
In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

author:Wen read

In October 1986, Hu Youmin, a college student studying in the United States, met Wang Guoxiao, the director of the "Market Information Research Institute" of a company, under the recommendation of his Taiwanese girlfriend.

The man was tall, thin, dark, with thinning hair, sunglasses on his face that covered half of his face, and a duck-tongue hat crooked on his head.

Wang Guoxiao stretched out his hand to shake hands with Hu Youmin, his fingers were like eagle claws, wearing a large diamond ring, Hu Youmin's first impression of him was very bad, feeling like a traitor and a spy.

Wang Guoxiao took out a form and said to Hu Youmin: "We all know your situation, and we can help you solve your current visa problem, but you must agree to return to the mainland to organize work for us in the future!" ”

After Wang Guoxiao finished speaking, he handed Hu Youmin a form and asked him to sign it.

What organization? What works? Hu Youmin immediately became vigilant. And when he looked down at the form, the words on it made him sweat in shock —it was the details of Hu Youmin and his family on the mainland, and below it was written a paragraph: "I volunteered to serve Taiwan..."

Hu Youmin, who has a high education, understands what it means to sign his name on this piece of paper, and knows that if he regrets signing it, his family may face retaliation.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

Wang Guo saw that he hesitated and urged, "It is okay not to sign, but we can't do anything about Mr. Hu's affairs, we only serve the members of our organization." ”

Hu Youmin no longer hesitated, and signed his name with trembling hands.

Next, Wang Guoguo did not sell Guanzi anymore, and directly assigned Hu Youmin the task of going to the mainland to collect intelligence, and trained him in skills.

After doing this, Hu Youmin left nervously.

From childhood to adulthood, he once regarded traitors and spies as the most despicable people, and he never imagined that he would one day become such a person. But soon, the enormous benefits drowned out some of the remaining shame and conscience in his heart.

First, suspicious recruitment advertisements

In 1985, Hu Youmin studied abroad at his own expense.

At that time, the scene of the American metropolis was something that Hu Youmin had never seen before: the skyscrapers of the whole street, the neon lights that lit up all night, the nightlife that was full of red and green lights...

Hu Youmin felt that he had made the most correct choice in his life, and just a month after arriving in the United States, he spent all the tuition and living expenses that his family had painstakingly saved for him. Hu Youmin must first think about food and clothing, he has to study during the day, and he has to go out to work at night to earn money.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

At that time, there were many unemployed people in the United States, and he was a foreign student who had not yet graduated, and all he could do was go to a restaurant to wash dishes.

International students in the 1980s basically had a difficult experience of studying, work-study was sparse and ordinary, and washing dishes was not a matter of loss of identity. But Hu Youmin did not think so, and the handyman made him almost desperate, and he was desperate for wealth and wanted to get out of his poor life.

One day, he saw an advertisement in the newspaper to recruit a family Chinese teacher, and Hu Youmin felt that it was a decent job, much easier than a restaurant chores, and he called the other party without thinking much.

Looking for a Chinese teacher was a gentle young lady who said her name was Li Na and asked about Hu Youmin's personal situation. After Hu Youmin's brief introduction, Li Na expressed great satisfaction and promised to hire him as a Chinese teacher and to invite Hu Youmin to eat with him according to Chinese customs.

The work was so easy that Hu Youmin thought he had made good luck, but in fact, this scam was full of holes. Not to mention how incredible it is to determine a job with just a few words on the phone, it is impossible for a serious girl to let a strange man be a tutor without careful understanding.

Hu Youmin may not be deeply involved in the world, or perhaps he is eager to seek wealth, and he has no doubts about Li Na.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

Figure | female spy involved in Taiwan's "intelligence department" who was exposed, CCTV "Focus Interview"

Li Na took him to a bar on the outskirts of the city, where she waited at the door in advance, and Hu Youmin led him into the box as soon as he arrived.

Li Na looked very attentive, in order to see Hu Youmin she also specially wore a cheongsam, saying that she hoped that Hu Youmin could have a kind feeling for her, and specifically asked Hu Youmin if he was good-looking.

Hu Youmin looked around, this bar is not big, but the decoration is superior, and the price of drinks and meals is not cheap. Hu Youmin immediately flattered Li Na: "'Na', in our Country, is the meaning of graceful and colorful, Miss Li looks like a fairy, and people are more beautiful than names." ”

Li Na smiled shyly at Hu Youmin, a Taiwanese native with the beauty of a traditional Chinese classical woman. She whispered and asked Hu Youmin, very interested in china's domestic affairs, Hu Youmin in order to show herself, to Li Na has questions and answers, but also added oil and vinegar to say a lot, to show that she is well-informed.

At that time, Hu Youmin also thought that Li Na was really interested in mainland life and was very happy to share it with Li Na, and the two talked until midnight, reluctantly saying goodbye. After Li Na finished checking out, she also gave 500 US dollars to Hu Youmin, saying that it was Hu Youmin's lecture fee this evening.

Hu Youmin was embarrassed to accept it, and Li Na smiled at him and said, "Talking is also learning, and this is the reward you deserve." ”

Second, the generous Taiwanese girlfriend

Hu Youmin was very happy to be able to get such a high commission with his lips. Li Na has a lot of money and looks simple, and Hu Youmin feels that he is bound to get this job.

And how could he have imagined that the real hunters would come out as weak prey. Through a night of conversation, Li Na has seen him thoroughly: spending money like water, powerless against women, living in a foreign country, wanting to have a strong vanity...

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

Tu | "very knowledgeable, involved in politics, history, and economics, and may be a spy."

Li Na, who made him a key target, often invited Hu Youmin to this bar, where he ate and talked, and paid him $500 each time. It is said that he teaches Chinese, but Hu Youmin hardly takes many classes and spends most of his time chatting with Li Na.

Li Na also told Hu Youmin about her "life", saying that her mother was a Chinese and her father was an American. My grandfather came to the United States because of his refugees, and later made a lot of money, because of cooperation with his father's family, so that his only daughter married. But her parents were not happy after they got married, and after her mother's death, she left hundreds of millions of assets to her.

Li Na said that the reason why she wanted to learn Chinese was because her father always wanted to take away her grandfather's assets, and Li Na wanted to flee to China to hide from her father.

Li Na's fabricated dog blood lineage made Up Hu Youmin stunned, and he had compassion for her, and after a long time together, the two established a relationship.

Once, Li Na took Hu Youmin to get drunk and took him to a famous local red light district, allowing him to feel a "wanton and dashing" life.

But after a long time, Hu Youmin also found that something was wrong, Li Na's Chinese level was not low, and she did not seem to sincerely come to the tutor for lessons. As the chat deepened, Li Na always asked about various situations on the mainland, especially political, military and economic, and asked very detailed questions.

Hu Youmin didn't care at first, until one day, he met an uncle from the same family in the United States and talked to him about it. Uncle Ben thought about it and reminded him: "I have also heard that many people who recruit family Chinese teachers now are actually recruiting spies abroad by Taiwan's spy intelligence agencies. They will find targets among students from the mainland and develop them as spies. ”

Uncle Ben repeatedly reminded him to be careful, and Hu Youmin had a sense of fear in his heart, thinking of what Li Na had done, and only the situation that Uncle Ben said could make sense.

But Hu Youmin is already inseparable from Li Na's "economic support", he is accustomed to this luxurious life, the money comes effortlessly, and he no longer wants to squat in the restaurant to clean the dishes.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

Figure | CCTV reported that the "2018-Thunder" special operation cracked more than 100 Taiwan spy cases, and a number of Taiwan intelligence personnel seduced and co-opted mainland students

Just when Hu Youmin was hesitating, Li Na paid for Hu Youmin to pay the tuition fee, and said easily: "Just when you advance your salary." ”

In Hu Youmin's current state, it is difficult to finish college, and he is completely inseparable from Li Na. Moreover, he soon encountered new troubles, and the immigration department was urging him to go through the extension procedures quickly, otherwise he would be deported back to China.

Hu Youmin knew that Li Na was not simple, or desperately took risks, and asked Li Na to help him. Sure enough, Li Na felt that the time was ripe, and pretended to sympathize with Hu Youmin: "I have a friend, who is the director of a market information research institute, and he is a road passer, and he will definitely be able to help you." ”

In this way, Hu Youmin met with Wang Guoxiao for the first time and became a pawn of Taiwan's intelligence agencies.

III. Returning to China to Attract Students to Expand the "Organization"

In February 1988, Hu Youmin returned to China for the first time to visit his family after being bribed by Taiwanese intelligence agencies. Wang Guoxiao gave him the task of gathering intelligence, making contacts and developing "members of the organization".

Hu Youmin deliberately contacted some of his classmates in middle school, repeatedly compared, spied on their ideological status and political attitudes, and finally felt that his old classmate Chen Gong was the first person he wanted to "develop".

Chen Gong was originally a worker in a printing factory in M City, Anhui Province, and he was good at work and had dreams of getting rich all day long. In 1986, Chen Gong was sentenced to 2 years in prison for rape and fired from his former unit, and has not had a proper job since his release.

In the face of the failures of life and the pointing out of relatives and friends, Chen Gong did not reflect on his own problems, but hated the government, hated society, held a grudge against the original unit, and was full of hostility to the masses of the people. He wants to find an opportunity to take revenge on society in order to vent his dissatisfaction.

Chen Gong and Hu Youmin had already revealed strong negative emotions in the process of conversation, and the more he did so, the more Hu Youmin recounted his old feelings with him, and invited him to Nanjing to play and take him to a luxury hotel to enjoy it.

After Chen Gong fully trusted him, Hu Youmin saw the opportunity and asked him if he wanted to go abroad to make a fortune together. Chen Gong looked surprised and eagerly asked Hu Youmin when he could take him abroad to make a lot of money.

Hu Youmin said to him directly: "There is an organization that can help you make a lot of money." After speaking, he took out a stack of banknotes from his briefcase and stuffed them into Chen Gong's hand.

The moment Chen Gong got the money was a little unbelievable, and from Hu Youmin's mouth, he quickly understood what this "organization" was doing. He thought for a moment and immediately agreed to Hu Youmin.

For him, money is the measure of everything, and there is no such thing as right and wrong in his worldview. Hu Youmin did find the right person, and his parents did not expect that the excellent son he had worked hard to cultivate for 20 years could only deal with small who hated society at this time.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

Hu Youmin taught Chen Gong the method of contacting "organizations", assigned him tasks, and changed his pseudonym. In order to make Chen Gong die and do things for himself, Hu Youmin said to Chen Gong with a matter of concern: "You can rest assured that the matter of going abroad is wrapped up in me." ”

Chen Gong is not stupid, on the surface perfunctory Hu Youmin, get money, but do not want to take the risk to steal intelligence. He thought of a man again—Li Guozhong, a fox friend who had also been sentenced for intentional injury and hated society and dared to play for money.

Chen Gong asked Li Guozhong out, bitterly saying that it was not easy for these labor reform prisoners to make a living, and turned the topic to qiu fu and qiu guo... Li Guozhong usually chats with relatives and friends and does not shy away from his hatred, chen Gong mentioned this, he immediately became angry, swearing and grinning, talking about dissatisfaction with society.

Chen Gong did not take much effort to say that Li Guozhong was put into the "organization" and took Li Guozhong to find Hu Youmin. Hu Youmin was worried that he could not find anyone, of course agreed, and arrogantly gave the two people funds for their activities, and gave them spy training.

This "spy group" full of evil and hatred was thus organized, and Hu Youmin frequently returned to China in accordance with the tasks assigned above, collecting all kinds of intelligence under the guise of traveling, visiting relatives, or negotiating business. Li Guo was the most courageous, responsible for traveling to various places to liaise and pass on the news.

Fourth, the NSA has been watching them for half a month

On November 7, 1988, Li Guozhong came to Nanjing from M City, which was his first "mission".

He sent letters to mailboxes all over Nanjing, concealing his real name and address, thinking that he had done a very clever and covert job. He did not expect that one of the pieces of information would fall into the hands of the Nanjing State Security Bureau.

This letter involves a series of important situations such as China's military and economic situation, and the Security Service attaches great importance to it, but because the information of the sender is not clear, it has to be temporarily observed and waited for him to appear again.

Sure enough, on January 17, 1989, Li Guozhong came to Nanjing again to deliver intelligence to Taiwan's spy and intelligence agencies. The letter he sent once again fell into the hands of the NSA, which reported to the higher-level state security organs, and immediately after obtaining approval, the case was filed and investigated. They quickly analyzed that this was an organized team activity, and set up a "117 Task Force" with "117" as the code name of the case to organize forces to track down and investigate.

After technical identification, the comrades of the special case group first ruled out the possibility of Nanjing residents sending intelligence, and judged from the clues of the letter that this person came from Anhui City M.

Immediately, the special case team held a case analysis meeting and decided to immediately send someone to M City to investigate. Case-handling personnel rushed to M City overnight and worked with the city's state security department to cast a net to search for suspects.

2 days and 3 nights, the search is like a needle in a haystack, fortunately the direction of the investigation is correct, the case-handling personnel quickly locked a factory in M City, when checking the employee information, Li Guozhong's file attracted the attention of the case-handling personnel.

The case-handling personnel did not immediately arrest Li Guozhong, and in order to dig out all the suspects among the members of the "spy team", they closely monitored Li Guozhong for half a month.

Li Guozhong did not feel the slightest trace of him by the state security organs, and he was still wandering around under the command of Hu Youmin, carrying out various actions that endangered national security. But whenever he wanted to deliver news to Taiwan, he would go to Nanjing.

The special case personnel patiently collected evidence, analyzed and excluded the people Li Guozhong usually contacted, and finally determined that his upper line was Hu Youmin, and the contact between Hu Youmin and him was Chen Gong.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

After Li Guozhong and Chen Gong were arrested, Hu Youmin was completely unaware.

One Sunday in May 1989, Hu Youmin returned to China again. He is dressed in a fashionable dress, wears color-changing sunglasses, carries a valuable small leather suitcase, and is full of pride.

His passport is genuine and the formalities are complete, and the ostensible reason for returning to China this time is "visiting relatives and sightseeing". Unexpectedly, at the Nanjing airport at this time, the investigators of the State Security Bureau were waiting for him for a long time.

Hu Youmin was quickly arrested and arrested, and in the face of many pieces of evidence, he had to plead guilty. Based on information from Hu Youmin, the state security organs seized a series of spies of the organization.

On January 17, 1990, after trial by the Anhui M Municipal Intermediate People's Court, Hu Youmin was sentenced to 15 years in prison for espionage, and Li Guozhong and Chen Gong were sentenced to 7 years in prison each.

V. Why do college students become traitors to the state?

Hu Youmin and others thought that sending a few letters in the middle of a vast sea of people would not be discovered, and in fact it would be difficult to escape the sight of the investigators of China's security organs.

In the 80s, international students were not common, and Hu Youmin's parents sent him to the United States to study at a university, and with all their efforts, they did not expect that he had embarked on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

What is even more shocking to us is that there are not many cases of espionage on college campuses in China, and since 2012, they have shown an upward trend. Overseas spy agencies are no longer satisfied with finding targets from international students, and domestic college students are also their focus.

For example, in 2011, Song Zhe, who was studying mechanical engineering at a key university in China, was arranged by the school to go to Taiwan Yishou University for study and exchange, and met Xu Jiaying, a 35-year-old Taiwanese woman, and fell in love.

Because Song Zhe's major can contact many secrets of national defense science and engineering, Xu Jiaying coaxed Song Zhe with sweet words and asked Song Zhe to send his research results to share with him after returning to China, saying that he was "going to be the eyes of the other party."

Song Zhe sent all his life and study to Xu Jiaying, and every time Song Zhe complained about the lack of money, Xu Jiaying would happily "lend money" to him.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

2 years later, Song Zhe was a graduate student and could participate in some projects of the State Key Laboratory, Xu Jiaying's requirements for him intensified, Song Zhe found that something was wrong, and once wanted to break off relations with Xu Jiaying. Unexpectedly, Xu Jiaying was stalking and sending emails to Song Zhe's classmates and family members everywhere, saying that he was a liar who deceived his feelings, and Song Zhe had to collect all kinds of intelligence according to Xu Jiaying's requirements.

In 2014, Xu Jiaying's actions were discovered by the state security department, and Song Zhe's illegal actions stopped. Over the years, Song Zhe provided Xu Jiaying with hundreds of pieces of information on the design of our national defense science and technology industry, and Xu Jiaying gave her a total of 45,000 yuan in remuneration.

In order to obtain intelligence, these spies use all kinds of means to the extreme, in addition to seduction, they will also contact college students on the mainland in the name of charity or environmental protection volunteers; use the provision of financial support, employment positions, learning opportunities, etc. for college students as bait to rebel against college students; through academic exchanges, through some local foundations, directly use money to buy the materials that these students can access.

They also have their own set of ways to identify key student populations:

  1. Students who behave more selfishly and do not care about the interests of the collective in their daily lives,
  2. The motive for joining the Party is not pure. Students who do not agree with the Party's constitution and program, join the Party for fame and fortune, and have different hearts;
  3. In daily life, the idea of exaltation is very serious, especially students who pay attention to material enjoyment.
  4. Students whose consumption levels and family economic situation are seriously inconsistent.
  5. There are students who have reactionary ideas and remarks on his circle of friends, Weibo and other social software, or there are many radical and reactionary accounts in his friends and followers.

Scientific research institutes and universities are the forefront of China's high-tech project research and development, the identity of students is simple, not easy to be discovered, more importantly, they generally master the use of office software skills, with a certain ability to analyze and sort. College students or graduate students targeted by intelligence organizations generally have excellent grades, and their majors can access confidential information in the country's military, economic, political and other fields.

In the 1988 Nanjing 117 espionage case, the main culprit was a college student, and he was lured by his Taiwanese girlfriend to sign a "volunteer book"

These foreign spies are very cunning, and all they ask for at the beginning is irrelevant material, which does not fall into the category of intelligence. They do this with a deeper consideration: they use money to trap these students, go deeper and deeper, and finally threaten and induce them so that they can't get rid of them.

The lack of family and school education has made these children's thinking degenerate, and they have clearly seen the reactionary nature of the other party, clearly know that they are engaged in things that endanger the country and the people, and clearly know that what they have done has violated the bottom line of the law... But because of the greed for profits, it still continues to cooperate.

"The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the puppeteer", improve the children's infiltration of identifying and preventing foreign spies, enhance the children's vigilance and anti-corruption immunity, and establish the children's belief in patriotism, not only the parents' affairs, schools and society should also actively guide and cultivate elites who serve the country for the country, not traitors to the country.

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