
Wuhan's no.1 butter cake has risen from 5 mao to 5 yuan a day in 41 years, selling 600 a craft for 41 years

author:Foraging for food

China's territory is vast, rich in products and many cuisines. Many delicacies have been unable to distinguish where they originated in the first place, and there is a saying in the gastronomic world that there is no distinction between right and wrong, only good or bad, which is also the current situation. Due to the rapid development of communication and transportation, the cuisine of various places has begun to integrate, and the boundaries have gradually blurred, but in the eyes of the old-school masters, there are still gangs. The kind of food we are talking about today comes from the Yangzhou Gang, which is an authentic snack that has been passed down for generations.

Wuhan's no.1 butter cake has risen from 5 mao to 5 yuan a day in 41 years, selling 600 a craft for 41 years

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > a craft for 41 years</h1>

Wuhan is a big city, locals and foreigners are mixed together, many snacks have not found the source, are their own home is the first. In the snacks in the streets and alleys of Wuhan, I can pat my chest and say that I am a teacher, I am afraid that this uncle is the uncle. The uncle's cooking of butter cakes is a family craft, and his father is a well-known master who was once invited by Xiao Taoyuan to be a cook. The uncle himself has been doing this line for 41 years, and he is still very proud, and this shortbread has risen from the beginning of fifty cents to five yuan a now.

Wuhan's no.1 butter cake has risen from 5 mao to 5 yuan a day in 41 years, selling 600 a craft for 41 years

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > special shortbreads are fragrant</h1>

Although shortbread is already a home-cooked food, it is still necessary to be a professional to say that it is delicious. Occasionally, it is not only the locals who come to eat the tooth sacrifice, but also the outsiders who flock to eat, and the fame has long been spread. Every step is gradually familiar with countless times of training and operation, and many of the operations that we look at are all shocked by now.

Wuhan's no.1 butter cake has risen from 5 mao to 5 yuan a day in 41 years, selling 600 a craft for 41 years

At the beginning, it was rolling dough, the uncle made the cake without rolling pins, all by hand, each agent did not need to be weighed, and the size was surprisingly consistent. The agent is first kneaded into strips, then flattened, pressed with your hand, patted and flicked on the board, and it becomes a flat oval dough with a similar shape, and it looks like a kind of enjoyment. After the dough is done, spread lard, put the filling on top, roll it into a ball from the bottom, and finally press the dough into a dough cake, and you can fry it.

Wuhan's no.1 butter cake has risen from 5 mao to 5 yuan a day in 41 years, selling 600 a craft for 41 years

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > the oil pot under the unique disciple</h1>

Don't think the work is over, pancakes are actually the core of technology. At the beginning, it was just a soft cake-like dough, and after putting it into the hot oil pot, I saw that the uncle kept squeezing each cake with his hands, and he kept turning the noodles, so he operated it with his bare hands in the oil pot, which was simply stunning, and ordinary people were afraid that they would even feel hot when they got close. This step is to make the two sides of the cake heat evenly, and with the help of the force of the hand to make it slightly thinner, the filling inside is easier to cook. The pancakes should be baked near the fire for a while, remove the grease, and after baking, the fragrant butter cake can be eaten while hot.

Wuhan's no.1 butter cake has risen from 5 mao to 5 yuan a day in 41 years, selling 600 a craft for 41 years

Although the uncle is very proud to say that the gang cuisine in the whole of Wuhan is not more than three, but in fact, more and more shortbread shops have opened, but in any case, the teacher is the teacher Fu, this family does not dare to say that it is the only one, but it is certainly the first in the minds of most old Wuhan.

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