
In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

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In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

"In this life, you are enough!" This is the most affectionate words that Wang Yue conveyed to her loving husband Wang Liang at the last moment of his life. Although her body and mind are full of deep attachment to her lover, however, at this special moment, she shows more calmness and calmness.

Staring at Wang Liang's tired but unyielding facial expression, Wang Yue's inner world was like a magnificent sea. She lamented that she had not been able to spend the rest of her life with him as she wished, but she also knew that it might have been a fateful arrangement.

She did not leave a single tear, but held her husband's hands tightly and expressed these touching words in a firm tone.

The arrival of this precious moment comes from the youthful and beautiful time more than ten years ago. At that time, Wang Yue was in the prime of his youth and was an energetic college student. In an extracurricular activity, she fell in love with Wang Liang at first sight, and since then they have started a warm and romantic love journey.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

Although Wang Yue's family initially resolutely objected, believing that Wang Liang was too young to provide her daughter with a stable life, the two of them still came together in 2008 and faced and overcome various difficulties and challenges together.

Since then, they have embarked on a new journey in life, hand in hand.

Until the end of his life, Wang Liang showed his eternal protection of his wife with practical actions. For the past three years, from being diagnosed with stomach cancer to recurring episodes, he has been by his bedside, giving up his well-paid career to devote himself to taking care of his wife.

Cook delicious meals for your wife every day, master professional nursing skills, and take care of your loved ones.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

When Wang Yue expressed his wish to hold a memorial service before his death, Wang Liang decided to fulfill his wife's last wish, despite his reluctance. He bravely faced the fear and pain in his heart and carefully planned a solemn and cheerful memorial service.

At this eye-catching "happy memorial service", Wang Yue attended in full costume, with exquisite makeup and a smile. Friends and family came to join her to reminisce about the good old days.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Yue glowed with charming brilliance like a flower fairy, as happy as a bride.

At this moment, she seems to have foreseen the end of her life, and at the same time witnessed the eternal existence of love. It is precisely because of Wang Liang's eternal protection that she was able to say goodbye to the last stage of her life with such a serene and open-minded attitude.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

In 2012, the 35-year-old outstanding leader Wang Yue was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer, and the sudden bad news hit the loving couple like a thunderbolt from the blue, causing them to fall into extreme despair in an instant.

The prognosis and survival period given by the attending physician is only half a year to a year, which makes Wang Yue and Wang Liang completely fall into a state of despair, and their hearts are full of numbness and powerlessness.

In the face of the ruthless ravages of terminal illness, Wang Liang did not hesitate at all, he resolutely chose to go all out and devote all his strength to fight. He first sold their only home, and all the proceeds were used to pay for his wife's high medical bills.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

"In my mind, even a mansion cannot compare to your presence. With you, our family is truly complete; If you leave, what's the point of having more wealth for me? Wang Liang said so frankly to his wife affectionately.

Despite his difficult situation, he has always been filled with deep love for his wife.

Initially, Wang Yue's parents were adamantly opposed to their daughter marrying her peer, Wang Liang, believing that she was too young to take care of her wholeheartedly. However, when they saw Wang Liang taking care of his wife wholeheartedly, accompanying him day and night, and giving up his career in order to protect his wife, his parents were finally deeply moved by this son-in-law's sincere actions and gradually eliminated the estrangement in their hearts.

Under her husband's meticulous care, Wang Yue's condition once improved. Every day, he cooks nutritious meals for his wife, makes nourishing soups, and helps her walk in the hospital corridor to help her relax.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

It can be said that his care is everywhere and meticulous.

However, fate always plays tricks on people, and just when Wang Yue was about to get rid of the shadow of cancer, the disease showed its hideous face again. The cancer cells spread wildly in the body, severely compressing the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in the abdominal cavity, triggering a fatal complication called ascites.

Seeing his wife suffering endless torture again, Wang Liang could only comforted her silently on the side: "Don't be afraid, everything will be fine." Seeing his wife sweating profusely and in pain, his heart ached like a knife, and he was almost overwhelmed by guilt and self-blame.

Seeing that the flame of life was gradually extinguished, Wang Yue made a shocking wish to Wang Liang - she hoped to hold a memorial service of her own before her death.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

When this decisive thought came to Wang Liang's ears, he couldn't accept it, and he didn't dare to imagine what life should go after losing his beloved partner. However, Wang Yue told him in a solemn and firm tone: "I long to see with my own eyes in the last moments of my life what happens to people after they die.

She looks forward to enjoying life with her loved ones and making the last memories of her life in her lifetime.

Since being diagnosed with stomach cancer, Wang Yue has been battling the disease hard. She had undergone surgery to remove the tumor and repeated chemotherapy, and her physical condition deteriorated to the point of collapse.

Sometimes, she would roar angrily and bite her husband's arm tightly to vent her emotions; Sometimes, she would fall into a prolonged lethargy, unable to eat normally, and rely on infusions to stay alive.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

Faced with such a strong desire from his wife, Wang Liang resolutely decided that he was secretly determined to let his wife realize her last dream before she died. Although his heart was full of endless reluctance, he still bravely overcame the fear and pain in his heart and carefully planned this memorial service.

He did his best to make this memorial service festive and enthusiastic, hoping to make his wife smile the most beautiful at the end of her life. Whether it is the venue layout, music selection, or clothing matching, flower environment and other details, Wang Liang has been carefully thought out and carefully planned.

In the end, under the joint witness of relatives and friends, this high-profile "happy memorial service" was successfully held in Beijing. On that day, the venue was full of flowers and fragrance, and Wang Yue's favorite songs echoed in the melody one after another, and the scene was filled with laughter.

Wang Yue, who was wearing his favorite dress, was as radiant as a flower fairy, with a bright smile on his face. Friends and family came to reminisce with her about the good old days.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Yue seemed to have become a happy bride, and she sincerely said to everyone: "Looking at each of your familiar faces, recalling the good times we spent together, those little moments are undoubtedly a great encouragement to me."

At this moment, she seems to have seen the end of her life, and at the same time she has seen the eternal power of love. And all of this stems from her lover's selfless care and protection.

In this solemn and solemn memorial ceremony, Ms. Wang Yue was full of energy, with a bright smile like youthful light, as if she had returned to her youth.

She warmly expressed her deep affection to every family and friend present: "Looking at each of your familiar and kind faces, I can't help but recall those good times we spent together, and those little moments are undoubtedly a great encouragement and motivation for me."

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

In order to make up for the regret that he and her husband had never held a wedding, Mr. Wang Liang specially planned a unique event, and he prepared a set of 80-year-old clothes for Ms. Wang Yue, trying to recreate the beautiful long-cherished wish of the two to grow old together.

When Ms. Wang Yue put on this old outfit and saw the image of her lover who suddenly became old in front of her, she felt a lot of emotion in her heart, and it seemed that she had really gone through a long life journey hand in hand with her husband in a trance (insert the warm scene of Mr. Wang Liang dressing up as 80 years old in order to meet Ms. Wang Yue's wishes).

Mr. Wang Liang staggered towards his wife on crutches and stared at her affectionately. Ms. Wang Yue held her husband's arm tightly, and her face was filled with an extremely happy smile.

The atmosphere was harmonious and warm, as if a gray-haired elderly couple were reliving their love epic.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

However, life is short and unpredictable, and Ms. Wang Yue knows that she will not be able to realize this beautiful wish after all. At the last moment of her life, she resolutely signed an agreement on deceased organ donation, hoping to pass on the spark of life in this way and give others new vitality and vitality.

She said affectionately to her family and friends: "I just go first, to find my own happiness, I believe that everyone will usher in that day." Actually, I was terrified of that day because it was unknown to me.

But I didn't feel the slightest fear."

Ms. Wang Yue faced the end of her life with unexpected calmness and calmness. She smiled and said that she was not afraid of death, but that the unknown world made her a little worried.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

It was this openness and courage that deeply moved everyone present, and under the baptism of tears, they found a new understanding and understanding of life.

In the face of the cruelty of the disease, Wang Yue's only desire was to be able to hug his parents in Harbin for the last time in the last stage of his life. She misses her father who always cooks delicious dumplings by herself, and she also looks forward to hearing her parents' sincere blessings and affectionate entrustment at the end of her life.

However, many years ago, when Wang Yue and Wang Liang tied the knot, her parents were adamantly opposed to the marriage. They believe that Wang Liang, who is about the same age, is too young to take care of his daughter wholeheartedly, and they worry that her future life will be in trouble because of financial problems.

It wasn't until they saw Wang Liang by his wife's side day and night, taking care of her daily life, and carefully selecting every nutritious dish, that the parents were finally moved by the son-in-law's sincere actions and let go of their deep doubts and prejudices.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

It is under the inspiration of this deep filial piety that when he learned the news of his daughter's serious illness, the father, who had entered his prime, rushed to Beijing from his distant hometown in Harbin without hesitation, just to share the last reunion time with his beloved daughter and fulfill his last filial piety.

When Wang Yue saw her father's face that had been through vicissitudes, she felt an unprecedented lightness, as if this was her last wish. My father also brought a precious family photo album with photos to record the good times spent together as a family.

For them, this may be the last chance for the father and daughter to meet. The father affectionately expressed his heart to his daughter: "Wang Liang has paid too much for you, such a good husband, I am deeply pleased and full of gratitude." ”

It is difficult for ordinary people to make such a huge sacrifice like him, and in the past three years, everything in our family has been inseparable from his hard work.

In 2016, she was 35 years old, and after suffering from cancer, she couldn't eat for two months, so she held a memorial service in advance

My father also revealed one of his wishes: "If I could, I would rather exchange the price of this illness for your precious 30 years of youth, which is also worth it." ”

When Wang Yue was about to embark on the last journey of his life, his father made up his mind to pour out all his blessings and instructions to his daughter without reservation.

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