
Children's frequent tantrums are related to this! Lian's Chinese Medicine: If you don't intervene in the baby, you will get sick

Lian's Chinese medicine said that emotions have a great impact on human physiology, and children who are sick, tall, and unsociable may be related to emotions. Some parents believe that it may be the reason for the child's diet, or it may be that the education method is improper, the way of communication is not right, but in fact, it may also be related to emotions.

Children's frequent tantrums are related to this! Lian's Chinese Medicine: If you don't intervene in the baby, you will get sick

Chinese medicine believes that people's emotions correspond to the five internal organs, which are the main joy of the heart, the main anger of the liver, the main thought of the spleen, the main sorrow of the lungs, and the main fear of the kidneys. If the physique is well conditioned, the child's personality and temper will also become mild, and the child who accumulates food will have a larger temper. So, how does accumulation of food affect children's emotions?

Children's frequent tantrums are related to this! Lian's Chinese Medicine: If you don't intervene in the baby, you will get sick

Lian's Chinese medicine said that children's emotions are mostly related to the heart, liver and spleen. Children generally have "more than enough in the heart" and "often have more than enough in the liver". Therefore, children's mood changes relatively quickly, and they love to cry and laugh, but they are also prone to anger and anger. But at the same time, "the spleen is often insufficient", under the normal diet, it is also easy to accumulate food, and the accumulation of food is full of diseases, and long-term accumulation of food is more likely to be on fire, resulting in children's restlessness, often accumulate food is easy to spleen deficiency, spleen deficiency is liver fire, children often lose their temper.

Children's frequent tantrums are related to this! Lian's Chinese Medicine: If you don't intervene in the baby, you will get sick

Therefore, if the child often loses his temper, parents must first consider whether the child has accumulated food. Under normal circumstances, parents need to observe whether the child's tongue is thick and greasy; whether there is breath in the morning, if it is sour and smelly, it may be accumulated food; if the stool is not normal, constipation, dry knots, loose rot, etc. may be because the child has accumulated food; if the child has difficulty falling asleep, unstable after falling asleep, grinding teeth, sleeping on his stomach, turning over, etc., may be because of indigestion. Lian's Chinese medicine reminds that children are not in good spirits, and to take into account many aspects, they can first start by conditioning the body.

Children's frequent tantrums are related to this! Lian's Chinese Medicine: If you don't intervene in the baby, you will get sick

1. Regulate the spleen and stomach and control the diet

Parents should often observe the changes in their children's emotions, and eat vegetarian food every two or three days to regulate the human body qi machine. When accumulating food, give the child a massage and take Traditional Chinese medicine to eliminate food stagnation. In the absence of accumulated food, take Chinese medicine for spleen or do tuina.

Children's frequent tantrums are related to this! Lian's Chinese Medicine: If you don't intervene in the baby, you will get sick

2. Children under 3 years of age are given priority in pediatric massage

Children within 3 years of age are not suitable for premature use of dietary remedies, and delicate organs are best treated in a gentle way, so pediatric massage needs to be preferred.

3. Proper exercise can release pressure

One of the ways to eliminate hunger is exercise, exercise can enhance blood circulation, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and after the qi and blood biochemistry is exuberant, the child's body is naturally healthy. Regular outdoor exercise can also improve mood, release stress, and improve inattention.

Children's frequent tantrums are related to this! Lian's Chinese Medicine: If you don't intervene in the baby, you will get sick

4. Be moderately caring, and parents should not get angry easily

Many parents always regret it after scolding their children, but continue to scold the next time they are angry. In fact, the frequent use of this kind of education will be counterproductive, the child's rebellious psychology will be stronger, even if the child becomes obedient, it is also very easy to affect the future life path. Therefore, when the child is not in a good mood, parents should patiently guide and correct it. If the child's mood is suddenly not right, either "too grumpy" or "too quiet", parents should pay attention to the possibility that it may be a precursor to illness.

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