
Teach you to make butter cakes, layer by layer crisp, easy to learn, will not do count me "crisp"

author:Knife fishing notes

For northerners, their staple food is pasta, and northerners can't do without pasta almost every day. There are many ways to do pasta. For example, various patterns such as steamed buns and flower rolls. Among them, the editor's favorite is still the fragrant butter cake, crispy and crispy, not as simple as the steamed bun, the steamed bun is nothing, only the noodles of the steamed bun. But the butter cake is different, after it is fried in oil, it is crispy and crispy, which is much more fragrant than steamed buns. The following small editor for everyone to share the method of butter cake, teach you to make butter cake, layer by layer crisp, simple and easy to learn, will not do count me "crisp".

Teach you to make butter cakes, layer by layer crisp, easy to learn, will not do count me "crisp"

The first step is to prepare these ingredients, flour, sugar, yeast, black sesame seeds, and cooking oil. First make the oil skin dough, prepare a large bowl, put the flour, yeast and sugar into the bowl in an appropriate amount, then pour the appropriate amount of cooking oil, then stir well, pour the appropriate amount of water in parts, and stir with chopsticks while pouring. After stirring well into a flocculent shape, knead the dough by hand to form a smooth dough. Then seal the bowl with plastic wrap and let it wake up for about twenty minutes. Secondly, make another puff pastry dough, prepare another bowl, pour the appropriate amount of flour and cooking oil into the bowl, here it is best to use lard to have a better effect, so that the puff pastry can be better shortened. Then stir it well until there is no dry flour, and then you can knead the puff pastry. Rub back and forth until the puff pastry is kneaded well, delicately kneaded into a dough, then sealed with plastic wrap as above and allowed to wake up for twenty minutes.

Teach you to make butter cakes, layer by layer crisp, easy to learn, will not do count me "crisp"

In the second step, after both doughs are awake, take them all out, knead them slightly, and then knead the oily dough into long strips and cut them into dough pieces of similar size. At the same time, the puff pastry dough is also cut into the same dough as above. Then take a dough and flatten it, put the puff pastry on it, wrap it up like a bun, and knead it again. Repeat the steps to finish the other doughs. Once it's all done, start baking the dough one by one. First use a rolling pin to press the puff pastry evenly, then roll out into a rectangular dough cake, fold it in half from top to bottom, roll out a long strip, a little thinner, and then roll it up from one end, and dip some water in the seal to let it stick. Then cut in half from the middle, then press the irregular end out of the small pit, put in the filling, according to your own taste, and then use your hand to squeeze the mouth of the tiger, and then turn around and press the flat, roll out from the middle outward, roll out into a small cake.

Teach you to make butter cakes, layer by layer crisp, easy to learn, will not do count me "crisp"

The third step, then prepare the electric cake, weigh the electric cake on a low heat and preheat, put more oil, because more oil cake crust will be more crispy. When the oil is hot enough to heat up, put in the pancake, put the layered side down, and when one side is burned to a fixed shape and discolored, turn the other side. When the other side is burned to change color and then turned over again, until the two sides are golden, the crust is crisp, the cake is slightly bulging out of the pot, the cake layer is very rich, very crispy, a pinch on the slag, eat very crisp, the method is also very simple, if you can't learn, then even if I am "crisp".

Teach you to make butter cakes, layer by layer crisp, easy to learn, will not do count me "crisp"

The above is the method of butter cake introduced to you by the editor, have you learned? If you have other ways to supplement, welcome to leave a comment in the comment area. Favorite friends don't forget to like the collection and forward it to other friends to learn.

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