
Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

Many people often say that husband and wife are in the same heart, and their profits are broken.

At this point, Xiao Bei especially agrees that a good marriage, husband and wife must be concentric, so that the marriage has stamina and can be managed well with common happiness.

I know how important it is for husband and wife to be in the same heart, but I don't know how to be in the same heart.

Originally began a very happy marriage, walking and walking will disperse, leaving aside some people who seek marriage benefits, most people marry, naturally in order to pursue happiness.

When happiness is chased, they can be together well, if it is a long time, they do not feel the existence of happiness at all, then it is strange not to be separated.

Frankly speaking, marriage is the union of two people, in this union love is the premise, love for each other may be married, but if you want to marry for a long time, just love is not enough, you must be evenly matched.

If a marriage wants to be happy for a long time, it is necessary to do these four words, only in this way can each other stick to it in a bland marriage and live happily and happily.

Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

01: Evenly matched in marriage, it's really important

Married people know that marriage is not surrounded by romance like love, it is particularly bland and boring, and even sometimes makes people want to escape.

If it were not for the maintenance of responsibility, I am afraid that they would really part ways with each other.

Admittedly, there are also many happy couples in marriage, and if you look closely, you will find that they are evenly matched.

Of course, this parity does not refer only to material conditions, but it is enough to compete with the other party, so as to make the marriage happier and longer-lasting.

For example, Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang.

If you look at it from the family world, the Guo Jingjing family and the Huo Qigang family cannot be compared, the Huo family is a famous rich man in Hong Kong, and the Guo family is just ordinary people.

Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

It is reasonable to say that Guo Jingjing, who married into the rich, should be pinched by the Huo family and has no initiative, but she did not expect that her status in the Huo family was very high.

The reason why the Huo family can give her such a status is because she is a "world champion".

Although Guo Jingjing did not have the material conditions to compete with Huo Qigang, she had a shining honor, just like she said:

There are rich people in this world, but there are very few world champions.

It is precisely because of this that their marriage is particularly long-lasting and happy, becoming a model couple that everyone envies.

Between good couples, they must go hand in hand.

Imagine that in a marriage relationship, you go fast, the other party goes very slowly, or the other party does not want to go at all, then such a marriage should not last long.

Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

We advocate the freedom of marriage and oppose the use of material conditions to measure the door to the door, but we can not oppose the spiritual door to the door.

In a marriage, what you say she doesn't understand, what she says you don't know, what is this called marriage, is it simpler not to live together?

Regarding marriage, I once saw such a sentence on the Internet, which is quite touching:

"Marriage is a fire, and you need to keep adding firewood to it, only in this way can the fire continue."

A lifetime is too long, if you are not willing to add firewood to the fire of marriage, then this fire will eventually end, and the marriage will naturally die.

Every marriage is not easy, since it is to seek happiness, then work harder towards happiness.

When two people work hard for a common goal, why not be happy in marriage?

Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

02: Marriages with too big a gap are doomed to die

Marriage is never a simple thing, it needs two people to operate together, in the siege of marriage, only two people grow together, will make the marriage develop in a good direction.

If one party is particularly hard and the other party is indifferent, such a marriage is difficult to last and is doomed to die.

Recently, Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, the son of Brother Dayi, separated, and the two only got married last year, and they did not expect this to be the result this year.

Some people say that it is All Chen Yanan's problem, it is that she is too clever, obviously does not like Zhu Xiaowei, only because he is the son of Brother Dayi to marry him.

Let's not discuss this for the time being, just talk about their problems in marriage, but for what purpose, they did get together and became husband and wife.

After getting married, Chen Yanan has been busy with her career, and she hopes that Zhu Xiaowei can also focus on her career like herself, but the gap between the two of them is too big.

Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

Leaving aside the academic qualifications, the living conditions of the child alone are a long way off.

If it were not for the success of the coat brother's draft, they would still be living the most ordinary life, but because of the coat brother, all this has changed, so that Zhu Xiaowei, who could have been a bare stick, married the beautiful Chen Yanan.

Since they are together, netizens are not optimistic about this marriage, mainly because they are too incompatible.

Everyone thinks that Chen Yanan will marry based on the aura of Brother Coat, that is to say, she does not love Zhu Xiaowei, only his father's aura.

After marriage, the gap between the two people becomes more obvious.

They are people of the two-person world, they cannot live in one world, so after marriage, there are many problems, and their marriage has become precarious and eventually died.

Each of us wants a happy marriage, but if the gap is too big, talk about harmony and happiness, a happy marriage needs to get used to each other on the basis of equal strength.

Half a life has passed before I understand: the essence of marriage is actually four words

As the writer Lin Yutang said:

"A happy marriage requires the habits of husband and wife with each other; it is like an old pair of shoes, which will become extremely fit after a long time."

Marriage is not easy, since you decided to be together, try to be evenly matched.

The other party is very good, you are not bad, it is good to have his life, if you do not have him you will also live well.

Such a marriage will be full of stamina and will be happy.


About the Author:

Su Xiaobei is a cutting-edge emotional writer and marital psychological counselor. If you have a problem and don't know how to solve it, you can ask me a question and look forward to your consultation and message.

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