
What should I do if I can't fall asleep and have insomnia? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you dispel the fire in your heart and nourish your kidneys and yin, and sleep soundly at night


What should I do if I can't fall asleep and have insomnia?

What should I do if I can't fall asleep and have insomnia? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you dispel the fire in your heart and nourish your kidneys and yin, and sleep soundly at night

As the pace of life accelerates, do you have more and more things on your mind, and insomnia has become a common phenomenon? If you often can't sleep, wake up in the middle of the night, or often dream, sleep lightly, and have poor energy the next day, how to regulate? In fact, traditional Chinese medicine believes that sleep is closely related to the five internal organs, but it is inseparable from two points.

What should I do if I can't fall asleep and have insomnia? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you dispel the fire in your heart and nourish your kidneys and yin, and sleep soundly at night

First, there is heat in the body, and the yang energy is excessive, the fire is vigorous, and the false fire and the real fire will lead to insomnia.

Second, I am in a bad mood, always thinking too much, stressed, and short-tempered, so I always think about things when I lie down, and I can't sleep at all.

Nowadays, many people suffer from insomnia, mostly because the heart and kidney do not communicate, the kidney water cannot be used to help the heart fire, and the heart fire cannot warm the kidney water downward, resulting in the water and fire can not be combined, the yin and yang are unbalanced, and insomnia, irritability and other problems occur. The position of water and fire is in the middle of the spleen and stomach, so people who do not communicate with the heart and kidneys will have a disharmony between the spleen and stomach, and basically the symptoms of stomach discomfort will be obvious.

What should I do if I can't fall asleep and have insomnia? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you dispel the fire in your heart and nourish your kidneys and yin, and sleep soundly at night

For example, there will be the following clinical manifestations, upset, five heart irritability, waist and knee pain, cheek flushing, forgetfulness, dizziness, palpitations, red tongue and less moss, loss of appetite, poor spirit, etc., this is mostly yin deficiency, kidney water can not be helped, resulting in insufficient heart yin, deficiency on fire, such people usually pay attention to rest, can not overindulge, too tired, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, mainly to traffic heart and kidney, supplemented by nourishing yin and removing fire, if you have been troubled by insomnia for a long time, do not know how to regulate, welcome to leave a message to communicate.

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