
Scallion butter cake, which is not only delicious, but also very tempting

author:Hu Hu loves food

As an authentic northern girl, I especially like to eat bread, almost all kinds of cakes I love, I can eat three meals a day, but I can't accept eating rice three times a day. No way, the memory of loving to eat cake in my bones makes me feel that no cake is delicious. So, today I'm going to share with you a dish of my usual favorite green onion butter cake.

Scallion butter cake, which is not only delicious, but also very tempting


500 grams of flour, 300 grams of warm water, appropriate amount of green onion, star anise, peppercorns, cinnamon, ginger slices, white segments of green onion, coriander, salt, sugar, a little thirteen spices, yeast powder 3 grams


1, the sugar, yeast powder together melted in warm water that is not hot, and then pour the warm water into the flour and the noodles, and finally kneaded into a smooth dough, put the lid on the basin and woke up for 30 minutes, wake up until there is a honeycomb, the noodles are awake.

Scallion butter cake, which is not only delicious, but also very tempting

2. While waking up the noodles, let's make the puff pastry. Heat the pan with oil, add the white onion, sliced ginger, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, coriander, and fry over low heat until the spices are yellow and dry, then remove and pour out. Then pour hot oil into 50 grams of flour, and finally add salt, thirteen spice powder, stir well to make a puff pastry.

3: After the noodles are awakened, divide the dough into 4 agents of equal size, take a dough and roll out into large sheets with a rolling pin, brush a layer of puff pastry on top, and then sprinkle a layer of green onions.

Scallion butter cake, which is not only delicious, but also very tempting

4. Then roll up the large round dough piece, twist it a few times, and finally flatten it into a lump.

5, we follow the above method to make the other 3, and then put the basin on the lid and wake up again for 20 minutes.

Scallion butter cake, which is not only delicious, but also very tempting

6, 20 minutes later, the dough after the second awakening is rolled out into large flakes again, the electric cake bell preheats a small amount of oil, put the cake into the pan, fry until one side is slightly yellow, brush a small amount of oil on the other side, and then we turn it over.

7: Finally, until both sides are golden and crispy, you can shovel out the plate and cut into pieces of equal size.

8, follow the above steps, we burn it one by one, you can.

Scallion butter cake, which is not only delicious, but also very tempting

That's all for today's share of green onion butter cakes, if you also love to eat cakes, then try to make it.

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