
Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended

Two days ago, a heavy snow in Shijiazhuang instantly made us whiteheads, and the flying snowflakes brought the best dream of 2021, just in the silver-clad Zhuangli, the basketball court in the Z-ONE Basketball Park in Shijiazhuang was indulgent and enjoyable, and on December 26, basketball players from the Ji'nan Branch gathered here and competed fiercely.

Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended
Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended

The collision of youth and vitality, just like Chang'an UNI-K, is born different, born strong, with its own aura, with talent and tempering to make challenges and extremes the direction of growth. It is also like changan automobile's second-generation CS75 PLUS, facing the blue, unleashing its strength, and believing that it is a miracle in the arena. With its appearance and strength, it has been freed from the competition of the same level of models and has become the preferred model for domestic home SUV models.

Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended

At the same time, in addition to the fierce competition in the fierce basketball game, the activity site also arranged the basketball surrounding game area, and the non-competition players have time to enjoy the relaxing moment, have fun in it, and feel the charm of basketball.

Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended
Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended

In addition to the enthusiastic audience, there were also the charming and non-negligible Changan Automobile second-generation CS75 PLUS and the UNI-K, the second model of the UNI series.

As the most sought after SUV model 2022 Changan CS75 PLUS, the vehicle length of 4700mm wheelbase 2710 appropriate large space home SUV, power convenient equipped with 1.5T + 6AT and 2.0T + 8AT mature power and transmission system, after years of China's various geographical environment with the test of the car 0 faults to win consumer recognition.

Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended

As a "KTV" series of UNI series inclined to sporty design, UNI-K, with the design language of new technology and intelligent aesthetics and a higher-level intelligent driver assistance system, is equipped with IMS intelligent cockpit interaction system, adopts a large five-seat layout in the car, has zero gravity pressure reduction technology and rear angle adjustment function, and will fully meet the diversified car needs of consumers who pursue family and business balance. In turn, it will provide more sufficient impetus for the Changan Automobile brand to continue to rise.

Strive for the dream changan automobile Ji'nan division 3v3 basketball challenge ended

Changan Automobile 3V3 Basketball Challenge Ji'nan Branch Promotion Tournament was successfully concluded, the basketball players are the representatives of the contemporary Changan spirit, and also dedicated a wonderful event for the audience, and the same quality of the Changan Automobile brand, strive for the dream!

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