
In 2022, there is light in the heart, and the road is not afraid

Are you doing well in 2021?

This year, have you ever been in the middle of the night, hiding alone in a car, using music to heal the fatigue of the day.

This year, are you diligent in running, crossing narrow alleys, rolling over dirt roads, and carrying a heavy responsibility for your family all the way forward?

This year, whether you have just gone alone, holding the steering wheel, you are careful, and you are following the same steps, but still taking some detours.

This year, whether you have been sharpened to be stronger and more independent, whether you are happy because you have created a better life for your family, whether you have gained growth in stumbling...

Whether it is happy or sad, achievement or loss, we will bid farewell to 2021 and usher in the exciting 2022.

To this end, we interviewed 6 "tiger friends" who are about to usher in the year of their lives, sharing their gains and losses in 2021 and their New Year's wishes in 2022.

Lan Ruodan is 38 years old

It is about to usher in the second treasure in the year of Nongyin (2022).


Become a Tuhu user in 2020

"I hope that both babies can be safe and secure"

Nearly forty years old to give birth to a second child, many friends said they did not understand, and even some people asked me if I was the in-laws to give the Ding indicator.

Honestly, the idea of having a second child was first mentioned by me. At first my husband was a little hesitant, he was worried that our current age and energy were not suitable for adding another child.

Why do I want to have a second child? Because I want my kids to grow up happier.

I am an only child, I grew up at home with thousands of pets, I don't need to "share" to get everyone's love and attention,

So much so that "sharing" has become an ability that I am still not good at. But at that time, I especially wanted to be a brother and sister, learn together, be naughty together, share good food and fun together, and have all kinds of happiness and sadness. To this day, I still hope that there is a brother and sister who can share the burden of caring for their parents together, sharing and discussing the troubles of work and life. After communicating my ideas with my husband in depth, he also had an agreement with me as an only child.

Due to study, study abroad, work and other reasons, I only gave birth to my first baby at the age of 35, and this time I have a second child who is older and pays more attention to health. From the beginning of my pregnancy preparation, I found a fitness personal trainer to carry out targeted physical training and strictly control the diet during pregnancy. In short, the health and safety of both babies is my biggest wish in 2022.

Chen Haozhi was born in the year of Gengyin (2010).

Junior high school students in Chengdu

Parents became Tuhu users from 2019

"I want to grow taller and can shoot with a header!"

The most rewarding thing in 2021 is to become a middle school student, and the happiest thing is to join the school's football team.

I love playing football and have been watching the World Cup with my dad since I was 4 years old. My dad's favorite player was Messi, and so did I, and when I was a kid, my dad and friends would take me with me. I like to play football and should also be inherited from him.

My idol Messi is 1.7 meters tall, but that doesn't stop him from becoming one of the most "bulls" in the world. His height flaw instead became an "advantage", allowing him to easily change direction, accelerate and maintain balance when carrying the ball, and the ball seemed to stick to his feet. Messi left Barca this year, and Dad was still sad, saying that his youth was over.

My youth has just begun. But height has become the "youth problem" that worries me the most at the moment. It must be admitted that this is also related to heredity, and Dad is not a big tall man!

I'm the shortest one on our team, but in terms of running speed, I'm not inferior at all, but more flexible than them, and I think my style is a bit like Messi's.

It's a great pleasure to be on the football team this year, and my wish for next year is to grow a little taller, and in addition to being as nimble as Messi, I can also shoot headers!

Wang Qidi was born in 1998


In 2020, he became a Tuhu car technician

"I've built so many cars, I want to buy my own!"

In 2021, a lot has changed in my life and work. I moved from Beijing to Shenzhen and finally ended years of "long-distance love" and living in a city with my girlfriend. This year I also participated in a technician competition and became an "ace technician".

I studied auto repair when I was a student, and after graduation, I worked in car repair, and I liked this business myself. In order to do a good job, understand and do this craft well, in addition to the online courses provided by the company, I also bought more vehicle courses and books at my own expense to recharge myself and teach myself after work. This year, I have invested a lot in the study of new energy vehicle technology, hoping to continue to keep up with the trend at the key node of industry change.

In the second half of this year, I participated in the ace technician competition held by the company, and I also represented the North China Division in the first half of the race, and I won the honor as a player in the South China Division in the final, which was a recognition of my technical ability and a good start for me in the new city.

Shenzhen, I haven't been here before, but this city has my girlfriend and a familiar working environment, so I don't feel strange. As long as you have the skills in hand, there is nothing to worry about.

For living and working in 2022, I believe it will be better than 2021. I have saved some money in the past few years to repair the car, and I also want to buy my own car, which is not only my dream for many years, but also that I can take my girlfriend to the sea on my rest day next year.

Zhang Yufeng was born in 1986

White-collar Workers Shanghai

In 2018, he became a Tuhu car user

"I hope wages go up a little faster and hair falls out a little slower!"

I was particularly sad in 2020 because I was laid off by the company due to the impact of the epidemic.

From a decent, superior white-collar worker in a foreign company to a middle-aged unemployed "greasy man", coupled with the fact that the mortgage on the house bought at the highest point of Shanghai house prices in 2018 has not been paid off, the already precarious hairline is retreating backwards at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the past few years, the environment was good, and I never worried about picking a satisfactory position, but this time it was really different, and I was forced to step out of the "comfort zone" and start the re-employment journey. From October 2020 to March this year, during various interviews, I began to re-examine myself, seriously think about my career plans after the age of 35, and gradually adjust my mentality and goals.

In mid-April, I chose to join a private enterprise with development potential. When I introduced myself when I joined, I took the initiative to replace the English name that I had used for more than ten years with "Xiao Zhang", and I hoped that this was a completely different new beginning.

This year, the new job has brought me unprecedented challenges and pressures, how to reuse the mature experience of foreign enterprises to developing private enterprises, how to expand skills to better qualify for new positions... Occasionally, I miss the years when I worked in the best office building in the city center, had 20 days of annual leave, and did not worry about the volume of hair, but people can't always lie in the past, but should know how to cherish the present and grasp the future.

In the upcoming 2022, I believe that work will still bring me great pressure and anxiety, I hope that my hair will fall out slowly, and I also believe that I will see the rewards of paying, such as a faster salary!

Zhou Wei was born in 1974

Individual small boss Wenzhou

Became a Tuhu user in 2018

"I hope the business is better and I can save more money for my children!"

2022 is my life year, according to the traditional saying, the year of life is too old, no joy will be a disaster. But I think I have survived the worst situation in the past two years, and I will definitely be able to do it next year!

Before 2020, others called me Boss Zhou, I have several facades in Yiwu, have my own processing plant, and the souvenirs you buy when traveling abroad may be from my home. This year, I am still the boss of the week, but I have seriously "shrunk".

Affected by the epidemic in 2020, our overseas orders have plummeted, transactions have been cancelled frequently, inventory backlogs have been slow to sell, production lines have no work to open, and employees are waiting for me to pay wages... In order to survive, I surrendered all the facades and began to sell goods through live broadcasts at night to withdraw funds, on the other hand, I also hoped to find domestic customers. During that time, I learned to do live sales, pack my own express delivery, and visit potential customers to sell my own process and production line capabilities.

In the second half of 2020, we received several production demands for Spring Festival gifts, and the production line that had been sealed for several months came alive again.

This year's situation is much better than last year's, but at least it has survived, but it has not been smooth sailing, and difficulties have been changing their appearance. Our overseas business was reopened for a time, but due to the significant reduction in air, rail, and shipping volumes, logistics costs rose...

But again, the worst conditions have survived. Next year, I will continue to run more customers, save more money for my daughter who is admitted to college, and wish her smooth and smooth!

Ma Huimin was born in 1962

Retired employees of state-owned enterprises in Wuhan

Become a Tuhu user in 2021

"I want to spend time with my family and travel all over the country!"

I started working at 18 years, 42 years of service, 40 years of driving. I've been driving buses all my life, but only bought my first car 3 years ago.

Next year I will officially retire, hard work for a lifetime, finally have a lot of time for their own consumption, and now that Xiao Luozi has grown up, I have long planned to drive with my lover and go to see the green mountains and rivers in China to enjoy life.

My lover liked to travel when she was young, but the economic conditions were limited before, and then the economic conditions were better, but because of the nature of my work, I often had to work three shifts, so the burden of caring for children and the elderly fell on her shoulders, and she sacrificed a lot of her own hobbies and time for the family.

A few years ago, the old people in the family also left us one after another, and my son went to work and began to earn his own money, so we discussed buying the car and planning for self-driving travel after retirement. Now self-driving travel is very common and convenient, and once the smartphone navigation is turned on, there is no road that is not recognized.

I look forward to my retirement, and I hope that starting next year, I will take my lover to go everywhere I wanted to go when I was young.

Whether our 2021 is the brightness of the clouds or the hardships of forging ahead, whether it is a small blessing or an earth-shaking turning point in life, standing at the moment of retiring the old and welcoming the new, we should personally plant a beautiful and careful wish, which is the light that leads us to the New Year.

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