
The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

author:The sea of stars of dreams


The pyramid only looks at the exterior and cannot see its internal structure at all, and using the technology of muon scanning, scientists say that they have "seen through" the internal structure of the pyramid, and the pyramid is no longer "mysterious", which can be said to be another "challenge" of scientists to the mysterious structure.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

There are a total of nine pyramids in the pyramid complex on the Giza Plateau, many of which are as high as 150 meters.

The Pyramid of Khufu is arguably the most famous of these, not only the tallest pyramid, but also the only one of those pyramids that has been preserved intact.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

In addition, scientists have also found some novel spaces that have not been discovered in the past in the scanned internal structure of the pyramid, and the largest of them, how many meters high, has even made scientists have a conjecture that its internal space is not clear.

What exactly are scientists' conjectures about these spaces?

And with muon scanning technology, why can we see through the internal structure of the pyramid in such a short time?

This structure of the pyramid was first recorded by Herodotus.

This mysterious pyramid is not only a classic of ancient history and architecture, but also known as "one of the seven wonders of the world", so it has always been the attention of scientists.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

Over the past two centuries, scientists have studied the pyramids extensively, using many innovative techniques and tools, but they have never been able to see through the internal structure of the pyramids.

It was only recently that scientists were able to use the highly novel technology of muon scanning to make the internal structure of the pyramid no longer a "mystery" in just a few weeks.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

Out of curiosity about this technology, but also to get more "novel information" about the mystery of the pyramids.

After reading this article, you will understand exactly how this technology came to be and why pyramids can be scanned out of their internal structure in such a short time, which is the focus of this article.

The birth of the scanning pyramid technique

When it comes to muon scanning technology, its most basic birth is the detection of underground metal materials, and its research and development has not only had a great impact on the fields of geology and archaeology, but also provides technical support for the research of remote sensing satellites.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

It has the characteristics of wide detection range and high accuracy, which allows people to quickly find metal ores deep underground, and even detect buildings and passages deep underground very accurately, improving the efficiency of archaeological work.

Such a technique not only gives people confidence in archaeology, but also brings sufficient impetus to the research and development of this technology.

The birth of the muon detector has made mankind full of confidence in this technology, and scientists are more and more convinced that the "mystery" of the pyramid can be solved in the future, and they have increased their investment in the technology to query the internal structure of the pyramid.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

As recently as 2015, a group of international architectural experts and geologists launched the ScanPyramids research project.

Some people believe that muon detection technology was first born in the 60s of the 20th century, when scientists discovered that the density of muons in the earth's crust was very high, and they built many high-energy reactors deep underground, hoping to make these high-energy reactors produce what proved to be "the most difficult to measure muons".

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

Although scientists have experienced many difficulties and challenges in the process of building high-energy reactors, it is these challenges that have sparked interest in exploring muon detection technology.

They not only improved the shortcomings of the past muon detection technology, but also created new uses for it.

With the continuous development and improvement of muon detection technology, scientists have expanded to more fields, using the sensitivity of muon detectors to not only detect underground mineral deposits, but also accurately measure seismic waves, and even detect buildings and passages deep underground.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

Later, muon detection technology was used in a research project to scan the pyramids, allowing scientists to discover many new curiosities about this mysterious structure in a matter of weeks.

According to reports, the members of the research project include experts in the fields of architecture, physics and geology from Egypt's antiquities department, France's HIP Institute, Japan's Nagoya University and the High Energy Accelerator Research Institute, as well as other parts of the world.

Over the next 21 months, they placed three muon detectors next to the Pyramid of Khufu, which they needed to rigorously calibrate before someone could scan the pyramid.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

In October 2016, scientists completed the calibration of the muon detectors around the pyramids, after which the three detectors began scanning the pyramids in all directions.

The three detectors are arranged in different ways

One of them was placed in the lower part of the pyramid with the purpose of scanning the internal structure of the pyramid;

The other was placed near the southwest corner of the pyramid, and its mission was to detect muon signals from underground;

A third detector was placed in the upper part of the pyramid to scan the entire structure of the pyramid more thoroughly.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

These three detectors are not only able to observe the muon signal in all directions, but also determine which direction the muon signal is emitting from the pyramid.

By analyzing these muon signals, scientists can deduce some important information about the pyramid's internal structure, such as its main walls, burial chambers, and passages.

After several weeks of scanning, scientists have discovered many new signs and clues, which have given them hope and excitement about the mystery of the pyramids.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

Through muon detection technology, scientists can not only observe images of the internal structure of the pyramid, but also detect its specific material composition and density distribution.

The high sensitivity of this technology allows scientists to carry out all-round detection and observation of the pyramid without destroying it, providing more possibilities and opportunities for studying the mystery of the pyramid.

Muon detection technology has unveiled the mystery of the pyramid for scientists, allowing them to have a deeper understanding of the construction process and structural structure of this ancient building, which is of great significance for our understanding of ancient civilization and technological level.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

They have high hopes for this technology, hoping that with the help of muon detection technology, more ancient buildings and ruins will be unveiled in the future.

It is believed that in the near future, we will be able to have a more comprehensive understanding of ancient civilizations and technological levels, and at the same time provide more effective means and methods for exploring and protecting cultural heritage.

The author thinks

You may still wonder why scientists have not been able to unravel the mystery of the pyramid for the past two centuries if the inner structure of the pyramid can be scanned in a matter of weeks using muon detection technology.

The mystery of the pyramids uncovered! Scientists used muon perspective to finally see what was inside the pyramid

Is this because muon detection technology is too advanced, or is it something else?

It is hoped that through this "muon detection" activity on the internal structure of the pyramid, scientists can uncover the mystery of the pyramid and restore a more realistic historical picture.

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