
The commander of the Nationalist army studied with the Eighth Route Army everywhere, and Chiang Kai-shek said angrily: Is this still a government army?

The commander of the Nationalist army studied with the Eighth Route Army everywhere, and Chiang Kai-shek said angrily: Is this still a government army?

When it comes to senior Kuomintang generals, many people have the impression that they are incompetent and corrupt, corrupt and corrupt. In fact, there are many people who are still very commendable, such as Huang Qiaosong, commander of the 30th Army.

Although he was a senior General of the Kuomintang, Huang Qiaosong was very unaccustomed to the style of the Kuomintang, but greatly appreciated the frugal style of the Eighth Route Army.

The commander of the Nationalist army studied with the Eighth Route Army everywhere, and Chiang Kai-shek said angrily: Is this still a government army?

He often educated his subordinates: "Look at commander-in-chief Zhu of the Eighth Route Army, who eats and dresses like the soldiers, and then look at the officers on our side, one by one, coats and leather boots, in addition to causing confrontation between officers and soldiers, what combat effectiveness can be spoken of?" ”

Regarding the "three major disciplines and eight points of attention" promoted by the Eighth Route Army, Huang Qiaosong also drew on them and personally informed the officers and men below that they would let everyone study well.

Huang Qiaosong's high-profile behavior was soon known to Chiang Kai-shek, and he was so angry that he scolded him, saying: "Is this still a government army?" This is simply the Eighth Route Army! ”

The commander of the Nationalist army studied with the Eighth Route Army everywhere, and Chiang Kai-shek said angrily: Is this still a government army?

Not only in terms of style, Huang Qiaosong was dissatisfied with many of Chiang Kai-shek's practices.

At the time of the September 18 Incident, Chiang Kai-shek began to implement the policy of "foreign countries must first be safe inside.", and as soon as this policy came out, Huang Qiaosong, who was bent on resisting Japan, was very anxious and angry, and he wrote with great effort: "Looking at the northeast half of the wall fell into the hands of the Japanese Kou, it is a great shame and great shame for the soldiers of my generation!" Why not stop the civil war and unite with the outside world! ”

After the July 7 Incident, Chiang Kai-shek finally relaxed that he wanted to cooperate with the Communists to resist Japan, and Huang Qiaosong was relieved, and immediately wrote a farewell letter to his wife in his hometown and rushed to the battlefield.

The commander of the Nationalist army studied with the Eighth Route Army everywhere, and Chiang Kai-shek said angrily: Is this still a government army?

In the most difficult battle of Nanyang, in order to let the warriors see their determination, Huang QiaoSong also personally made a wooden plaque for himself, which read: Tomb of Huang Qiao Song. Under the wooden plaque, there was also a simple coffin, and said to his subordinates: "In this battle, I have set the purpose of martyrdom, either he dies or I die!" ”

But unfortunately, Huang Qiaosong did not die at the hands of the Japanese in the end, but was punished by Chiang Kai-shek for treason, at the age of 47.

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