
Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters

author:Huizhou Linshen selling house small cute

Drunken chicken wings

Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters


8 chicken wings, mash to taste, ginger to taste, cooking wine 15 ml, oyster sauce 10 g, dark soy sauce 5 ml, refined salt 1 g, edible oil to taste, water to taste

Cooking steps:

1. Wash and drain the chicken wings, add 15ml of cooking wine, mix well, let stand and marinate for 20 minutes.

Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters

2. Brush the bottom of the non-stick pan with oil, add chicken wings and fry until golden brown on both sides.

Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters

3. Add ginger slices, oyster sauce and soy sauce and stir-fry evenly.

Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters

4. Then pour in the mash to an appropriate amount, add to 2/3 of the chicken wings and stir-fry well. Bring to a boil over high heat, add 1g of salt and stir-fry well.

Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters

5. Cover the lid, turn the heat down and simmer for 5-10 minutes, open the lid, poke the chicken with chopsticks, if the chicken is not yet cooked, continue to cover the lid and simmer, if it can be easily penetrated, turn to high heat to dry the soup.

Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters

6. Serve on a plate and enjoy.

Wine stuffed drunken chicken wings, super delicious, a must-have dish for banqueters

Cooking Tips:

1, chicken wings are also known as chicken wings, big turns, less meat, skin rich in gum, and divided into "chicken arms" and "tip" two kinds. And xiaobian in the time of doing it is the choice of chicken arm, connecting the chicken body to the first joint of the chicken wing, more meat; chicken wings relative to the wing tip and wing root, its collagen content is rich, for girls to maintain skin gloss, enhance skin elasticity are good. 2, like the usual chicken wings can eat the way to eat is generally roasted outside the barbecue stall, or fried, such a way to eat slightly too greasy and on the fire to come, so usually we make it at home, you can choose to fry, braised, wine and other methods, common Coke chicken wings, beer chicken wings, are very simple to complete, I hope you can learn to do more to taste Oh ~

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