
Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

When you have had fierce conflicts with the people around you, when you have encountered misunderstandings and estrangement from relatives and friends, when frustration, love loss, unemployment and other misfortunes have come to you, do you feel dazed, depressed or even mentally broken in the face of these life pains?

In fact, it is not necessary to do this, because in the end it is you who are injured.

Psychological counselors support you, open your psychological "pressure relief valve", and use these 15 psychological stress reduction methods to help you survive various psychological crises.

1. Read. Read

The ancients said: "There is poetry and bookishness in the belly." ”

When you encounter troubles, sorrows, and unpleasant things, you should first learn to liberate yourself, read or flip through your favorite books and magazines, distract your mind, change your mindset, calm your emotions, and reduce mental pain.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

2. Listen to songs

Music therapy is an effective treatment for mental illness.

When you are depressed and depressed, turn on the record player and listen to songs, you can not only enjoy a beautiful art, but also cultivate emotions, stimulate enthusiasm, excited the brain, so that you can get the strength and courage of life.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

3. Humor

Laughter is the lubricant of mental health, it is conducive to driving away troubles and eliminating psychological fatigue. Therefore, when you are anxious, you may wish to have some humor, find some jokes, and laugh to solve a thousand sorrows.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

4. Flower viewing

Flower viewing is a great way to open the window of the mind and perform a psychological "massage".

If you are upset, go to the balcony to see the flowers, water, adjust your mood, and at the same time, you can walk in the garden, with the flowers as a companion, watch its thousands of beautiful colors, enjoy its thousands of sweet fragrances, feel comfortable, feel relaxed, and enjoy it.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

5. Talk to your heart

As the saying goes, "A good man three gangs." ”

When people are frustrated or frustrated, they need the care and help of friends the most.

At this time, you can go out of the house, talk to your confidant friends, spit out the unhappiness in your heart, and under the kind persuasion and enthusiastic comfort, the mental pain will be eliminated.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

6. Meditation

Regular use of meditation can enable people to achieve a spiritual realm that transcends the self, and it is also a good way to relax.

In just 5 minutes, you can temporarily forget your work, forget your worries, and let yourself enter a new mood.

Find a clean place, sit down in a comfortable position, and focus on your breathing. At first you may not be able to focus on your breathing and will think wildly, but it doesn't matter, sticking to it for a while will pay off.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

7. Take a walk

Psychologists have shown that just a few minutes of walking has a significant effect on reducing tension. Take half an hour a day to find a park or a street garden to take a walk.

When you slow down your usual nervous pace, you will suddenly find that the scenery around you is so beautiful, and your heart will be quiet.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

8. Exercise

Participating in sports is undoubtedly a good way to reduce stress.

When running intensely, or swimming in the water, or swinging fierce battles, although the muscles are tense, the nerves are relaxed, and after sweating, you will get complete relaxation.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

9. Soak

Many people like to take a hot bath before going to bed to relax their bodies after a stressful day. This is indeed a good way to do it.

Lie quietly in the water and let this feeling of relaxation slowly flow to your arms, shoulders and all over your body.

The water temperature should be around 37°C, the time is about 15 minutes, you can also try the Herbal Bath and other bathing methods.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

10. Tourism

On weekends or holidays, you can go to the countryside or scenic areas with your family and friends to admire the magic of nature.

Especially in areas with dense forests, negative oxygen ions are several times more than in the city, which is a natural oxygen bar, and the effect of breathing fresh oxygen in nature is better than the "oxygen bar" in the city.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

11. Keep a journal

Keeping a journal is a great outlet. When you have something on your mind, it is inconvenient to mention it to others, or there are any grievances and resentments, you can use it to write it down.

Nowadays, it seems that there are fewer and fewer people who write diaries, in fact, in the process of writing, you will feel that your emotions are gradually stabilizing.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

12. Slow down

Slow down the speed of life, savor it when eating, don't worry about traffic jams when driving, put down your work and drink a cup of tea or coffee to calm yourself.

The whole rhythm will slow down, and the mood will be soothed.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

13. Ascend to the horizon

As the saying goes: "Stand tall, look far, think open." You can climb tall buildings or climb high peaks.

Or watch the sunrise, feel the light and heat of the sun, let the first rays of dawn illuminate the future; or look at the stars, let the quiet and beauty forget your worries and sorrows; or face the sea, so that all sadness and depression become insignificant.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

14. Chat online

Log on to the Internet, enter the chat room, and express to strangers all kinds of bad emotions in their hearts, such as bitterness, depression, uneasiness, anger, sorrow, etc., freely and unrestrainedly, and vent them; at the same time, they can also exchange views with other netizens, not only to get the comfort of others, but also to sort out their own thoughts.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

15. Helpline

People with poor mood can find a reliable psychologist and then spit out their hearts freely, and even the hidden intentions that they are reluctant to say to the closest people can also be discussed without any worries.

While listening to the enlightenment of psychological experts, he happily talked about the philosophy of life. Psychologists will treat you step by step, just like doctors treating diseases, to rescue you from your troubles.

Counselors give you 15 ways to reduce stress

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