
Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

author:Gossip Ability Bureau


"Wind turbines are converted into electrical energy through wind energy, which is an environmentally friendly new energy technology, but wind turbines will also have some 'side effects' while generating wind power, how should we deal with these 'side effects'?"

Are wind turbines really a threat to birds?

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

And how to eliminate this threat, so that wind turbines and birds can live in harmony?

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of wind power generation.

1. Why should wind energy be developed?

With the development of industry, the mining of mineral resources in various countries is also increasing day by day, and mineral resources as the main fuel of traditional industries, a large number of greenhouse gases produced by combustion, has seriously threatened the global ecological environment, and promoted people to seek new energy development.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

In addition, mineral resources are characterized by limited reserves, and in order to solve the energy crisis, countries have begun to seek a new energy source to replace it.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

As a clean energy source, wind power generation does not produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which plays a very important role in slowing down global warming and improving air quality.

In addition, the total amount of wind energy is very huge, the global land affected by wind energy is 10 times the total land area of the world, and the total amount of global wind energy resources is about 200 times the annual electricity demand, which makes wind energy a very popular new energy source.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

In China, wind energy resources are also considerable, the country has a total of 2.5 billion kilowatts of various types of wind energy resources, of which 18 million kilowatts of wind energy resources are suitable for development, especially in the eastern coastal areas of the mainland, wind energy resources are rich, so that the development of wind power generation in the mainland also has broad prospects.

In addition, wind power generation also has a very obvious advantage, that is, its power generation cost is relatively low, and its cost mainly includes the material cost and construction cost of wind turbines.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

With the continuous development of science and technology, the construction cost of wind turbines is also decreasing, and the development trend of wind power generation is also in a state of declining average price, which also makes the cost of wind power generation gradually reach a level similar to that of traditional energy costs.

2. The threat of wind turbines to bird ecology.

Although wind turbine is an environmentally friendly new energy technology, its construction and use will pose a certain threat to the ecology of birds, and even has the title of "wind turbine is the overlord of birds".

So what are the threats posed by wind turbines to bird ecology?

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

1. The migration of birds is blocked.

The construction of wind turbines is often concentrated in inhospitable areas far from human settlements, but these areas are important passages for many birds to migrate, especially among large birds, such as geese, white swans, flamingos, etc.

This makes many birds in the process of migration, accidentally fly into the runner of the wind turbine, or in the flight because of the rotation of the wind turbine and affected, so that have to change the original migration path, and even some birds in the flight because of the rotation of the wind turbine, do not hit the turbine runner, resulting in death.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

2. The survival of birds of prey is threatened.

For large birds of prey, they will actively look for places with strong wind to glide at high altitude during flight, and wind turbines are just a kind of equipment that can generate a lot of wind power at high altitude.

In order to prevent this from happening, scientists have also put forward some suggestions, that is, to install some decorations on the wind turbine, so that the wind turbine can detect the existence of the wind turbine when flying, so as to avoid accidents.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

3. The living environment of birds is destroyed.

The construction process of wind turbines often requires the destruction of large areas of vegetation, and these vegetation are the homes of many birds, which makes the living environment of birds suffer great damage, and even some birds will lose their living environment because of this, so they have to migrate to other places to survive.

3. How wind turbines can live in harmony with birds.

Although wind turbines pose a certain threat to bird ecology, their contribution to global electricity production is also quite huge, so how can we make wind turbines and birds live in harmony?

For this problem, scientists proposed that the construction of wind turbines should be scientific and reasonable, first of all, it should be scientific site selection, for those bird migration routes, or a large number of gathered bird habitats, are not as the location of wind turbine construction.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

In addition, the layout of wind turbines should also be reasonable, and those places with a large number of birds, or places where birds of prey are often active, should try to avoid these places, so as to reduce the impact of wind turbines on bird ecology.

In addition, the construction of wind turbines should be fully cooperated with ecological experts, and the construction of wind turbines should be temporarily put on hold in places where the ecological environment has been seriously damaged, so as to protect the homes of these birds.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

In the design of wind turbines, some intelligent technologies should also be added, such as for the birds that fly, the early warning system can be used to send an alarm to the birds in advance, so that the birds have enough time to avoid; In addition, some decorations can also be arranged on the wind turbine, so that birds can be aware of the presence of the wind turbine when flying, so as to prevent accidents.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy


Although wind power has a non-negligible impact on birds, its contribution to global electricity production is also huge, so we should seek a way to live in harmony with nature, and develop new energy sources without disrupting the ecological balance.

Top "carnivores"? Wind turbines are exterminating bird overlords? Scientists say they are not against wind energy

In the future development of new energy, we should strengthen the research of eco-friendly new energy technologies and find better solutions, so that we can pursue new energy development while also protecting the ecological environment.

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