
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

author:Historical Dragon Pavilion

In the 1950 War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, not only China but also the Soviet Union participated in the war. The United Nations army, led by the United States, not only has a well-trained army with combat experience, but also has a powerful navy and air force. New China has only just been founded, mainly by the army, and the navy and air force basically do not have much combat capability.

North Korea's air force construction is also not very good, the U.S. military intervened in the Korean War, North Korea's 109 fighters, soon shot down by U.S. fighter jets 73. The Soviet Union was the largest socialist country in the world, and the fall of Korea would inevitably harm the interests of the Soviet Union.

When the volunteers first entered Korea, they were bombarded by Us aircraft, and it was difficult for the rear to keep up with the supplies, and the operation was blocked. However, without the cover of the air force, the volunteer army used a combination of mobile warfare and partial position warfare, and used continuous combat at night to beat the American army fiercely.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured|Chinese A Civilian Volunteer Army aircraft

The Soviet Union saw the strength of the volunteer army and, for various reasons, at the request of China and North Korea, dispatched its air force to fight in North Korea. In northeast China, the Soviet Union had a brigade of air force stationed here, and received orders from Stalin to enter the war in Korea.

Stalin asked soviet pilots to say Chinese, concealed the fact that the Soviet Union had entered the war, and replaced the Russian of the aircraft with Chinese characters and drawings. The Soviet Air Force dispatched more than 1,800 sorties in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, shooting down about 1,000 US aircraft. The Soviet Air Force played a huge role in the air battles in the Korean theater.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army? What exactly did Stalin have?

The United States intervened in the Korean War, and Stalin and Chairman Mao had different attitudes

On June 25, 1950, the contradictions between Korea and South Korea intensified, and war broke out in full swing, both wanting to unify the country by force. South Korea was gradually defeated by the North Korean offensive. North Korea and South Korea, socialist and capitalist, respectively, are two different camps. North korea and south Korea were one country for a long time, but then they were divided by the world war.

Now both countries want to reunify by force, which is the internal affair of North Korea, and other countries should not interfere. But just as South Korea was about to be swallowed up by North Korea, the United States joined forces with other capitalist countries to form a United Nations army to intervene in the Korean War under the banner of humanitarianism and help South Korea fight against North Korea.

As a result of the accession of the United States, the originally good war situation in The DPRK deteriorated rapidly, the US military was well-armed, most of the officers and men had participated in World War II, and most of them were well-trained veterans. North Korea was defeated by the UN offensive, and North Korean Prime Minister Kim Il Sung had to ask the Soviet Union and China for assistance.

Stalin and Chairman Mao received a letter from Kim Il Sung asking for help, but their attitudes were different. Although Stalin did not want to see Korea annexed by South Korea, he did not want to directly intervene in the Korean War and confront the United States. If the Soviet Union had joined directly, the Korean War would have most likely turned into World War III, and the nature would have been different.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured| Chairman Mao

The Soviet Union had gone through the previous world wars, the national economy was slow, and Stalin did not want the Soviet Union to be involved in the war again. Stalin, for all reasons, set aside Kim Il-sung's letter of request for help and observed China's attitude toward the matter.

At this time, China had just been founded, had experienced the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, the national economy was relatively backward, and only the army could handle the three armed forces. Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai, and others discussed for a long time that China did not want to help The DPRK, but that there was a huge disparity in strength, and China's participation in the war was bound to suffer heavy losses.

Mao Zedong discussed with Zhou Enlai, Lin Biao, and others for several days, and disagreed on the issue of sending troops to aid North Korea. Soon after, the United States hit the Sino-North Korean border, and U.S. aircraft repeatedly crossed the border between China and North Korea, threatening China's airspace rights. The Chinese government has repeatedly warned the US side not to invade the mainland's airspace, but they have been ignored by the US military.

On October 19, 1950, the U.S. military openly stated that "the Yalu River is not an unbridgeable boundary between China and North Korea." "The US plane brazenly invaded China's northeast airspace, dropped shells in the Dandong area, and the flames of war have burned to the yalu River. China's territorial security was threatened, and Chairman Mao finally decided to defend his homeland and resist the United States and aid Korea.

China can no longer take care of the gap in strength between the two countries, and the war of the US military has burned to the Yalu River and at the same time to the "brow of China". Stalin was able to withstand it in large part because the flames of war had already reached China, and the Soviet Union did not want to openly oppose the United States.

Chairman Mao was not unaware of the gap between China and the United States, and the great man played the soot and said: "If the United States crosses the 38th line, will the Yalu River cross?" Even if we don't fight this battle, our children and grandchildren will fight it, and it is better to fight late than to fight early! ”

Zhou Enlai secretly traveled to the Soviet Union

If North Korea were to be brought under the control of the United States, the pattern of the Far East would change, which Stalin did not want to see, because the Soviet Far East would face the threat of capitalist countries such as the United States. Stalin proposed: China sent troops to Korea, and the Soviet Union would provide China with weapons and air force.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured | Stalin

Chairman Mao took precautions and had long anticipated the day when troops would be dispatched, and established the Northeast Border Defense Army long ago. Although the strategic goal of sending troops to Korea was decided, it was still difficult to make up my mind when this day really came. New China has only been established for about a year, and the difference between the strength of the United States and the United States is too large.

Stalin telephoned Chairman Mao, hoping that China would send troops to help Korea, and clearly stated that the Soviet Union would provide the Chinese army with the most advanced soviet weapons and air force to cover the volunteer army. At the same time, Stalin also promised to send pilots to China to help China train pilots in the fastest time.

Stalin's promise gave Chairman Mao a great deal of confidence, not to mention the significance of sending troops to Korea to China. China, at the request of North Korean Prime Minister Kim Il Sung, decided to send troops. Chinese the People's Volunteer Army was about to leave, the Soviet side hesitated, and there was no news of the "Air Force" that had been promised before.

The Chinese sent several telegrams to Stalin in succession, but none of them received a clear response. Zhou Enlai decided to visit Stalin in the Soviet Union himself, and on October 10, 1950, Premier Zhou arrived in Moscow.

The Soviets told Premier Zhou that Stalin was on vacation in Crimea. Premier Zhou suddenly felt some headaches, and he had a premonition that Stalin's vacation at this time must have expected that the Chinese side would come over to "ask for guilt." At this time, the Chinese volunteer army still had 8 days to fight in Korea, and Stalin could calm down, but Chairman Mao could not.

Premier Zhou and his party immediately rushed to Crimea on the shores of the Black Sea, and on the afternoon of October 11, Premier Zhou met with Stalin and informed him of China's decision to send troops to North Korea.

Premier Zhou said: "New China will face many difficulties in entering the DPRK campaign, and the first problem faced by the volunteer army is the bombing of US aircraft. China's air force construction has just begun, and sending troops to Korea is our common strategy. At the beginning, it was also said that China would send troops and the Soviet side could provide advanced weapons and air force. Assistance from the Soviet side, especially the cover of the Air Force, was important. ”

Stalin also recognized Premier Zhou, nodded his head, and said: "After the world war, the Soviet side has completely withdrawn its troops from Korea, and if we send troops now, it will be tantamount to a direct war with the United States." This is not a simple Korean War, the Chinese side has sent troops, the Soviet Union will definitely send air cover. However, the Soviet Air Force must be absolutely conservative and cannot penetrate deep into the Us army camp. ”

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured | Premier Zhou

Premier Zhou understood Stalin's concerns that if soviet pilots were arrested and Soviet war incidents were discovered, international pressure would be put on the Soviet side, and the Korean War was likely to turn into a war between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Premier Zhou continued to ask Stalin when the Soviet pilots were on the move. Stalin made excuses: "Perhaps at that time, the Soviet Air Force will still be preparing internally, and it will still be adjusted at present, and it will not be able to move in a short period of time." ”

Premier Zhou's meeting with Stalin ended, and the contents of the meeting were sent to Chairman Mao in the form of telegrams, and Stalin meant that the Soviet side would not send air forces for the time being. Chairman Mao did not expect Stalin to drop the chain at a crucial time, and this news surprised many people.

Stalin had made it clear that he would send jet fighter divisions with a total of 124 fighters to cover the Chinese Volunteers. Stalin temporarily changed his mind, and Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai had to suspend the plan to send troops and once again discuss whether to decide to send troops. Without the help of the Soviet Union, we must re-estimate the impact of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea on the mainland.

In order to defend China's territorial sovereignty, Chairman Mao, Peng Dehuai, and other comrades decided to send troops to Korea to defend the country after discussion. Even if the Soviet Union did not send its air force for the time being, China should still enter the Korean war.

Peng Dehuai said: "The US military is on our side, if we do not send troops to fight back, when they occupy and cross the Yalu River and blockade the river, we will fall into passivity." Sooner or later, this battle will be fought, and it is better to fight it early. ”

On October 19, 1950, because China did not have an air force, 260,000 volunteers chose to secretly enter North Korea at night, preparing to surprise the U.S. military.

Stalin decided to send the Air Force to cover the Volunteers in secret

On October 25, the first battle of the volunteer army into the DPRK was a complete victory, and the volunteer army did not fear the enemy in the face of the absolute strength of the enemy, and played the chinese style. The victory of the Chinese volunteer army in the Korean flag allowed the Soviet Union to see China's strength. Stalin finally decided to honor his previous promises.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured| Volunteer Soldier

Stalin was not in a hurry to deal with the Korean War before, so why did he fulfill his promise to send air support immediately after the victory of the volunteer army after the first world war?

There are two reasons, the first is that Stalin may be suspicious that China and the United States are likely to fight with the United States, it is very likely that there will be "chicken and egg fighting", and he is worried that rushing to help China will "lose the wife and fold the army". The first battle of the Volunteer Army allowed Stalin to see the strength of the Chinese army, although the equipment was the weakness of our army, but the courage of the soldiers was extraordinary.

Reason two: On October 8, the Soviet Sukhayaleka Air Base was bombed by US warplanes, and it is possible that the US military was also worried that the Soviet side would send an air force to intervene in the Korean War, so it decided to strike first.

At first, the U.S. military did not admit that they did it, and the Soviet Union produced ironclad evidence such as bomb fragments left by the U.S. military. The US military used the excuse of "pilots blowing up by mistake" to prevaricate the Soviet Union, and the surprise attack of the US military made Stalin completely sober, and the ambitions of the United States were not small. If Korea was defeated, the Soviet Union could not stay out of the country.

On November 1, The commander of the Soviet 64th Air Defense Army, Robertov, led the relevant fighters to Dandong, most of these pilots were air force heroes who participated in the Second World War, stalin in order to prevent the identity of the pilots from being revealed, a series of measures were made:

  1. Camouflage the aircraft. No fighter jet was allowed to take off from Soviet territory to fight; Soviet fighters had to remove all signs representing the Soviet Union; the appearance of the fighter was changed to that of a volunteer aircraft, painted with paint representing the Volunteer Air Force.
  2. The costume of the pilot. All pilots were required to change into uniform uniforms of the Chinese Volunteer Air Force and wear the heads badges of Mao Zedong and Stalin on their chests.
  3. The pilot's profile. Stalin modified the personal files of Soviet pilots, and the pilots had to swear an oath not to reveal their true identities; all soviet pilots were not allowed to take pictures with Chinese and to give their private photographs to anyone.
  4. Soviet aircraft could not enter the enemy rear without permission.
  5. All Soviet pilots could not speak Russian on the radio, they had to speak Chinese.
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured| Soviet pilot

The first 4 stipulations were acceptable to Soviet pilots, but only Article 5, many pilots could not do it. The "Chinese language" they spoke during the battle was not only incomprehensible to Chinese, but also incomprehensible to the Soviets, which seriously affected the course of the operation.

After the Soviet leadership knew that the pilots did not abide by discipline, they sent people to hold the pilots accountable, and the pilots retorted: "You go and fly the plane in the air and use Chinese to report the situation, and when we finish reporting with a crappy Chinese, the enemy will have already run away, will they stay where they are waiting for you?" ”

This last provision was not observed by everyone and was abolished.

"Cooperation" between the Volunteer Army and the Soviet Union

Later, the Soviet fighters played a certain role in the battlefield, but Stalin had another promise that was not fulfilled, that is, to teach the mainland combat experience in the air force. Previously, in order to encourage New China to invade North Korea, Stalin promised to help China grow its air force.

Has this been achieved? We can see this from the stories of Fang Ziyi, commander of the 4th Division of the Volunteer Air Force, and General Bashgević, commander of the 50th Division of the Soviet Air Force.

On December 15, 1950, Fang Ziyi, then the commander of the 4th Division of the Air Force of the Chinese Volunteer Army, came to Dandong Airport to meet the commander of the Soviet Air Force Division and formulate a real combat training plan together. This was supposed to be a sino-Soviet friendly exchange, but chinese pilots had the heart to learn, and Soviet instructors did not necessarily have the heart to teach.

On December 28, our side discovered that there were enemy aircraft activities in the Anju area, and the volunteers and the Soviet Union flew together, flying 4 planes each. Fang Ziyi ordered Captain Li Han of the 28th Brigade to lead the team to study with the Soviet aircraft, and Li Han always kept in touch with the Soviet pilots in the collection and take-off, and everything was normal.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured | Li Han

Until the difference between the enemy and us was 30 kilometers, Li Han and the Soviet pilot informed the position between the enemy and us, paying attention to the search. Immediately after the soviet pilot's radio telegraph came a noisy noise, Li Han immediately reported the situation to the division commander Fang Ziyi.

Fang Ziyi contacted the commander of the Soviet Air Force division, and the commander of the Soviet Air Force division said: "We found the F-80 enemy aircraft in the air, the Soviet pilots are fighting, and Li Han can return to the ship." Fang Ziyi said with some irritation: "Why don't you take Li Han to fight together?" He flew steadily, so he lacked actual combat experience. ”

The commander of the Soviet division said carelessly: "The language is not clear, they will suffer losses in command, and it is not good to make jokes." Fang Ziyi heard the prevarication of the Soviet division commander and had to order Li Han to return to the ship.

Later, in many flight practices, the Soviet Air Force always refused to teach for various reasons. Fang Ziyi and Li Han recognized the facts clearly for a period of time, and it was better to seek others than to seek themselves, and they explored and practiced on their own.

On January 21, 1951, Fang Ziyi completed practical training and hit an F-84 enemy aircraft. Immediately afterward, Fang Ziyi shared his combat experience and guided the training of volunteer pilots. On January 29, Li Han also completed the actual combat training plan and successfully shot down an F-84 enemy aircraft.

Volunteers in the eyes of the Soviet Union

After the victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, all countries in the world made a new estimate of the combat effectiveness of New China, and the Soviet Union discovered in fighting side by side with the volunteer army that the characteristics of the Chinese army: the combat quality is extraordinary, many commanders are tenacious, and the soldiers brought out by these commanders are the same.

The volunteer soldiers are not afraid of sacrifice at all, even in the face of the world's number one power, they are not afraid at all, they are not afraid of sacrifice, and they fight hard in a harsh environment.

Most of the volunteer soldiers were not well adapted to the cold environment, and there was not enough cotton clothing to withstand the cold. Completely different from the fully equipped Soviet Air Force and the U.S. Army. This is what the Soviet ambassador to China reported to the Chief of the General Staff on the situation of the volunteer army.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

Pictured|Chinese A soldier of the People's Volunteer Army

The Chinese army command system made many Soviet commanders admire, when the supreme leader of the Soviet Union was Stalin, who liked to take power into his own hands, grasp politics and military, and did not like someone to make decisions for him.

New China is different, and Peng Zong's ideas will always be the first to tell Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao rarely interferes in Peng Zong's decisions, and the two military wizards often agree.

The Soviet Union's record of being tough in the air

The Soviet Union was capricious, but they contributed to the Korean War. The Soviet Air Force experienced the baptism of World War II, and their combat experience was comparable to that of the American Army. As soon as they entered North Korea, they achieved impressive results.

From 1950 to the summer of 1953, the Soviet Air Force fought almost all the major air battles of the Korean War, and in June 1992, the Russian president sent a letter to the U.S. Senate stating that U.S. missing people in North Korea said: "1,309 U.S. aircraft were shot down over North Korea, and only 262 American pilots survived." ”

The Russian president mentioned that 1309 American aircraft were shot down in North Korea, but did not mention who shot down, and some professionals in the United States have analyzed: "Of the 1309 aircraft, at least 3/4 of the American aircraft were shot down by the Soviet Air Force." ”

The reason why American professionals speculate this is because China's authorities have published the number of American planes shot down by Chinese volunteers as 330, which is also in line with the Speculation of the Americans.

The commander of the Soviet 64th Air Defense Army, Robov, once revealed: "The ratio of losses between the Soviet Union and the United States Air Force is 1:4." In other words, for every aircraft lost by the Soviet Union, the U.S. Air Force lost four. The number of Soviet planes shot down during the Korean War was around 240. Of course, these are just guesses.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

The U.S. military had been shot down so many fighter jets that they realized that their opponent was not the Chinese Volunteer Army, let alone the Korean People's Army, but most likely the Soviet Air Force. When the U.S. military learned of this news, it quickly used the more powerful fighter F-86.

The Soviet Air Force did not know that the U.S. Air Force had replaced more powerful fighters and used the old method to meet the battle. Unexpectedly, within a few rounds, he was shot down by the American F-86. In order to know the weaknesses of the F-86 fighter, the Soviet Air Force desperately needed a prisoner of American pilot.

Chinese people always like to call the Soviet Union a fighting nation, and sure enough, they are not blind.

On July 11, 1951, the 33-year-old Commander of the Soviet Air Regiment, Colonel Peryaev, we also called him Colonel. The colonel learned that the U.S. F-86 would operate along the MiG Corridor, and he personally went into battle without regard for his personal safety, flying fighter jets to meet the battle.

Under the colonel's deadly attack, an American F-86 fighter was shot down at close range. The American pilot was captured alive by volunteers after parachuting, and after interrogation, he learned of the F-86 fighter's weakness. Although this kind of aircraft is fast and has high damage, it is heavier, has poor maneuverability at high altitude, and its defense ability is not good, and it is easier to damage and stop.

Based on this weakness, the Soviet Air Force quickly developed a battle plan.

The Soviet Air Force fought so obviously, did the US side not know that the Soviet Union had made a move? The answer is yes, the U.S. Air Force clearly saw the appearance of Soviet pilots when fighting at close range. At first, Soviet pilots spoke Chinese in the air, but then they would speak Russian in a hurry.

When the Americans intercepted it, they knew that it was not the volunteers who flew the plane, but the Soviets. So why didn't the United States expose the Soviet Air Force to the United Nations?

There are two reasons for this:

  1. There is no conclusive evidence from the U.S. military to directly prove that the Soviet Union intervened;
  2. The United States has its own concerns, the Soviet Union only dispatched the air force, if this piece of paper is broken, the Soviet Union is likely to send the army, the navy, a Chinese volunteer army the United States is already overwhelmed, if you add one, the result is self-evident.
In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union secretly participated in the war and shot down more than 1,000 US military planes, so why did it pretend to be a volunteer army?

The | signed the Korean Armistice

On the day of the end of the Korean War, Stalin had died, and the Soviet Union, in order to hide its eyes, would not send more than 60 fighters at a time, because the Volunteers did not have so many aircraft. The Volunteers fought head-on with the Americans in a situation of backward equipment and insufficient food and grass, and won the victory.

After the victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Soviet Union counted the achievements of their air force on the volunteer army. Objectively speaking, the Soviet Union entered the war because on the one hand it did not want to watch Korea fall, and on the other hand, it also wanted to find out the strength of the US Air Force.

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