
I have said it no less than 1,000 times, whether the child has a spleen deficiency or not, just look at the sleeping position! (1) Sleep dishonestly: When the child's spleen and stomach are not in harmony, it is easy to accumulate food and heat, and it is difficult to fall asleep

author:Yang Ye, Pediatric, Beijing

I have said it no less than 1,000 times, whether the child has a spleen deficiency or not, just look at the sleeping position!

(1) Sleep dishonestly:

When the child's spleen and stomach are not in harmony, it is easy to accumulate food and heat, it is difficult to fall asleep, tossing and turning after falling asleep, and loves to kick the quilt, indicating that the child has food accumulation in the body, which affects the child's sleep.

(2) Prefer to sleep on your stomach:

When the child has a weak spleen, accumulated food, and is uncomfortable in the stomach, it is also accompanied by a white and thick tongue coating, sour stool, not formed, and poor appetite, etc., sleeping on the stomach can relieve the discomfort of the abdomen.

(3) Bad breath in the morning:

When a child wakes up in the morning, his mouth is smelly, indicating that the function of the spleen and stomach is blocked, and the food accumulated in the stomach and intestines is rotting and fermenting, resulting in the reversal of stomach qi.

(4) Sweating while sleeping:

Even if the indoor temperature is suitable or the air conditioner is turned on, the child is still sweating profusely, indicating that the child has accumulated internal heat, white tongue coating, dry and hard stools, bad breath, eye feces, and loves fire.

(5) Grinding teeth while sleeping:

If teeth grinding is accompanied by fatigue and loose stools, it is considered to be caused by spleen deficiency.

(6) Sleeping with a slit in the eye:

When the child sleeps, the eyes will not be completely closed, but a gap will be exposed, most likely there is spleen deficiency, which can moderately replenish the spleen and stomach.

(7) Drooling while sleeping:

The child will drool when he sleeps is also spleen deficiency, spleen qi deficiency is not solid, there is moisture in the body, accompanied by bad breath, the tongue coating is fat, there are tooth marks on the side, he does not like to move, and the stool sticks to the toilet.

How many of your children have hit?


I have said it no less than 1,000 times, whether the child has a spleen deficiency or not, just look at the sleeping position! (1) Sleep dishonestly: When the child's spleen and stomach are not in harmony, it is easy to accumulate food and heat, and it is difficult to fall asleep
I have said it no less than 1,000 times, whether the child has a spleen deficiency or not, just look at the sleeping position! (1) Sleep dishonestly: When the child's spleen and stomach are not in harmony, it is easy to accumulate food and heat, and it is difficult to fall asleep
I have said it no less than 1,000 times, whether the child has a spleen deficiency or not, just look at the sleeping position! (1) Sleep dishonestly: When the child's spleen and stomach are not in harmony, it is easy to accumulate food and heat, and it is difficult to fall asleep

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