
Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

Newborn babies always have a milky smell.

When friends and family come to see the baby, they will always smell a milk smell on the baby, and even the mother will have the same smell.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

This smell is like the exclusive of babies and mothers, even if you don't see the figure of mother and daughter, after smelling the smell, it will make people feel pity.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

Why does your baby have a milky smell?

Residual taste of breast milk

If conditions permit, all mothers will choose to breastfeed their babies, which will help the baby absorb richer nutrients and help the body thrive. It can also help Bao Mom remove excess fat in the body and restore her body and uterus. It's the best of both worlds.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

Because of breastfeeding, babies will have more or less breast milk residue on their bodies, either on the skin or on the clothes. Moreover, there is also a saying that if breast milk is applied to the baby's eyelashes, the baby's eyelashes will be long and thick.

Although there is no scientific basis for this statement, and if breast milk enters the baby's eyes by mistake, it will cause lesions in the baby's eyes and so on. But sometimes it drips on your baby's skin, and there is no danger.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

The sweat glands are not very developed

After the baby is born, the metabolic capacity is 3 to 5 times that of adults, although the functional development of the little ones in all aspects is not very perfect, but their physical growth is not affected.

Among them, the distribution and development of sweat glands are very weak. Even babies only have their scalps to sweat, which is why babies get wet as soon as their hair is hot. Parents can also be warned not to let the baby get too hot.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

Because of this, the smell of the amniotic fluid and excretory mixture left on the baby's body cannot be dissipated for a long time. It will have a taste similar to the smell of milk.

Alpaca mom has something to say:

In addition to the smell of milk, there will be other exclusive flavors on the baby. Some are very private, some are public, and most people except Bao Mom and Bao Dad can't accept this taste.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

This is mainly because what parents like is not the taste itself, but the signal and intention that the taste conveys to the parents. After all, parents don't want to miss any moment of their baby's growth.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

What are the "baby smells" on your baby? Outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"

The smell of diapers is not wet

The growth of children after 90 is inseparable from the diapers made by the elderly, although they are all made of pure cotton cloth, but because they often contact the baby's feces and urine, they need to be reused, and it is inevitable that there will be bacteria residues. There is some damage to the baby's little ass.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

After the birth of the post-00 child, the application of diaper is more extensive, the disposable use is clean and hygienic, in addition to the high price, there is no other problem.

In this way, in addition to feeding every day, the main task of the mothers is to play with the baby's diapers. Judge the degree of physical health of your baby by identifying the residue on the diaper.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

Even for a baby who only drinks milk every day, the that comes out is extremely smelly. This is a little difficult to understand, but the mothers and fathers will not be disgusted at all. On the contrary, it is very exciting to study.

The sour taste of the feet

Some mothers find that the baby's little feet are always wet, is it because of the inheritance of the father's sweaty feet? Such a small child will have to sweat his feet, and when he grows up, he should do it!

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

Moreover, the mother smells that the baby's little feet are always sour, like the taste of food fermentation. The smell was like it had been in the socks for a long time and spoiled.

In fact, the baby's normal feet taste like this. This is also related to the underdevelopment of the baby's sweat glands, they are either unable to sweat normally, or they cannot volatilize normally after sweating.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

But the taste is not as serious as we think, if parents find that the baby's feet are too heavy, it is best to seek the help of a doctor, do not think so!

The taste of the baby spitting up milk

Babies who eat breast milk are indispensable to the link of hiccups after each drink. Because the baby will be wrapped in air in the process of drinking milk, they do not have the ability to discharge themselves, and can only seek the help of their mothers.

Why is the "baby smell" on the baby, outsiders can't stand it, but parents always want to "suck"?

If the mother does not help the baby burp, or does not completely discharge the air, the baby will spit up in the lying state, although it will not vomit much, but the appearance is a little scary.

The increase in the number of spitting up milk will aggravate the milky smell on the baby's body. These smells Bao Mom will not feel anything, but in the smell of others, she will feel unbearable and just want to flee the scene quickly. Especially those who don't like the taste of milk and don't drink milk.

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