
18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

author:Sheng Cangwu
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The teacher Shi Shengjie in the picture below is wearing a coat, with a glint in his eyes and a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, which is what he looks like on the stage, the famous cross talk artist who has fascinated countless audiences.

And now, that once vibrant face can only be found in the old picture frame.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

1. There is a reason for alcoholism

At the beginning of Shi Shengjie and Song Yan's marriage, the alcoholic drinks in the wine cabinet at home became the focus of Song Yan's attention.

Song Yan took advantage of Shi Shengjie's absence and put all the wine in the house into a large box one by one.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

When Shi Shengjie went home, he saw the empty wine cabinet and the receipt on the table, recording the details of the wine bottle being sent to a relative's house in other places, and he didn't say anything, just nodded lightly without saying too much.

However, the real trials of married life are much more than that. Shi Shengjie's career is on the rise, and daily social entertainment is inevitable.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

He began to be frequently invited to various parties, which were often inseparable from wine.

Song Yan would greet him at the door every day and help him take off his coat, although there was no verbal communication, the actions of the two revealed the tacit understanding of respect and understanding of the other party.

This is becoming more and more common. Whenever Shi Shengjie came back from a party outside, Song Yan always waited silently at the door, and then helped him sort out his clothes and handed him a cup of hot tea.

Although alcohol is no longer stored in the house, and Shi Shengjie has never drunk at home, his social life still revolves around the wine table.

Shi Shengjie once said in an interview: There is a reason for loving drinking, when I was young, I went to the countryside and was assigned to work in a winery, one of the jobs is to taste wine, taste whether the wine is burned well, and whether it is enough for the degree.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

After Shi Shengjie got married, his career was like riding a rocket that rose rapidly, and his cross talk works "Liver and Bladder Photography" and "Recruitment" had a wide resonance among the audience, and his voice was frequently spread on TV and radio, and his name gradually became a household name.

Whenever a new work premieres on TV, Shi Shengjie sits quietly in front of the TV, observing the performances on the screen and listening to the audience's reactions and comments.

As his fame continued to rise, Shi Shengjie received more and more invitations to performances and requests for literary and artistic activities. Representatives of the Heilongjiang Quyi Troupe also came to Shi Shengjie's home and officially invited him to be the head of the troupe.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

This job is not only a recognition of his talent, but also an affirmation of his artistic career. Shi Shengjie accepted the position, and since then his schedule has become more compact, with team management and programming frequently occupying his working days.

In Shi Shengjie's busy career, his family life has also undergone significant changes. His daughter was born, and the arrival of this little life brought unprecedented joy and vitality to Shi Shengjie's life.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

Despite his exhaustion, he still finds time to change his daughter's diaper, lull her to sleep, and enjoy the sweetness and hard work of being a father.

The responsibilities of work and the needs of family are intertwined in Shi Shengjie's life. He often needs to perform in other places, and every time he travels, he has to spend more time at home and share some precious moments with his daughter.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

In the position of the head of the Heilongjiang Quyi Troupe, Shi Shengjie is not only responsible for the rehearsal and performance of the program, but also handles the daily affairs of the art troupe.

He will be personally involved in the programming and rehearsals of the show, discussing with the actors how to improve the performance.

Whenever the show was successful, Shi Shengjie always observed silently behind the stage, and when he saw the audience's reaction, his heart was full of a sense of achievement.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

2. The invasion and struggle of the disease

In 2017, Shi Shengjie was told by doctors that he had advanced liver cancer. That day, he and Song Yan sat together in the white clinic of the hospital, and the doctor handed them a detailed diagnosis report.

Despite the constant sound of air conditioners, there is an oppressive atmosphere in the hospital's consultation rooms.

Shi Shengjie took the report, while Song Yan sat quietly on the side, holding Shi Shengjie's tightly in her hand.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

Subsequently, they were directed to the treatment consultation room, where the doctor explained in detail the anti-cancer protocol, including upcoming chemotherapy and possible surgery.

Shi Shengjie was arranged in the hospital to start chemotherapy, and in the process of treatment, his body gradually showed the severity of the side effects of chemotherapy. His weight had dropped significantly, and his otherwise healthy face was getting thinner.

In between chemotherapy, Song Yan was always by Shi Shengjie's side, and she learned how to take care of patients undergoing chemotherapy.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

After each chemotherapy treatment, Shi Shengjie would feel extremely tired, so Song Yan helped him back to the ward, scrubbed his body, and changed into a comfortable hospital gown.

Shi Shengjie's hair began to fall out a lot, so Song Yan gently arranged his hair for him, trimming off those loose parts with small scissors, and trying to keep him neat and tidy.

Pain is unavoidable in chemotherapy. Shi Shengjie was often unable to sleep because of the severe pain, and the hospital was exceptionally quiet at night, and the torture caused by the illness caused him to bite his lip from time to time, and sometimes even bite through the skin, and blood oozed out.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

Whenever such a situation occurred, Song Yan always treated the wound quickly and gently, giving him the necessary care, while caressing his forehead with a warm, damp cloth in an attempt to relieve his pain.

Shi Shengjie's chemotherapy cycle needs to be regularly alternated in the hospital and at home. During her time at home, Song Yan changed her family's lifestyle to meet Shi Shengjie's health needs.

The family's diet began to tend to be easily digestible and nutritious, and Song Yan would cook for Shi Shengjie and prepare a variety of meals that were beneficial to Shi Shengjie's recovery. Although Shi Shengjie's appetite is not good, he always tries to taste every bite to show his gratitude for Song Yan's efforts.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

3. The last moments of life

In April 2018, Song Yan specially prepared a simple and warm birthday celebration for Shi Shengjie. Although Shi Shengjie's health is not as good as before, he still tries to show appreciation for this love.

Song Yan brought Shi Shengjie's favorite foods from home, including a small plate of braised pork that he used to eat, and a bowl of light vegetable soup to make sure it met his current dietary requirements.

In order to make the atmosphere more celebratory, Song Yan also carefully placed a bouquet of flowers and a small birthday cake on the table in the ward.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

The cake is specially custom-made with the words "Happy Birthday" written on it with edible colored icing. Despite Shi Shengjie's weak health, he tried his best to blow out the candles on the cake, while Song Yan gently applauded him next to him to celebrate this special occasion.

Shi Shengjie's condition continued to deteriorate in the following months. The effects of chemotherapy waned, and his physical strength deteriorated.

Despite this, Shi Shengjie and Song Yan tried to maintain the normal rhythm of their daily lives.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

Song Yan continued to accompany him in the ward, and the two listened to old songs together and reminisced about the good old days.

In July, Shi Shengjie's health suddenly improved, and he returned to the public eye, and was a guest on CCTV's "Salute to the Classics" column, talking about cross talk life with old friends and juniors in the circle. Shi Shengjie in the camera is in good spirits, and he also told the audience, "I planned my stage until I was 80 years old." Unexpectedly, the bad news came in less than three months.

In September, Shi Shengjie was rushed to the intensive care unit several times due to breathing difficulties and extreme pain.

Every time there was a crisis, Song Yan waited anxiously outside the door until the doctor came out to report the situation. During the weeks when Shi Shengjie was extremely weak, Song Yan hardly left the hospital, she made a small bed in the ward, and guarded him day and night.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

On September 28, doctors announced that Shi Shengjie had passed away from organ failure at the age of 66.

At that moment, outside the hospital ward, the morning light sprinkled on Shi Shengjie who was lying quietly through the window, Song Yan held his hand tightly, her eyes were full of tears, but she tried her best to stay calm and maintain her usual strength in front of Shi Shengjie.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

According to his wife Song Yan's recollection, Shi Shengjie had always believed that he could "shout when he was sick." ”

On October 2, 2018, the farewell ceremony of Shi Shengjie's body was held in the Dezheng Hall of Donghuayuan in Harbin, and nearly 100 units such as the China Quyi Artists Association laid wreaths, Feng Gong, Jiang Kun, Liu Lanfang, Zhao Shi, Tang Guoqiang and other former friends laid wreaths and elegiac couplets, and thousands of people such as Shi Shengjie's comrades-in-arms and Siye Art Troupe came to mourn.

Nearly 1,000 people bid farewell to the master with 2-minute applause. Jiang Kun said in the memorial poem, "I know that you love to drink, then I will fill three glasses of bar." ”

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

After Shi Shengjie's death, Song Yan's life entered a long and heavy period of mourning.

Song Yan always has trouble falling asleep every night.

Gradually, Song Yan gradually began to accept the reality that Shi Shengjie had left. She began to organize Shi Shengjie's belongings during his lifetime, such as his books, clothes, and music recordings.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

She sorted these items, some donated them to the Quyi School, and some of them were carefully preserved, hoping that they could be exhibited on appropriate occasions in the future, so that more people could remember Shi Shengjie's artistic achievements.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

With the encouragement and companionship of friends and family, Song Yan began to gradually come out of the haze.

She re-engaged in community activities, attending calligraphy and painting classes for the elderly, learning painting and calligraphy, and trying to express her emotions and memories through these new skills.

These activities not only made her life more fulfilling, but also made her mentally more optimistic.

In 2024, Song Yan will still post on social platforms wishing her husband Shi Shengjie a happy birthday, auspiciousness, and health in heaven, which is tearful.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

Now the cross talk culture continues, and in May 2024, Guangming Daily published the article "Cross talk should be "laughing but not vulgar and gimmicky without getting tired" for publicity, and cross talk is also innovating with the times.

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn


Shi Shengjie died of liver cancer, he loved to drink before his death, and these celebrities were harmed by "wine" People's Daily 2018-10-04

Shi Shengjie passed away Jiang Kun: Let me fill three glasses of wine Northeast Net 2018-09-29

Shi Shengjie passed away, Jiang Kun's mourning poem revealed that Shi Shengjie was suffering from cancer 2018-09-29 Source: Beijing Youth Daily

Shi Shengjie, a cross talk performance artist in our province, passed away|Also due to liver cancer→ I didn't expect September to become the season of farewell Heilongjiang Morning News 2018-09-29

Today's memorial service for Shi Shengjie, thousands of people applauded for 2 minutes to say goodbye to the cross talk master New Evening News 2018-10-02

18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn
18 years of "cross talk master" Shi Shengjie's memorial service: died at the age of 66 after failing to fight cancer, and thousands of people rushed to mourn

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