
What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

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The old scooter refers to the low-speed four-wheeled electric vehicle favored by the elderly, it is a means of transportation that has appeared on the road in the past 10 years, because it is derived from the sightseeing electric vehicle, it does not require a driver's license, it cannot be licensed, and such a situation is packaged by the merchant as a model that can be on the road without a driver's license and a license.

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

And it is relatively low and cheap, good flexibility, with wind and rain, but also can carry people, is a very high practical model, coupled with no need for a license, no driver's license, is simply a "perfect" means of transportation for the elderly, China currently has about ten million ownership, annual sales is also about one million.

Then, there is a market, there is demand, there is practicality, such means of transport to become a road traffic participant is the trend of the times, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transportation and other departments are also very clear about this, therefore, multi-departmental organization drafted low-speed electric vehicle related standards are about to be implemented, then, in this is coming, in the choice of old scooters, what factors need to be considered, the quality of low-speed electric vehicles and how to distinguish, are the elderly need to consider when choosing a car, today to tell you, about the sharing of these knowledge points so that you will not buy the wrong car.

A method for distinguishing the quality of low-speed electric vehicles

Generally speaking, low-speed electric vehicles have 10,000, 18,000, 25,000 these 3 price grades, the higher the price, the higher the quality and configuration, this is for sure, then, how to distinguish the quality of the vehicle worthy of "a penny a penny", can be considered from 2 dimensions;

Dimension 1: Security

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

10,000, 18,000, 25,000 these three price brackets of vehicles, to ensure safety, and the safety is mainly the body, frame, tires of these three parts, their quality differentiation method is not difficult;

Body: The quality of the shell mainly depends on the baking paint and thickness, the baking paint has ordinary paint, metal paint, pearlescent paint these 3 kinds, the quality of the baking paint in turn is pearlescent paint> metal paint > ordinary paint, and the thickness of the body shell, the thicker the anti-collision ability will be better, and as a metal material, the thicker the sound will be muffled, knock on it can hear the thickness is different.

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

Frame: The frame of the low-speed electric vehicle directly affects the number of people that the vehicle can carry, and the quality of the vehicle is judged, first of all, to see the welding process, followed by the hardness of the material, and finally the weight, the harder the material, the better, the heavier the weight, the better, the better the welding beauty.

Tires: It is an important factor affecting the safety of the vehicle, you can judge the quality by whether the tires are branded, the hardness of the tires, the more big-name tires, the better the quality, the vehicle tires on both sides of a pinch, the harder the quality, the better.

Dimension 2: The quality of the configuration

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

The most critical configuration of the vehicle is its "three major pieces", including motors, controllers, batteries, the better the quality of these configurations, the more durable the vehicle, and the relative will run farther and faster.

Motor: as a device to drive the wheel, it is a relatively expensive cost, and the motor is not good, there are mainly 2 ways to distinguish, the first is to see the brand, the current motor brand is better: Bosch, Oma, Panasonic, Siemens, Quanshun, Jin Yuxing, Xingwei, Bafang, as a large brand motor, the relative quality will be better, the second is to see the way of the motor, in general, the DC opportunity is better than the AC motor.

Controller: As the "brain" of electric vehicles, its quality is also very important, in general, the positive Xuanbo controller will be better than the square wave controller.

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

Battery: There are also 2 ways to judge, the first is to see the brand, choose some big brands, the quality will generally not be worried, the batteries of domestic big brands include: Tianneng, Chaowei, Xupai, Nandu, Ningde Era, Xinchi Lithium Battery, Lishen, Xingheng, the second is to see the capacity, 10,000 yuan at least equipped with a battery capacity of 58AH, 18,000 can be equipped with 100AH, 25,000 yuan can be equipped with about 8 degrees of electricity lithium battery.

What do I need to consider when choosing a low-speed electric vehicle?

Before choosing low-speed electric vehicles, mainly to see the price and configuration, as long as it meets their own budget and needs, then you can rest assured to buy, but with low-speed electric vehicles to usher in the "national standard", now buy such old scooters, at least consider 3 factors, otherwise it is easy to buy a car regret;

The first factor: whether you will have the qualification to play the card in the future

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

Although the low-speed electric vehicle has postponed the release time, but the small connoisseur believes that it is "late but arrived", it is used as a criterion to determine the "fate" of low-speed electric vehicles, it will not be absent, then, after its appearance, the vehicle is facing the license plate, and the vehicle on the license plate is not all vehicles are qualified, therefore, choose the vehicle, it is clear whether it has the qualifications. Whether it is in line with the qualification of the card, there are mainly 3 places to consider

The first is whether the manufacturer and model are listed in the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" directory;

The second is that the vehicle symbol does not meet the relevant standards for micro-electric vehicles in the revised "Technical Conditions for Pure Electric Passenger Vehicles";

The third is whether the vehicle's certificate of conformity, vehicle conformity certificate, invoice, and 3C certification are available.

Factor 2: Can the vehicle be on the road now

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

Of course, now the low-speed electric vehicle standard has not yet been released, whether it is a vehicle that does not meet the standard, it is also necessary to comply with the local management policy, because, even if it meets the national standard, the current vehicle still does not have the qualification to be licensed, and for such vehicles that are not licensed, some places can be on the road by default, and some places are strictly checked vehicles, and the strict attitude of detaining the car is found.

Therefore, before choosing a vehicle, we must understand the local management policy for low-speed electric vehicles on the road, do not trust what the merchants say, we must find the local traffic management department to consult clearly, there are some car owners, in this regard, suffered losses, resulting in the inability to go on the road, and the merchant shirked responsibility, resulting in buying a car but can not be used.

The third factor: there are no after-sales service outlets in the local area

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

Now many vehicles are only purchased online, can be shipped off-site, although this way is very convenient, but before buying a car, we must understand well, there is no local after-sales service outlets of the brand, because the vehicle's battery, motor, frame and other parts, are a certain warranty period, there is no after-sales service outlets, will lead to warranty services can not be enjoyed, this point the owner of the car before choosing a car, but also to consider.

Small connoisseur summary: The above is about the low-speed electric vehicle in the selection of time, need to pay attention to the quality of the identification and consideration of the problem summary, I think has been a very comprehensive introduction to the precautions in the car selection, in accordance with the above way to select the car, at least can ensure that the quality of the vehicle is safe, the configuration is not low, can be on the road, after-sales guarantee.

What do you think of the quality of low-speed electric vehicles? What do I need to consider when choosing a car? At a glance, you know that you will not buy the wrong car

Of course, the choice of vehicle, but also to consider the driving experience, this point requires the owner to personally drive experience, in order to feel its difference, and for climbing, speed and other aspects, the parameters are placed there, as long as the parameters are looked for, there is no need to pay too much attention. In the end, it is still necessary to "get what you pay for", the low-speed electric vehicles that currently meet the national standard are all more than 20,000 yuan, do not be greedy and cheap to choose a vehicle that meets the standard and cannot be licensed on the road.

I hope that the above content can help you choose a car, but also welcome to forward and collect, pay attention to electric vehicle experts, and share electric vehicle related information and views every day.

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