
"Confinement" and "Postpartum Wind"

Pregnancy is a very special period in a woman's life, and childbirth, whether it is a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, will change the physiological changes that women have gradually accumulated over the past ten months in a short period of time, and women will enter a special day after spending an exciting childbirth , confinement, which is a process that every mother has to go through, and it is also a folk tradition.

"Confinement" and "Postpartum Wind"

Now many young mothers always complain that they feel that their health is not as good as before after giving birth, why? Because they often ignore the advice of the older generation, "grow up to see", the way of life is everywhere to foreigners, they think that Western women do not confinement, they can also. As everyone knows, one side of the water and soil to nurture the other side, different races, differences are different, can not be completely used in the Western people's perspective of life to apply to their own. If you do not sit well in the "confinement", the body naturally falls ill in the confinement, leaving serious consequences for health.

"Confinement" is a popular concept, its academic name is "puerperal period", generally refers to the delivery from the placenta to the return of various organs of the mother's body to the pre-pregnancy state, the cycle is six weeks. In the past, giving birth to a child, called "passing the life and death barrier", is the process of maternal muscles and bones in the process of childbirth, and accompanied by pain, trauma, blood loss, so that the physical energy declines rapidly; now giving birth to a child, confinement, is after childbirth, do not go out for a certain period of time, the process of nutritional supplement adjustment, can also be understood as the adjustment period after the body suffers a huge impact, is the best time for women to improve their physique in their lives. It is very necessary to pay attention to it, many of the ancient traditions have a certain reason, our traditions are the science in practice, and foreign countries are more results in the laboratory.

Chinese medicine believes that women's prenatal bone joints are closed, and after childbirth, with the opening of the pelvis, the pan and bone physioplasty of the whole body of the mother are in a state of opening and relaxation. At this time, the wind chill is easy to take advantage of the void and enter the body through the open bone joints. At the end of the confinement, the mother's pelvis and the bones and bones of the whole body will gradually return to a closed state. During the "confinement" period, the cold evil that enters the body is also locked in the body; weak women often have back pain, dizziness and headache, cold hands and feet, irregular menstruation, tiredness, hair loss... And other symptoms, some diseases are often ineffective for a long time, lingering and difficult to heal. In Traditional Chinese medicine, this disease is called "postpartum wind", that is, confinement disease.

Modern medicine believes that confinement disease is caused by the endocrine and immune systems that have changed and the ovarian function has been suppressed when women are pregnant, giving birth, and breastfeeding.

In the same way, Chinese medicine believes that in the process of a woman's pregnancy in October, the human body's qi and blood should nourish the fetus, and the postpartum needs to be nursed, and the mother's own lack of qi and blood, accompanied by kidney deficiency, is the pathological basis for the occurrence of confinement disease.

How does "Confinement" work?

Chinese medicine suggests: pregnant women to prevent "confinement disease", to flirt, live cautiously, avoid the wind and cold, pay attention to keep warm. Keeping warm is not to close the doors and windows tightly, and the room should be kept ventilated. When the indoor temperature is too high, the indoor temperature should be adjusted to keep the mother dry. Excessive sweat secretion, prolonged bed rest, and poor ventilation can increase the chance of bacteria breeding.

Pregnant women should also pay attention to avoiding the wind, never blowing through the hall wind, can not be cold, should wear long-sleeved clothes and socks, air conditioning, fans do not blow, to avoid living in a cold and humid environment.

It is also possible to bathe and wash your hair during confinement, and the specific situation varies from person to person. Long-haired women are recommended to cut their hair short, wash their hair, control the water temperature, avoid the water temperature is too low, and blow dry immediately after washing.

In addition, the mother should also strengthen nutrition, appropriate activity, and enhance physical fitness during the month.

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