
Babies under three years old, these three parts of the body are "forbidden areas", randomly touching or hurting the baby

Many mothers believe that the baby is only in the time of birth, the fontanelle is a forbidden area, because the fontanelle has not closed normally, only until the baby is about one and a half years old, the fontanelle will slowly close. In fact, not only the baby's fontanelle, but also other forbidden areas, parents can not touch at will, otherwise the baby may be hurt.

Babies under three years old, these three parts of the body are "forbidden areas", randomly touching or hurting the baby

01 Rub your baby's cute face, causing your baby to have severe allergies

A few days ago, at the party of the mothers, friends have brought children, some babies are only one or two years old, each is particularly cute, one of the friends' children, the face is fleshy, looks particularly like Fuwa, so it is particularly pleasing, several friends have come forward and kissed and rubbed, bluntly cute.

In this process, the baby is also very resistant, every time someone comes over, he will make a fuss for a while, and then see someone come forward and think that he is going to pinch her face, and he has not yet come to her and began to resist. Later, the next day, everyone received a message from the baby's mother, saying that the baby's face became red and swollen, and there were a lot of small rashes, which were taken to the hospital for examination, and the doctor said that it was allergic, and the baby also had a high fever because of allergies.

Babies under three years old, these three parts of the body are "forbidden areas", randomly touching or hurting the baby

Everyone felt very incredible, but it was just rubbing their faces, how could it cause such a big reaction? Bao Mom herself can't figure it out, and then after the doctor's explanation, it was clear that the skin of the original baby was relatively sensitive, plus the baby was still young and could not withstand many times of rubbing, and everyone's rubbing caused the resistance of the baby's skin defense mechanism, so it caused a serious allergic reaction.

Perhaps many mothers do not know that the original baby's face can not be rubbed at will, after understanding this, I hope that the mothers will protect their baby's small face in the future, but can no longer let others rub it at will.

Babies under three years old, these three parts of the body are "forbidden areas", randomly touching or hurting the baby

02 In addition to the face, these two parts of the baby's body are also "forbidden areas"

We all know that the soles of people's feet have a wealth of tendons crisscrossing, not to mention the baby, even the soles of adults' feet can not be pressed randomly, there have been many because of the unprofessional masseuse pressed, resulting in hemiplegia in the body. Therefore, mothers should pay more attention to the fact that before the baby is three years old, the neurons on the soles of the feet are more sensitive, and the development is not yet complete, and must not be pressed randomly.

In particular, it should be noted that babies at this stage are still wearing diapers, and when parents change diapers for babies, they will first grab the baby's feet to lift, this process may press the soles of their feet, in fact, this method is also wrong. Therefore, be sure to avoid this position and choose to grab their ankles or under the calves, which are relatively more supportive and will not cause harm to the baby.

Babies under three years old, these three parts of the body are "forbidden areas", randomly touching or hurting the baby

In addition, the back of the baby's neck is also a forbidden area, the mothers do not rub at will, this part because of the connection with the baby's brain, so concentrated with rich neurons, if you press at will, it is likely to stimulate the nervous system, or inhibit the normal development of the nervous system. Around the age of three, the neurons in this area are gradually perfected, but they are still developing, so even after the age of three, you need to avoid random rubbing.

03 Which parts of massage are beneficial to the baby's development?

It is said that a certain massage can help the baby's development, it is true that the mothers can usually properly massage the baby's fingers, which can promote the muscle and neuron development of the baby's finger area, and exercise the flexibility of the baby's hand.

Babies under three years old, these three parts of the body are "forbidden areas", randomly touching or hurting the baby

If the baby has indigestion and other problems, the mothers can also properly massage the baby's stomach, but it needs to be noted that it can only be carried out about two hours after the meal. Before a friend mistakenly thought that the child should be massaged immediately after meals, so every day after the meal will do massage for the baby, until later found that the baby's independent digestion ability has become very poor, and the hospital examination found that the gastric motility is insufficient, the doctor said that it is due to the mother's excessive interference with the baby's independent digestion ability, resulting in the body relying more on external massage digestion, rather than enhancing its own digestive system.

Babies under three years old, these three parts of the body are "forbidden areas", randomly touching or hurting the baby

Therefore, be sure to massage about two hours after the meal, so as to really enhance the baby's digestive ability. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the technique, which should be carried out relatively gently and regularly, rather than randomly massaging, which will not play any role, and may also cause certain harm to the baby.

In addition, you can also give the baby's lower back a proper massage, but also can promote the development of the baby's lower back nervous system and muscle groups, enhance the baby's core stability.

Conclusion: Mothers must learn more parenting knowledge in the process of raising children, enrich their parenting experience, and avoid making mistakes because of knowledge loopholes in the process of raising children.

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