
Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

I don't know when it began, adults' "dedicated" iPads, mobile phones and other electronic products began to run to the hands of children. At a young age, there is no teacher, and playing iPad is more skilled than adults.

Today's children's living environment is constantly changing, and the digital age is unfolding before their eyes. Colorful cartoon colors, dazzling electronic products, a variety of mobile game options, children have less time to pestering their parents, but the new troubles of bao mom and dad also come.

According to statistics, more than 80% of adolescents in China have some degree of myopia. When the child's eye health problems first appeared, many parents did not hesitate to do the "pot thrower" - "it is the mobile phone, iPad and other electronic devices that have damaged the child's eyes!" Then, while wearing the child to wear glasses, while hiding the electronic device, not to touch it again, the thought will also comfort themselves: "Aren't most children now short-sighted?" Shouldn't be a big problem, right? ”

Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

Myopia may seem common, but what is more serious than "not being able to see" is its huge negative impact on children's daily lives, personality development and future development. Further education, employment, and other more serious vision problems, children's physical and mental development is disturbed, and the development of potential is limited. Children's eye health problems are no longer simply blurred vision, but also their future blur.

"I don't play with my kids anymore, so why is the power still growing?"

In fact, digital devices themselves do not cause myopia, and only long-term close-up viewing will cause visual fatigue. Whether it's looking at a phone, doing homework, or even playing with small toys, the longer your child spends concentrating at a distance shorter than their arm's length, the higher the risk of impaired vision.

"So what should I do?"

Instead of controlling the progression of myopia in children, it is better to prevent it early. Early vision screening identifies emerging vision problems and further evaluates the diagnosis based on the potential problems shown by the screening.

However, screening programs often fail to provide treatment, and screening may pass the test, but there are actually underlying eye health problems. Therefore, in addition to basic vision screening on campus, you will also need the help of an ophthalmologist.

No matter how busy you are, take your child to a professional vision check-up every 3 months or six months!!!

A professional optometrist can perform a safe and comprehensive eye exam for children of any age, so schedule a check-up for your child before the age of 5 (when myopia usually begins). Early screening can give you peace of mind that your child can have a good start in life.

Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

In daily life, how can I help my child control and prevent myopia? In fact, it is not difficult, please work hard with your child and insist on developing three habits:

First, actively participate in physical exercise and increase outdoor activities

Outdoor activities are a protective factor for myopia. Large-sample multicenter clinical trials have confirmed that outdoor activity time is inversely proportional to the incidence of myopia, and outdoor activity of 2 hours per day or 10 hours per week can effectively reduce the incidence of myopia. Therefore, it is advocated to increase outdoor activity time in preschool childhood, and advocate that adolescents actively participate in outdoor activities, soak up the sun, and reduce the use of eyes for a long time at close range.

Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

Second, the time to use the eyes at close range should not be too long, and it is necessary to rest for 10 to 15 minutes every 40 minutes or so

Close work is considered to be the first risk factor affecting the development of myopia and is positively correlated with the development of myopia. In addition to the total amount of close work, the duration of close work (> 45 minutes), the reading distance (

When resting, you should look out of the window or carry out outdoor activities to fully relax the eye muscles, of which playing table tennis is the best way to protect your vision. Of course, if your child is already highly myopic (myopia is greater than 600 degrees), it is still recommended that he avoid any strenuous exercise.

Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

Third, eat less sweets and drink less carbonated drinks

Excessive sugar intake can easily lead to a significant increase in the body's blood glucose concentration, and excessive blood glucose concentration will lead to a decrease in the osmolality of aqueous humor in the eye, resulting in crystal deformation and convexity, and elongation of the eye axis. As a result, less light is entered, and the retinal imaging effect becomes worse, which leads to refractive myopia or aggravated myopia.

Children are prematurely myopic, and parents have an unshirkable responsibility

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