
The child's fontanelle sends a signal of illness, but the grandmother says it is smart, doctor: it must be operated on!

The baby's fontanelle is a part that many mothers are curious about.

There are actually two fontanelles, one in the front and one in the back, but because the fontanelle in the back closes earlier (about 3 months), some mothers do not find it. We usually say that fontanelle generally refers to the front fontanelle.

The child's fontanelle sends a signal of illness, but the grandmother says it is smart, doctor: it must be operated on!

(Image source: Elken Original)

The state of the fontanelle can sometimes reflect the health of the baby, and parents must not be careless.

A baby almost caused tragedy because of an abnormal fontanelle...

Baby fontanelle closes early,

Grandma said it was a "symbol of cleverness"...

Your baby's skull is not a complete piece, but is made up of multiple pieces combined. When the baby is born, there is a part of the skull that is not tightly combined, forming a large gap, which is the fontanelle. The fontanelle will slowly close as your baby grows and develops.

In the eyes of some people, the early closure of the baby's fontanelle is a good thing, indicating that the baby is developing well and is a symbol of intelligence. But is this really the case?

A baby in Xuzhou is only five months old, one day, the mother accidentally touched the child's fontanelle, and found that the fontanelle seemed to be all closed.

Mom is very happy and thinks this is a sign of her baby's good development. The mother-in-law was also very happy, saying that it was a symbol of the child's intelligence.

(Image source: The Paper)

When the baby is 6 months old, the parents take the child to do a routine physical examination, and the physical examination doctor finds that the baby's fontanelle is abnormal, and it is recommended that parents take the child to find a professional doctor to clarify whether there is a problem with the fontanelle.

But the mother-in-law is still stubborn, and said that the baby's father closed the fontanelle early when he was a child, and the whole family is smart. Since there is such an obvious precedent, the mother did not think much about it, so she did not take the child to see it.

After another two months, the mother noticed that the baby's head was flat and long, and the forehead was also wider. The mother began to worry, and the mother-in-law said that the child with the big forehead was smart and did not need to go to the hospital.

This time, the mother did not dare to be careless and insisted on taking the baby to the hospital for examination. The doctor confirmed that the baby is "cranial suture premature closure" and must be operated on in time.

The child's fontanelle sends a signal of illness, but the grandmother says it is smart, doctor: it must be operated on!

The fontanelle closed prematurely, which turned out to be due to the baby's "early closure of the cranial suture". Premature closure of the cranial suture can lead to serious consequences such as cranial dysplasia and brain development delay, and within 6 months is the best time for surgical correction.

Therefore, parents must not be careless when they find that the baby's fontanelle is abnormal.

These kinds of fontanelle abnormalities,

Parents need to be vigilant!

The baby's fontanelle is a signal of physical development and health, and when the fontanelle is abnormal, it often indicates that there is a problem with the baby's development or health.


The fontanelle closes early

In general, the baby's fontanelle begins to become smaller at 5 or 6 months, most babies are completely closed by the age of 1 to 1 and a half years old, and some babies are completely closed at the age of 2, which is normal.

If the baby's fontanelle is completely closed before 6 months, it means that the baby's development may have problems, such as brain dysplasia, microcephaly, early closure of the skull suture, etc., then parents need to take the child to the doctor in time.

It should be noted that whether the baby's fontanelle is closed prematurely requires accurate judgment. Some parents touch the fontanelle of their children as if it is closed, but in fact it is not closed, but the gap is too small to feel. At this time, the baby's head circumference is actually still growing normally, and parents do not have to worry too much.

The child's fontanelle sends a signal of illness, but the grandmother says it is smart, doctor: it must be operated on!

In addition to fontanelles, head circumference is a more important criterion. Parents can regularly monitor the baby's head circumference, if the baby's head circumference grows normally, other development of the body is also normal, generally do not need to worry too much.


The fontanelle closes late

Some babies have not closed their fontanelles after 2 years old, there may be rickets or sluggishness, hydrocephalus, etc., but these conditions are rare, and the specific judgment needs to be based on the baby's comprehensive situation, such as rickets may lead to rib beads, O-shaped legs, wrists and ankles with bracelet-like bulges.

If the baby is healthy, all development indicators are normal, and the fontanelle is not closed when you are more than 2 years old, you don't have to worry too much.


Fontanelle morphology is abnormal

The baby's fontanelle shape can also show physical health problems.

●Fontanelle uplift

If your baby's fontanelle is bulging, this condition is sometimes normal and sometimes indicates disease.

For example, when the baby is crying very badly, or when the stool is dry and hard, these actions will increase the baby's intracranial pressure, resulting in a bulge in the fontanelle, which is normal. After the baby calms down, the fontanelle also returns to a flat state.

The child's fontanelle sends a signal of illness, but the grandmother says it is smart, doctor: it must be operated on!

However, if the baby does not have any force movement, the fontanelle is also a state of bulge, then parents need to be vigilant, because some lesions in the skull may cause the fontanelle to bulge.

●Fontanelle depression

The fontanelle is sometimes sunken, which is also an abnormal reaction, and the common cause is that the baby is dehydrated. For example, if the baby is dehydrated because of diarrhea, parents must rehydrate the baby in time to prevent serious consequences due to dehydration.

The child's fontanelle sends a signal of illness, but the grandmother says it is smart, doctor: it must be operated on!

There is a saying that the fontanelle is the baby's "life gate", so the mother takes special care of the child's fontanelle, and if she accidentally touches it, she is particularly remorseful. So, is fontanelle really particularly fragile?

Fontanelle is not as "weak" as you think,

No overprotection...

There is actually a thick dura film under the fontanelle to protect the brain, it is not as fragile as people think, and it can also clean the fontanelle normally when taking a bath. (But be careful not to use your nails to scratch hard, nor can you bump or press hard, after all, the baby's head needs to be well protected)

The child's fontanelle sends a signal of illness, but the grandmother says it is smart, doctor: it must be operated on!

Some parents think that the fontanelle is afraid of the wind and the sun, as long as they go out, let the baby wear a hat, which is also unnecessary. When the wind is beautiful, it is good to let the baby go out to bask in the sun, and you don't always have to cover it.

Sometimes parents will find that the baby's fontanelle jumps and jumps, which is the normal beating of blood vessels, not an abnormal situation.

The fontanelle closure time is early and late, most of which are closed between the age of 1 and 1 and a half years old, but if it is advanced or wrong, parents do not have to worry too much, but also combined with the baby's head circumference, physical development and other comprehensive judgment.

Some mothers compare the baby with the baby of the same age, feel that the fontanelle door of other people's babies is closed, and their own babies have not closed, so they begin to be anxious and blindly give the baby calcium supplements.

In fact, the time of fontanelle closure sooner or later and calcium deficiency is not deficient in calcium has little to do with it, and the baby's normal breast milk or formula milk, vitamin D is also enough, basically will not be deficient in calcium.

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