
When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity


In recent history, there have been many popular figures. Zhang Xueliang was a popular figure in the Republic of China period, and his "Northeast Yizhi" ended the Northern Expedition, and the National Government in Nanjing achieved formal unification, opening up a new direction and road for the development of the modern historical process. The relationship between Zhang Xueliang and Chiang Kai-shek is very delicate, accompanied by many complex emotions, and the enmity between the two of them may not be specifically stated, but through the details of history, we can get the corresponding answer.

After Chiang Kai-shek's death, Zhang Xueliang's 16-character elegy for Chiang Kai-shek may contain profound meanings and may be directly expressive, but it has attracted people's discussion. So, what is the enmity between Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang? We need to start with Zhang Xueliang's experience.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Picture | Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang


There are many celebrities in the Republic of China, some of them are merchants and aristocrats, some are feudal warlords, some are literati, and some are political stars. Some of these are like dazzling pearls, illuminating the dim Republic of China, and some are jackals, tigers and leopards, making the world unstable and unstable.

As one of the four beautiful men of the Republic of China, Zhang Xueliang embodies the color of patriotism, he

Although he was born into a warlord family, he had a sincere heart, always ran for the country and the people, dared to "brave the world's great disobedience," and openly called out Chiang Kai-shek, which finally pushed China's resistance against Japan onto the correct road and opened up a new direction for the future and destiny of the Chinese nation. To talk about Zhang Xueliang, we must start from his childhood to adulthood.

Born in Liaoning Province in 1901, Zhang Xueliang grew up in a warlord family, seemingly comfortable and comfortable, but his father was extra strict with him. Zhang Xueliang served in his father's army in 1917 and performed well.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Picture | Zhang Xueliang

In 1919, Zhang Xueliang attended the military academy founded by his father, and finally graduated with excellent grades and held an official position in the military. Zhang Xueliang accepted the security power here and was responsible for the security work of the whole Fengtian, which can be described as a young man.

Zhang Xueliang commanded the First Fengzhi War in 1922, and in this battle command, he showed heroism, becoming the only army in the Fengjun army that had always won, and won prestige in the army.

In 1924, the Second Fengzhi War broke out, Zhang Xueliang led the main force of the Northeast Army to attack Wu Peifu with all its might, and finally, the Fengshi army collapsed.

In the end, Zhang Xueliang defeated the Feng clan and took back Peiping. Zhang Xueliang ushered in a glorious moment in his life and opened a different life.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Picture | photo of Zhang Xueliang young

In June 1928, Zhang Zuolin died, and Zhang Xueliang took over the military and political power of his father in northeast China and began his rule in northeast China. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek of the Nanjing government sent people to express his sincerity to Zhang Xueliang, hoping that Zhang Xueliang would obey the command of the Nationalist government. In this way, the partnership between Zhang Xueliang and Chiang Kai-shek also officially began.

On September 1, 1928, Zhang Xueliang expressed his willingness to accept Chiang Kai-shek's Nanjing government. Later, the Nationalist government headed by Chiang Kai-shek appointed Zhang Xueliang as deputy commander of the army, navy, and air force and commander of the northeast border defense, becoming the actual leader of the northeast.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Pictured | old photo of Zhang Zuolin

In July 1929, Zhang Xueliang wanted to withdraw his privileges from the Soviet Union, so he began to prepare to reclaim the Middle East Railway. Later, under the attack of soviet troops, Zhang Xueliang had to compromise and was forced to sign a treaty to restore the soviet privilege in the northeast.

In 1930, warlords everywhere competed for central power and achieved their dream of commanding the whole country. The Wuhan government and other warlords joined forces against Chiang Kai-shek, and at this time, both Chiang Kai-shek and the anti-Chiang kai-shek faction set their sights on Zhang Xueliang, who became the target of their coalition, and both sides wanted to win Zhang Xueliang's northeast army to join.

This "Central Plains War" plunged Zhang Xueliang into contemplation, and he made the final decision to obey the orders of the National Government in Nanjing and help the Nanjing Government maintain domestic peace.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Pictured| Chiang Kai-shek

On September 18, 1930, after Zhang Xueliang issued a declaration to defend the central government, he immediately sent troops to attack North China and occupied the Pingjin area. After that, Yan, Feng, and Wang expressed their sincerity for a peaceful settlement to Zhang Xueliang, and in the end, Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang went down one after another, and the Jin army and the Northwest Army were absorbed by Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang's troops.

Obviously, the biggest winner in the "Central Plains War" is Zhang Xueliang. In this war, Zhang Xueliang did not suffer any losses, and expanded his territory and strength. At this time, Zhang Xueliang became a prominent figure at that time, and his power and prestige reached the peak of his life.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Unfortunately, after the Central Plains War, Zhang Xueliang ignored the affairs of the northeast and failed to withdraw his troops to the northeast in time, leaving an opportunity for Japan to attack China.

In 1931, Zhang Xueliang continued to transfer troops from the three northeastern provinces into the pass to fight against the remaining enemies, trying to continue to expand his strength and consolidate his position. The domestic situation was good for Zhang Xueliang, but Zhang Xueliang ignored one point: at this time, Japan was ambitious and preparing to attack China.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Pictured| Northeast Army

On September 18, 1931, Japan launched the September 18 Incident, which shocked China and foreign countries.

Zhang Xueliang ordered the army not to resist, under the guidance of the policy of non-resistance

The northeastern defenders did not resist, leading to a large-scale invasion of China by the Japanese, which eventually occupied the three eastern provinces.

This incident has been accompanied by Zhang Xueliang's life, and the stigma of "not resisting the general" has also befallen him, which has caused an uproar in the public opinion circles at home and abroad.

Zhang Xueliang was also eager to resist the aggression of Japanese imperialism, so he repeatedly suggested that Chiang Kai-shek stop the civil war, but Chiang Kai-shek insisted on going his own way and always adhered to the inherent policy, which forced Zhang Xueliang to use force to solve this problem.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Picture | Zhang Xueliang and Chiang Kai-shek

On December 12, 1936, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched a mutiny in Xi'an to jointly force Chiang Kai-shek to resist Japan, known in history as the "Xi'an Incident". After the Xi'an Incident, the Kuomintang was in turmoil. At this time, there was also a dispute between Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng about killing Jiang and releasing Jiang.

Later, after the CCP intervened and the coordination of various forces, Zhang Xueliang finally decided to release Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing in order to maintain domestic peace and let him jointly organize the anti-Japanese resistance.

Zhang Xueliang accompanied Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing, but he did not expect to be imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek.

The estrangement between Zhang Xueliang and Chiang Kai-shek also arose.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

In 1938, Zhang Xueliang was imprisoned in various parts of Guizhou, but remained under Chiang Kai-shek's control. This made Zhang Xueliang very desperate and sad. In October 1946, Zhang Xueliang was sent to Taiwan, where he would spend the longest years of his life. Zhang Xueliang has been living under house arrest by the Kuomintang in Taiwan.

Chiang Kai-shek, who was self-absorbed, could not withstand the strength of the masses of the people, and eventually the people rebelled and separated themselves and suffered a crushing defeat. Under the attack of the People's Liberation Army, the Kuomintang troops were defeated and retreated one after another, and they had no choice but to go to the island of Taiwan.

Talking about Chiang Kai-shek, the influence on China's modern history is very far-reaching. Chiang Kai-shek gradually gained status and prestige within the Kuomintang because of his appreciation by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and later became the head of the Republic of China. The national government he presided over was always in an era of factional and fighting with each other, and his political methods and dictatorship were always criticized.

Chiang Kai-shek's downfall was inevitable; he did not conform to the fundamental interests of the masses of the people, acted against the tide of history, harmed people of insight, could not listen to loyal remarks, and always insisted on going his own way, leaving only regrets and bitterness for himself.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Finally, Chiang Kai-shek, with regret and remorse and unwillingness, died on April 5, 1975, at the official residence of Shilin in Taipei, Taiwan. After Chiang Kai-shek's death, Zhang Xueliang specially sent 16 characters to tie the knot, but the deep meaning of it is not known.

"Caring is like flesh and blood; the struggle of political opinions is like a vendetta",

These 16 characters indicate the brotherly relationship between Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang. Chiang Kai-shek took great care of Zhang Xueliang, and Zhang could also feel that for the sake of the future and future of the nation and the country, Zhang Duty could not help but open the military advice, which was also where Chiang Kai-shek was disappointed.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Pictured | Chiang Kai-shek's Spiritual Hall

Zhang Xueliang also showed regret for Chiang Kai-shek's death from 16 characters.

Although the two are brotherly, after all, there are political views, and the two have different political views, which makes the two have a huge gap.

However, does his heart really think so?

In his later years, Zhang Xueliang was quite critical of Jiang and showed great disappointment in Jiang, which can also be seen that Zhang actually has gratitude and resentment towards Jiang, which is a complex and contradictory psychology.

It can be said that the entanglement of zhang xueliang and Chiang Kai-shek is actually a political controversy and a dispute over political views.

One is a patriotic general who is eager to resist Japan, and the other is a commander-in-chief who "must first be inside the outside world", both of which are practicing their own political strategies. Their grievances are far more than 16 words, and if Zhang Xueliang made an evaluation of Chiang Kai-shek's death, he might need a lot of space to expound his views.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 75, Zhang Xueliang gave 16 characters at the funeral, explaining the entanglement of the two people's enmity

Picture | zhang Xueliang's later years


Zhang Xueliang's life can be described as bumpy, but he is truly a patriot. If Zhang Xueliang had taken the initiative to launch the Xi'an Incident, then the road of Chinese people to resist Japan would have come later, and Chiang Kai-shek would have stubbornly adhered to his own erroneous policies, which would have been a huge disaster for both the nation and the country.

Although Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest in his later period, disappeared into politics after the Xi'an Incident, and once had the title of "General of Non-Resistance", none of this affected his contribution to the Chinese revolution and could not erase his glorious side in modern history.

Zhang Xueliang's later life may not be very exciting, but his heart may have been relieved. From the scolding he received after the "918 Incident" to the praise he received after the "Xi'an Incident", these are his growth. He went from a "general who did not resist" to a patriotic general who "dared to risk the world's great disobedience", and these various transformations were clearly recorded in the history books, and future generations will naturally distinguish between right and wrong.

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