100km.

According to The Brother of Theronalties, Jietu's new T product sequence aims to broaden the boundaries of travel, and will launch a variety of models such as hardcore off-road, intelligent off-road, luxury off-road, etc., with vehicle lengths ranging from 4.6-5.1 meters, covering a price range of 150,000-300,000 yuan to meet the off-road travel needs of different consumers.

In addition, the T product series will include 1.0T, 2.0T, 3.0T fuel version and hybrid, pure electric and other options in terms of power, while adopting a four-wheel drive system equipped with differential lock, including mechanical four-wheel drive and electric four-wheel drive versions, and its body also includes two kinds of body structures, load-bearing or non-load-bearing. According to the plan, the first model of the T product series, the T-1, will be launched in 2023. Based on the strong extensibility of the intelligent architecture of the T product sequence, the same platform pickup truck models will also be launched in the future.

Brother Rumble said

The "Travel +" strategy broadens the boundaries and horizons of the shortcut and provides more development possibilities. At the same time, it has also demonstrated to other brands that in the new round of automobile development, grasping the market segments with upward trends can also live a wonderful life. To be a leader in a certain field, you can also gain a foothold in the industry. However, in addition to Jietu Car, there are more brands trying to break new ground in the field of "travel" and "self-driving tour" by creating hard-core SUVs, pickup trucks and other models, and the pressure of Jietu Car is not small at all. (Text: MANGO)

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