
Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

Last Saturday, the little sisters took the children to dinner, the three children sat together, our mother sat together, and suddenly Doudou said: "Coke, how come you have an extra tooth in your mouth?" ”

Hearing Doudou ask this, my family Xuanxuan immediately opened his mouth: "I have more than one Oh, I have one here, these two teeth can still be shaken." After saying that, he also shook two small teeth with his hand.

Mother Bean heard the child's conversation and said to us, "You guys have double teeth too, right?" ”

I sighed and said, "It's a double row of teeth, sad for me, I went to the hospital two days ago, I wanted the doctor to pull it out, the doctor said that this shaking will fall off immediately, don't pull it first." ”

Doudou's mother smiled and said: "My family also came with double rows of teeth, went to the hospital to pull out the front, the doctor also said that we are too distressed about the child, one bite at a time to feed out." ”

"Who says it's not? I regret that I died, and when there is a second brother, I will eat, and let him nibble on everything. Coke Mom quipped.

The topic turned and became a conversation about the second child, but then again, it seems that it is still very common for children to have "double rows of teeth".

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

Many dentists say that these older children with double rows of teeth are increasing. According to the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 30% of children will have double rows of teeth.

I remember when we were young, there were not many children with double teeth, and it is said that now we pay more attention to raising children, and this phenomenon should not appear?

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

What is double row teeth

Double rows of teeth in the 6 to 12 years old teeth replacement period of children are more common, it means that the permanent teeth have grown out, and the deciduous teeth that should have been replaced have not fallen out, forming a phenomenon of two rows of teeth before and after, medically also called "deciduous teeth retention", more common is the lower row of front teeth at the length of double rows of teeth.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

△ The child's lower front teeth have two rows of teeth, near the tongue are the newly grown permanent teeth, and close to the lips are the deciduous teeth that have not fallen out

The child's permanent teeth have grown out, why do the deciduous teeth not fall out? Before explaining this problem, let's first look at how the deciduous teeth fall out under normal circumstances.

Underneath each deciduous tooth, there is a permanent tooth embryo. As the jaw develops and the chewing irritates, it slowly moves upwards and forwards, compressing and gradually absorbing the root of the deciduous tooth.

Without the root of the tooth, the deciduous teeth are equivalent to losing their fixation and support, and they begin to loosen and fall out, and the permanent teeth take the opportunity to protrude out of the small head.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

△ The permanent tooth embryo gradually absorbs the root of the deciduous tooth and slowly pushes out the deciduous teeth and grows out

However, if the child's permanent tooth embryo does not move upwards, then the root of the deciduous tooth is not so easily absorbed, and the deciduous teeth that should have been laid off will not fall off for a long time.

The permanent teeth cannot be pushed upwards, so they can only be squeezed out from the side and become double rows of teeth.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

Why do double rows of teeth occur?

The reason why more and more children have double teeth, the current research believes that it may be that the children are eating too fine.

Think about when we were young, vegetables, meat, and fruits were basically nibbled directly, and we rarely heard of double rows of teeth.

Now is the era of fine baby raising, some parents are worried that the slightly harder food children can not digest, will make the food very fine.

For example, green vegetables and meat must be chopped into pieces, and fruits will be cut into small pieces or squeezed into juices, and children can swallow without much chewing.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

A child who is accustomed to eating these delicate foods may be difficult if he tries harder foods.

I don't know if you usually have such an experience: give the child a little bit of meat to eat a little bit of meat, he chews twice and spits it out. After all, chewing is much more laborious for children than swallowing directly.

As a result, the teeth do not get enough chewing stimulation, and the permanent tooth embryo does not have enough power to move under the root of the deciduous tooth.

Of course, in addition to eating too fine, there are also some diseases, such as congenital loss of permanent teeth, deciduous tooth root lesions, permanent tooth embryo position away from the deciduous tooth root, etc., may also lead to deciduous teeth not falling off.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

Effects of double rows of teeth

If the double rows of teeth are left unchecked, the impact on the child is great.

1, easy to lead to tooth decay

The position between the two rows of teeth is easy to leave food debris, and it is difficult to brush completely, which may become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

2, will affect the value of the face

Crooked teeth squeezed together will lead to an untidy arrangement, a mouth is not good-looking, and the child may become less talkative and laughing.

Because teeth cannot form a normal bite, even children can be affected when they nibble on food.

Therefore, once the child has double teeth, be sure to go to the hospital as soon as possible to remove them. After tooth extraction, the permanent tooth will generally move slowly to the gap and return to its normal position.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!
Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

How to prevent double teeth?

We can start from the child eating complementary foods, according to the principle of from thin to coarse, gradually change the child's food traits. According to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents:

At 4 to 10 months, the baby may have the first teeth, at this time you can give him some food that makes him squeeze out a little harder, such as banana blocks, cooked potato pieces, winter melon slices, and steamed bun strips.

Around the age of 1, the baby began to try to chew on both sides, and some of them had already grown teeth, and they could give him hard lumpy foods, such as cucumber strips and apple strips.

At the age of 2 to 3, the baby's deciduous teeth are almost full, and you can try to let him nibble on the whole food that is harder, such as apples and corn.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

In this way, slowly exercise the child's chewing ability, and when it comes to changing teeth, the deciduous teeth will be easier to fall off.

Having a healthy mouth of teeth is not only good for growth and development, but also for self-confidence. Children do not have a sense of oral health, so we parents need to pay more attention.

Do not wait until the child's teeth are problematic to regret not taking good care of his teeth, do a good job of protection in advance, and believe that the child will have a mouthful of white teeth.

Of course, if you find that your child has double teeth, you must go to the hospital for examination in time, and don't wait until it is serious before you regret it.

Wenno: 3 out of 10 children have double rows of teeth, the doctor said bluntly: they are all fed by their parents!

One more word: feed your child not to be too refined! The apple he should chew on is allowed to nibble on his own, so that the front teeth have enough opportunity to be forced to avoid the retention of the deciduous teeth, resulting in double rows of teeth.

In addition, parents must pay attention to the child's oral health, pay more attention to the child's tooth development in peacetime, the taste of tooth extraction, we all know, do not let the child suffer because of our negligence.

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