
More real丨 Volunteers from all over the world have arrived in Ukraine to resist Russia? It's an old video

Verifier: The more authentic team

Recently, there was a video circulating on the Internet: multinational soldiers are fully armed, first report their country names, then hand-tap the camera relay, and finally the soldiers board the ship and cross the sea. The title "We Are with You, Ukraine" has made many people think that this is an international volunteer army to Ukraine.

More real丨 Volunteers from all over the world have arrived in Ukraine to resist Russia? It's an old video

Screenshot of rumor video

According to the investigation, the video was uploaded to YouTube as early as December 2019, and the blogger named Motorizado is a military fan.

According to him, the video, from the Brazilian Navy and Brazilian television, is the scene of a joint maritime exercise between the United States, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico.

More real丨 Volunteers from all over the world have arrived in Ukraine to resist Russia? It's an old video

Screenshot of the original video, the first soldier claims to be from Brazil

Probably there has been a lot of news about Ukrainian foreign volunteers lately, and someone has clipped this video with a misleading headline to get traffic. The video is fake, but the international volunteers aiding Ukraine are real.

According to CCTV, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy announced the establishment of the "Ukrainian Territorial Defense International Combat Team" on February 27. Xinhua News quoted on March 1 that at least 10 US and European veterans who have received military training from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are ready to enter Ukraine.

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