
Be convinced! Zong Qinghou's memorial service is simple and simple, and the four big characters of the mourning hall are the highest praise of the country

author:A cultural feast

Zong Qinghou, a legend who went from a street popsicle vendor to a business magnate, was known for his simplicity throughout his life. Recently, his memorial service has attracted widespread attention across the country, not only because of his death, but also because of the four big characters hanging on the mourning hall, the highest tribute of the state. This is not only an affirmation of his life, but also a review of his extraordinary life journey.

Be convinced! Zong Qinghou's memorial service is simple and simple, and the four big characters of the mourning hall are the highest praise of the country

His life trajectory is very similar to that of the protagonist in those inspirational dramas, climbing from the bottom to the top step by step. In the 80s, he was just an ordinary peddler, relying on a tricycle and popsicles, working hard day by day. At that time, who would have thought that this ordinary street vendor would be the head of Wahaha Group in the future?

Zong Qinghou's business talents began to show in the early 90s. I remember that the market was highly competitive at that time, and many entrepreneurs were looking for their own piece of world.

Be convinced! Zong Qinghou's memorial service is simple and simple, and the four big characters of the mourning hall are the highest praise of the country

Unwilling to be a hawker, Zong Qinghou began to try to expand his business, expanding from a simple popsicle business to beverage production. With his keen insight into the market and unremitting efforts, he quickly made the Wahaha brand gain a firm foothold in the market.

By 2000, Wahaha had become a giant in the domestic beverage industry. Zong Qinghou's management philosophy has gradually revealed its uniqueness. He adheres to the business philosophy of "putting people first", not only providing thousands of employment opportunities, but also strongly supporting education and social welfare. It's not just about doing business, it's about being socially responsible.

Be convinced! Zong Qinghou's memorial service is simple and simple, and the four big characters of the mourning hall are the highest praise of the country

But behind success there are always challenges and difficulties. With the continuous development and growth of the enterprise, the changes in the market have also brought new tests to Zong Qinghou. In the face of the challenges of domestic and foreign competitors, he did not choose to be satisfied with the status quo, but continued to introduce advanced technology and management experience to promote the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise. He knows that only by continuous innovation can enterprises develop sustainably.

Zong Qinghou's memorial service was simple and unpretentious, just like the style of his life. In the early morning, people from all over the world gathered in front of the mourning hall, crying or laughing, sharing the bits and pieces of the relationship with Zong Qinghou. The four big words "the highest praise of the country" on the mourning hall are not only a recognition of his business achievements, but also the highest evaluation of his personal qualities and social contributions.

Be convinced! Zong Qinghou's memorial service is simple and simple, and the four big characters of the mourning hall are the highest praise of the country

This memorial service is not only a farewell ceremony, but also an open class about dreams and struggles, responsibilities and contributions. Zong Qinghou's life is an inspiration to every ordinary person: as long as there are dreams and persistent efforts, everyone can create an extraordinary life.

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