
He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

author:Fengfeng said history

Famous figures in modern China, such as Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman Mao, etc., are all powerful figures and are well known to all of us. However, few people know that this gangster who has a certain connection with them is Situ Meitang, and US President Roosevelt was also his adviser, he is not an ordinary gangster boss.

In Situ Meitang's body, a patriotic heart beats. During the Anti-Japanese War, he did his best to support the anti-Japanese resistance. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Situ Meitang was invited to participate in the founding ceremony and stood behind the chairman. In the sixth year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Situ Meitang died of illness. After his death, it was the prime minister who personally presided over a memorial service for him and was buried in Babaoshan.

Young and self-reliant

Situ Meitang once said: "I am the boss of Hongmen, but I am more of a Chinese." This sentence contains Situ Meitang's deep patriotism and patriotic innocence. From a down-and-out teenager to the throne of the boss of Hongmen, this is the legendary life of Situ Meitang.

He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

Situ Meitang was born in 1868 in Cantonese and his family was a down-and-out peasant family. When his father was still alive, the family could still maintain food and clothing, but when he was 6 years old, his father left, leaving Situ Meitang and his mother to rely on each other. With the support of his mother, Situ Meitang studied in a private school for several years, but because the family was too difficult, he went to work as a handyman in a small shop when he was 10 years old.

In the local area, there is a martial artist, and Situ Meitang likes to follow him when he is idle. This martial artist saw that Situ Meitang was studious, and he still had some talent, so he began to teach him formally. In the past two years, Situ Meitang has practiced a good kung fu. At that time, he still thought that this martial art would not help his life except for strengthening his body.

What Situ Meitang didn't expect was that this martial art was the stepping stone for him to become Hongmen. It is precisely because of this martial art that Situ Meitang ushered in his legendary life.

He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

When he was 12 years old, Situ Meitang met an overseas Chinese who had returned from the United States. Listen to him say that the United States is full of gold, and it is not just a matter of thinking about eating and drinking spicy food there. Situ Meitang was attracted by the big "gold mountain" in the United States, so he wanted to go to the United States to make a career. So he said goodbye to his mother and set out on the road to the United States.

After coming to the United States, Situ Meitang found that life was not what he imagined. He was introduced by a friend to work in a restaurant, and although it was hard, it was okay to be able to fill his stomach. When Situ Meitang first arrived in the United States, he was often bullied, because it was the end of the Qing Dynasty, the country was not strong, and they also looked down on Asians.

In order to protect his own interests, Situ Meitang joined the "Hongmen Zhigongtang" and became a part of Hongmen. Originally, Situ Meitang's life might have been so ordinary, but a white man broke into the restaurant where he worked and changed his life.

He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

At that time, in the United States, Chinese were not protected by law. In Chinese-owned restaurants, there are often white people eating overlord meals. In normal times, as long as they don't go too far, they can still tolerate it. But on this day, a white man came to the restaurant, and in addition to eating white food, he also opened his mouth to curse and change the restaurant into a mess.

At this time, Situ Meitang couldn't hold back anymore, so he fought with the white man. After all, Situ Meitang had practiced, but he didn't expect to shoot too hard and beat the white man to death. The incident caused a sensation in the local area, and Situ Meitang was arrested and sentenced to death. Just when Situ Meitang thought he was dead, Hongmen made a move.

Situ Meitang's behavior gave the Chinese a bad breath, and they all regarded Situ Meitang as a hero, and of course they did their best to rescue him. They found a lawyer to defend Szeto Meitang, and eventually sentenced him for excessive defense. After 10 months in captivity, Szeto was released. And his reputation for daring to fight has also spread among the Chinese and has become a sensational celebrity.

He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

Become the boss of Hongmen and actively resist Japan

Situ Meitang became famous, and after that he traveled to many places, Peru, Brazil, and France. After a long period of wandering, Szeto Meitang finally returned to New York. During this time, he met many people. At the same time, Szeto Meitang also realized that in order to truly gain a foothold, we must unite.

Under his organization, an "Anliang Society" was established with the slogan of "eliminating violence and peace", which was a hall under the Hongmen. Through the efforts of Szeto Meitang, Anliang Association has developed rapidly. During this period, in order to develop better, Situ Meitang HIA hired a legal adviser, and this person was Roosevelt.

He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

During their time working with Szeto Meitang, the two formed a deep friendship, and he also provided a lot of help to Szeto Meitang after Roosevelt became president of the United States.

Not only did Situ Meitang know people, he knew Sun Yat-sen as early as the Xinhai Revolution. Every time Mr. Sun came to the United States, he stayed at Situ Meitang's home. Not only that, Situ Meitang was also very supportive of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause, and he was personally responsible for Sun Yat-sen's security in the United States, as well as financial assistance.

After the Huanghuagang Uprising, Sun Yat-sen urgently needed 150,000 US dollars, and after Situ Meitang found out, he was anxious about Hongmen's brothers and pawned the building of the Zhigong Hall to support Sun Yat-sen.

In 1925, Hongmen Zhigongtang was changed to China Zhigongtang, and Situ Meitang was the first chairman.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after Situ Meitang in the United States got the news, he immediately raised military salaries and raised donations for the Chinese army. In addition, Situ Meitang also worked closely with Soong Ching Ling's "Alliance for the Defense of China" to fully support the anti-Japanese resistance.

Attended the founding ceremony, and the prime minister presided over a memorial service for him

In 1941, Situ Meitang was invited to return to China. On the way, Szeto Meitang passed through Hong Kong, and the Japanese in Hong Kong coerced and enticed Szeto Meitang to make Szeto Meitang work for them, but their plan did not succeed. Situ Meitang then hurried to Chongqing, where he was well received by Chiang Kai-shek and invited him to join the Kuomintang, but he refused.

He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

Later, he visited the prime minister in Chongqing twice, and the two talked happily, and Situ Meitang left a good impression on the Communist Party. In his heart, the Communist Party is more worthy of support.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, China came to a fork in the road, and the founding of the country still continued to fight. This did not seem to allow the Communists to choose, and the Kuomintang unilaterally chose to continue fighting. Under such circumstances, Situ Meitang made up his mind to support the Communist Party, which made Lao Jiang very angry, and sent Du Yuesheng to admonish Situ Meitang, but it was useless. Because what Situ Meitang is not afraid of is intimidation.

In 1948, Situ Meitang publicly stated that he would eat the Communist Party's ideas, and in 1949, Situ Meitang was elected as a member of the People's Government. At the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Situ Meitang stood behind the chairman and witnessed the founding of New China with the chairman. At that time, Situ Meitang was already 81 years old, but his face was still filled with slow enthusiasm, which was his love for the motherland.

He was the boss of Hongmen, and the founding ceremony stood behind the chairman, and the prime minister personally presided over a memorial service for him

In 1955, Situ Meitang died of illness at the age of 88. Premier Zhou personally presided over the memorial service for Situ Meitang and buried his body in Babao Mountain.

The Si people have passed away, but the wind and bones live on. Situ Meitang has left a glorious page in China's history, he is the boss of Hongmen, and he is also a Chinese.

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