
Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

author:It's fun

In July 2018, in a show,

Shi Shengjie said very emotionally: "I am full of confidence in returning to the stage as soon as possible, I plan my stage plan until the age of 80, I can only use my art and practical actions to repay the audience who support cross-talk art." ”

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


Shi Shengjie's condition suddenly deteriorated.

On September 28, due to the ineffectiveness of rescue, he unfortunately passed away at the age of 66.

His wife, Song Yan, even posted: "We will still be husband and wife in the next life. ”

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Four years have passed, and Song Yan is still in Harbin, where the two people love each other.

Whenever I miss my husband, I will take a photo of the two of them and see things and think of people.

Song Yan's nostalgia for her husband and her strength in grief are touching.

What kind of love story is there between Shi Shengjie and Song Yan?

Let Song Yan still not be able to come out of the grief?

And what did their daughter do after her father's death?

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


In 1953, Shi Shengjie was born in Tianjin, the birthplace of xiangsheng.

The unique cultural heritage has made Shi Shengjie yearn for cross-talk on stage since he was a child.

His parents did not want their son to take the road of crosstalk.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Shi Shengjie's parents are well-known cross-talk actors, they know the hardships of saying cross-talk, and they don't want their son to go his own way.

But I can't stand the heavens to feed and eat,

Shi Shengjie showed an amazing talent in crosstalk at a very young age.

When his parents performed on stage, he would often learn to look good backstage.

Peers saw it and praised it and said, "It's a good seedling." ”

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In 1956, when his father Shi Shiyuan performed in Harbin, he joined the Harbin Qu Art Troupe.

So, the family of three moved to Harbin to live.

At that time, Shi Shengjie lived with his parents in the dormitory arranged by the regiment.

Surrounded by all kinds of entertainers, Shi Shengjie is even more fond of crosstalk.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

One day in 1960, Shi Shengjie was still waiting backstage for his parents to perform and go home for dinner.

When his parents removed their makeup and changed their clothes, he suddenly performed a cross-talk "Catch and Release Cao".

This shocked his father, before that, Shi Shengjie had never learned crosstalk, nor had he taught him.

Looking at such a gifted son,

Shi Shiyuan and his wife looked at each other wordlessly and decided to let everything go naturally.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Shi Shengjie, who was not blocked by his parents, began to show his fists.

When his father is not busy, he will let his father teach him the basic skills of crosstalk

I also often ask other people in the group how to speak crosstalk better.

After the leader of the QuYi Troupe knew that Shi Shiyuan's son also loved to talk to each other,

A two-person show was arranged for their father and son.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

7-year-old Shi Shengjie generously performed "Catch and Release Cao" on the stage, ushering in a full house of applause.

Many spectators asked them to return to the scene for a while.

Since then, Shi Shengjie's fate with Xiangsheng can no longer be solved.

A year later, Shi Shengjie studied under the famous cross-talk actor Zhu Xiangchen and began to formally learn the journey of cross-talk.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

If you want to speak cross-talk clearly, you must first practice fluent Mandarin.

Shi Shengjie would go downstairs to the garden every morning to practice in a mediocre manner.

Just like this, day after day, his skills have been further improved.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Practice is the standard by which the results of the exercise are tested.

Master would often take Shi Shengjie to perform.

Excellent stage typhoon and excellent technology made Shi Shengjie's fame slowly ring in Harbin.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


In 1969, Shi Shengjie came to the Production and Construction Corps for special reasons for labor reform.

Here he worked as a "sommelier" for 7 years.

His daily job is to taste the taste of the wine is not qualified.

Shi Shengjie, who was only 16 years old, had drunk so much wine.

At the beginning, after a few sips, my face turned red and my head couldn't stop fainting.

But over time, the amount of alcohol naturally rises.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

The 9-hour wine tasting time every day made Shi Shengjie quickly become addicted to alcohol, and even reached the point where he did not drink a little every day.

But what he didn't know was how much the habit of drinking every day had hurt his body.

If you arrange drinking and cross-talk,

Shi Shengjie will still put cross-talk first and drinking in second place.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In 1975, the Construction Corps organized a party, and Shi Shengjie was selected by the regiment to speak cross-talk.

Picking up his old job again, he stood on the stage, his trembling hands could not stop.

He did an excellent job of performing, and he was valued by the leadership.

A year later, Shi Shengjie was transferred to the Provincial Qu Art Troupe.

Here, he not only reopened his cross-talk career, but also met the lover who stayed together all his life.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


Song Yan as a northern girl, bold atmosphere is synonymous with her.

Outgoing, she is very popular in the group.

On the first day of Shi Shengjie's arrival in the regiment, he noticed a girl who smiled very brightly when talking to others.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In the face of the new colleagues, Song Yan also came forward very warmly to greet him.

The two men had their first conversation.

In the continuous relationship after that, Shi Shengjie was unsurprisingly attracted to her.

He also knew that there were many excellent boys in the group who liked Song Yan,

Compared with them, they have no looks and no money.

Therefore, he silently put his feelings for Song Yan in his heart.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Shi Shengjie, who emotionally suffered from a crush, began to shine in his career.

His hard work as a child made him quickly become the mainstay of the group of cross-talk actors.

His performance was even more full, and Shi Shengjie's fame soon spread.

Song Yan naturally also noticed the outstanding Shi Shengjie.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Looking at Shi Shengjie, who radiated brilliance on the stage, Song Yan's girl's heart "banged" and jumped.

Privately, she began to quietly pay attention to Shi Shengjie.

Watching Shi Shengjie rehearse every day for the new program, Song Yan felt that he was a serious and responsible man.

So every day he would bring Shi Shengjie a meal he had made.

In the between, both people have determined each other's affection for themselves,

But no one broke the last piece of window paper.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In 1979, during a group dinner, Shi Shengjie, who had drunk wine, finally couldn't hold back his feelings for Song Yan.

He invited Song Yan to the garden of the hotel and expressed his heart to Song Yan.

Song Yan waited for three years for this confession, and she did not hesitate to agree to Shi Shengjie's confession.

The window paper separated between the two men was completely punctured.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

After the two people were together, Shi Shengjie also explained the situation at home to Song Yan.

Song Yan is not looking at these flashy things,

What she likes is Shi Shengjie.

Not long after, Song Yan took Shi Shengjie home to meet his parents.

Song Yan doesn't care about family lineage, which doesn't mean her parents don't care.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Looking at the poor and white Shi Shengjie, Song Yan's parents said that they would let the two people break up, and they did not want their beloved daughter to live a hard life.

But Song Yan, who was immersed in love, could not listen to the persuasion of her parents, and her determination to be with Shi Shengjie was very firm.

She even cut her own hair to show her determination to marry Shi Shengjie.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In the conflict between parents and children, parents are always the first to compromise.

In the end, Song Yan's parents agreed to the love affair between the two people.

In 1981, the two who broke through many obstacles were licensed to marry in Harbin.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


Shi Shengjie and Song Yan's new marriage life was not good.

The two men had little money in their hands, no house, and even their basic livelihood became a problem.

In order to save money for renting a house, Shi Shengjie and Song Yan lived in the troupe's office as soon as they discussed.

When the colleagues came home from work, the two of them cleaned up their desks and put them together, so that they became a bed.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In order not to affect the normal work of colleagues the next day, they get up every day before dawn.

Put the things on the table back in place.

Thankfully, this didn't last long.

In the quyi competition at the end of the year, Shi Shengjie won the first prize of the competition.

In order to reward Shi Shengjie for his excellent performance in the competition, the Qu Art Troupe assigned him a 21-square-meter house.

Although the house was small, Shi Shengjie and Song Yan were very excited.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In the vast city, there is finally a warm nest that belongs to two people to nestle next to each other.

Good things came in pairs, and not long after moving to a small house, Song Yan became pregnant.

Song Yan herself is also a very good performer, but she gave up her career for the sake of her family and children.

During Song Yan's pregnancy, Shi Shengjie's fame increased greatly, and various activities were invited continuously.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

After knowing that his wife was pregnant, Shi Shengjie wanted to stay at home and take care of her.

Song Yan let her husband busy with her career first, she was still in the early stages of pregnancy, and she did not need to be taken care of.

She advised Shi Shengjie: "You can rest assured, I will contact you when I have something to do." Don't worry. ”

Seeing his wife so supportive of his career, Shi Shengjie was very moved.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

One day in 1983, Shi Shengjie, who was attending a condolence performance in the northwest, suddenly received a call from the hospital.

His wife's due date was suddenly advanced, and listening to the weak voice on his wife's phone, Shi Shengjie was extremely worried in his heart.

Song Yan said comfortingly, "I'm fine." You like boys and girls, have you thought of a good name for your child? ”

Shi Shengjie said: "I like boys and girls, if it is a boy, I am called Shi Shuai, and the girl is called Shi Hazy." ”

After 10 hours of difficult childbirth, the daughters of the two men were born.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

A month later, Shi Shengjie finally returned home after finishing the performance.

Looking at the sleeping child lying in his wife's arms, Shi Shengjie's eyes were red.

He stepped forward and hugged Song Yan and said, "Thank you." ”

After having a child, Shi Shengjie worked harder.

In the cross-talk competition, he has won many first-class awards.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In 1984, Shi Shengjie won the favor of cross-talk actor Hou Baolin with his talent and talent in cross-talk.

Hou Baolin was even more interested in taking him under the door.

After learning this news, Shi Shengjie rushed to Hou Baolin's home.

He knelt in front of Hou Baolin and shouted "Master."

And Shi Shengjie also became Hou Baolin's closed disciple.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

He also lived up to Master's expectations,

It has launched a series of classic cross-talk works.

In 1989, it was the first time to appear on the Spring Festival Gala, and with its natural and fresh performance, it was rated as one of the top ten laughing stars by the audience.

Shi Shengjie's fame was further enhanced.

Walking on the road, I often hear the sound of Shi Shengjie saying crosstalk from different directions.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


Shi Shengjie, who has achieved success in his career, is naturally indispensable to socializing.

In the socializing time and again, the alcohol addiction left by Shi Shengjie when he was young was once again hooked.

Usually eating at home, you also have to drink a little wine.

For this habit of her husband, Song Yan was very angry.

Every time she saw Shi Shengjie drinking, she would come forward and take it down.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

After a long time, the husband and wife played a game of hiding wine and finding wine.

Every time Shi Shengjie bought wine and went home, he would secretly hide it.

And Song Yan and Shi Shengjie have been together for so long, naturally they also know her husband's careful thoughts.

When her husband went out to perform, he cleaned the house from the inside out, and he gained a lot every time.

In order to let her husband quit drinking, she joined forces with her daughter to help Shi Shengjie get rid of this bad habit.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Looking at such a serious mother-daughter duo,

Shi Shengjie also knew that they were for their own good, so he promised: "At home, I will control myself, but outside, I should drink you can't stop me." ”

Home and Wan shixing, Song Yan agreed with Shi Shengjie's statement, and both husband and wife took a step back.

But what Song Yan didn't know was that this small step she took back actually separated the husband and wife from yin and yang.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In 2017, when Shi Shengjie participated in a performance in Heilongjiang, he suddenly felt nauseous and wanted to vomit

He thought that he was just too tired from the performance, and his body suddenly couldn't bear it, so he took some medicine and didn't care.

But when he returned home from the tour, his condition suddenly worsened.

After going to the hospital for examination, it was found that it was already terminal cancer.

Song Yan, who got the confirmed diagnosis list, collapsed instantly.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

She went to the doctor and asked about the cause of the disease, and what the doctor said made her regret it.

"Long-term irregular life, coupled with bad habits such as smoking and drinking, will cause this disease."

Song Yan's heart was full of powerlessness.

She wanted to call her daughter, but as early as 2011, she went abroad to study and start a family.

In order not to let her daughter be frightened, Song Yan finally did not tell her daughter about Shi Shengjie's condition.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In order to suppress the metastasis of cancer cells as soon as possible, Shi Shengjie was admitted to the hospital.

When I first started chemotherapy, my hair fell down a lot.

Looking at her husband lying on the sick bed weakly, Song Yan couldn't help but run to the corridor and cry.

In order not to worry her husband, Song Yan washed her face after venting, sorted out her emotions, and returned to the ward.

Shi Shengjie looked at his wife's red eyes and knew what was happening.

He trembled and pulled up Song Yan's hand and said, "Don't cry, I will be fine, didn't we still agree to go to Hainan to see the sea and eat coconuts, I will definitely take you there." ”

Hearing her husband say this, Song Yan, who had just sorted out her emotions, couldn't help but cry again.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

The Spring Festival of 2018 can be said to be the most difficult Spring Festival that Song Yan has ever had.

She stood in front of her husband's hospital bed, looking at the wontons that Shi Shengjie had not touched much, and her heart was extremely worried.

Being able to eat shows that the organs of the body are functioning normally and the condition is improving.

But Shi Shengjie couldn't eat after eating two bites and fell asleep weakly.

With the sound of firecrackers outside the window, Song Yan mechanically ate the wontons that had long since cooled.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Spring Festival, which should have been a day of joy and reunion,

The daughter returned from abroad with her child, thinking of surpriseing her parents, but what she waited for was the news that her father was seriously ill.

Looking at his father, who was lying on the hospital bed and losing a lot of weight, his daughter Shi Hao cried even more.

I had been away for so long that I didn't think of calling my father to inquire about the latest situation.

Her heart was full of guilt.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

In order to let his father get better treatment, and his mother did not have to work so hard, Shi Hao proposed that his father be taken abroad for treatment.

Shi Shengjie disagreed with his daughter's suggestion, and he wanted to stay at home so that he would have a sense of belonging.

Seeing his father's tough attitude, Shi Hao decided to stay in China and not go back.

But my daughter's career and family are all abroad, so how to say that they will not go.

Song Yan and Shi Shengjie together persuaded their daughter not to be so impulsive.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Shi Hazy had no choice but to retreat and said, "Then I will stay until my father's birthday is over." ”

The parents eventually failed their daughter and agreed to her request.

Accompanied by his daughter and granddaughter, Shi Shengjie's condition has improved.

In March 2018, Song Yan handled the discharge procedures for him.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

The family helped each other back to their cozy and comfortable little home.

Because the granddaughter had never heard her grandfather say crosstalk.

In order to let his granddaughter see his craft, Shi Shengjie even endured the pain of the disease and performed for a while.

Listening to his granddaughter's laughter, Shi Shengjie felt that his life was complete at this moment.

Song Yan and her daughter Shi Hao looked at this scene but their eyes were red.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

A month later, Shi Shengjie celebrated his 66th birthday.

In order to flush out the sickness, Song Yan carefully prepared for this birthday party.

Shi Shengjie's apprentices also came from all over the country to celebrate his master's birthday.

The granddaughter also said sweetly, "Happy birthday to Grandpa." ”

The happy and harmonious atmosphere made Shi Shengjie even happier.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

After the birthday, the couple asked their daughter to quickly take their granddaughter home.

Daughter Shi Hazy could only endure and reluctantly stepped on the plane to a foreign country.

But this difference turned out to be the last side of the father and daughter duo.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


Although the body is temporarily unable to support itself to stand on the stage again,

But Shi Shengjie's heart was still worried about the stage.

In July, he said in a CCTV program: "I am full of confidence in returning to the stage as soon as possible, I plan my stage plan until the age of 80, I can only use my art and practical actions to repay the audience who support cross-talk art." ”

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

On September 28, due to the sudden deterioration of his condition, he died at the age of 66.

As he lay dying, he shook his wife's hand and said his last words: "After I leave, you must be strong!" ”

Song Yan couldn't say anything at this time, and could only nod her head while shedding tears.

Looking at her husband's eyes slowly closed, Song Yan couldn't help but cry in tears as she hugged her husband.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful


After my father's funeral, in order to let my mother get out of her grief as soon as possible,

Shi Hao then took Song Yan to his residence,

The unfamiliar environment and unfamiliar language made Song Yan very uncomfortable.

She told her daughter that she wanted to return to China.

But the daughter did not agree, there was no one in the country to take care of the mother, what to do if she was sick.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Song Yan pulled her daughter and said, "I'm afraid your father will come home and see that I'm not there." ”

A week later, Song Yan bid farewell to her daughter and returned to her home with Shi Shengjie in Harbin.

The house that has not been inhabited for a long time looks unusually deserted.

While Cleaning up the house, Song Yan gently touched the things that Shi Shengjie used when he was alive with his hand.

Memories of the lives of the two people are recalled in their minds.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

She even made a necklace of her photo with Shi Shengjie and hung it on her chest, as if he had never left.

Last year, on the day of Shi Shengjie's death, Song Yan even posted an article to express her thoughts about her husband.

Her daughter Shi Hao also returned from abroad to worship her father.

In the text, Song Yan wrote: "My daughter and I are very good, you can rest assured. ”

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Now, Shi Shengjie has been dead for 4 years,

Song Yan is strong in the grief of missing her husband.

In this life, it is not easy to meet a person who loves and understands each other.

Shi Shengjie: After 4 years of illness, his wife Song Yan stayed alone in his former residence, and the feelings between them were tearful

Shi Shengjie's life seems to be summed up in four sentences like this,

"Ability and political integrity are both popular all over the world, and classic works are loved by everyone"

"Dominating the stage for decades, the sudden departure is sad"

The dead are gone, the living are like this.

I hope that Song Yan can get out of her grief as soon as possible and meet a new life.

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