
The teacher saw his son's diagnosis and notified the class to suspend the class for 10 days in the group

One afternoon in May this year, I was almost done with my work, and suddenly remembered that the next day my children were going to participate in the kindergarten's wild survival activities. Thinking that the divine beast could spend 2 days and 1 night with the teacher outside, I felt that happiness came too suddenly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the mobile phone rang, and it was a call from the teacher. I thought it was not good, and pretended to calmly answer the phone. Sure enough, the teacher told me that the child had a fever and needed to be picked up early.

Fever 39 ° C

The teacher instructed him to take pictures after seeing the doctor

At this point, tomorrow's event will definitely not be able to participate. On the way to kindergarten, I read the information in the parent group, and other children took sick leave, guessing that there was a wave of "colds" recently.

Rushed to the health room, the health doctor and the teacher told me that in addition to the fever of 39 ° C, the child still has 2 small bubbles in his mouth, and he needs to go to the hospital on the same day to see a doctor, and then feedback the results of the medical treatment to the teacher. The teacher also told me not to infect the second treasure at home, and told me that tomorrow's activities may also be canceled, and again told me to get the diagnosis results and take pictures and send them to her.

I took the child home to take anti-fever medicine first, remembered that the hospital clinic may have turned on the air conditioning, took the child's long-sleeved clothes, and went to the fever clinic of the nearby hospital. Seeing that the child fell asleep all the way, I called my husband and told him to go directly to the hospital after work, so that when I went to the registration queue, he could accompany the child to rest in the car, so that the child would not just fall asleep and run errands.

2 people were confirmed

Children "dreams come true" off class for 10 days

There are a lot of children in the hospital who come to see the fever, and after hanging up the number for more than 2 hours, the doctor called my son's name. Doctors looked at his throat and prescribed blood draws and routine nucleic acid tests.

After the results came out, the doctor said that the child had herpetic angina, it is best to take care of it separately from other children in the family, at this stage there is no need for infusion, nor do you need to take antibiotics or antiviral drugs, more rest is good, but pay attention to diet. The doctor especially told me that because the throat was particularly painful after getting this disease, some children resisted eating, and if the nutrition could not keep up, they might be infected with other germs, and then they might have to use antibiotics for infusion.

I thanked the doctor and left the hospital to take pictures of the medical records and send them to the teacher. That night, the teacher successively sent notices in the group of the postponement of the wild survival activities and the closure of the class for 10 days. It turned out that 1 of the 3 children in the class with fever had been diagnosed with herpetic angina. According to the requirements of health prevention and control management, 2 children in a class who are diagnosed with this disease need to close the class for 10 days.

It's good that those children who don't want to go to kindergarten have finally "made their dreams come true". Parents are also caught off guard, taking care of the baby with a sick baby, preventing the disease from falling ill, and greeting the "summer vacation" that has arrived in advance.

Sore throat

Eat one bite and count the bites

In the next few days, some small bubbles appeared in the child's throat, and sure enough, his throat hurt so much that he didn't want to eat. We told him that he could count the numbers when he ate, count the numbers at a bite, count while counting, and always have the time to eat to the last bite and complete the task.

The teacher also reminds parents in the class group to try to give their children light, easily digestible foods during illness. It just so happened that a classmate's parent was a doctor, and he shared his child's diet when he was recuperating in the group:

1. Millet pumpkin porridge, add some cooked vegetables, and after the child's appetite is better, you can also add a bowl of egg soup;

2. Vegetable noodle soup, improve to egg flower soup and soft noodles when the appetite is better;

3. A small amount of fruit can be added during the recovery period;

4. Try not to eat deep processed snacks with high oil, high salt and high sugar. If your child really wants to eat, you can soak a little cookie in porridge or noodle soup as part of the staple food.

In this way, with the accompaniment and encouragement, my children insisted on eating the meal, and other parents also encouraged each other in the group and cheered each other over the air.

After two or three days, several of the first children in the class began to improve, the body temperature dropped, the herpes in the throat no longer increased, and the appetite was better. But in addition, several children have fevers, some also cry and say that their throats hurt, and they have been diagnosed with herpetic angina, and some children have no herpes, saying that their stomachs hurt and have diarrhea.

During that time, there were about a dozen children with fever before and after, and five of them were diagnosed with herpetic angina.

The event was postponed

Not a single child took sick leave

In order not to infect the family's baby, my brother and brother were arranged to eat and play in different rooms. Some of the parents of the students in the class took the boss to the hotel after the boss was diagnosed, completely separated from the second treasure. Fortunately, none of the sick children in the class have been re-infected to their families.

On these days when children are recuperating, the kindergarten has carried out disinfection work and cancelled the large group activities of Children's Day. Although I have regrets, I was quickly relieved to think that in the context of the epidemic, this is an opportunity to teach my children to abide by the rules and grow up.

The good news is that after Children's Day, the children have recovered one after another, the class has also resumed, the Children's Day activities were held after 1 week, and the wild survival was postponed after 1 month, and no children were absent because of sick leave! The children practiced hard and ran hard, although they experienced twists and turns in this summer, they gained resistance and inner strength, and our growth was not only not absent, but more thick and thin.

Doctor reviews

Du Juan | Attending physician of the Department of Pediatrics, Jinan Central Hospital

Herpetic angina is a common infectious disease in childhood, more likely to occur in children under six years of age, mainly manifested as fever, sore throat, pharyngeal isthmus herpes, fever is generally moderate to low fever, can also be presented as high fever. Some children have obvious sore throat, which can affect eating, gray and white herpes can be seen in the isthmus of the pharynx, there is a red halo around it, it can break into an ulcer in 1 to 2 days, and only a few children have a more severe clinical manifestation, similar to the performance of severe hand, foot and mouth (as shown below).

The teacher saw his son's diagnosis and notified the class to suspend the class for 10 days in the group

Symptoms of severe hand, foot and mouth 丨 Pixabay

The pathogen that causes herpetic angina is mainly enterovirus, because enterovirus is suitable for survival in a humid and hot environment, so herpetic angina tends to occur in spring and summer. At the same time, herpetic angina and hand-foot-and-mouth disease are like sisters, from pathogen to clinical manifestations and other aspects have similarities, so when fever and sore throat appear in the early stage, it is also necessary to observe the rash of hands, feet and buttocks, and pay attention to whether there is a possibility of hand, foot and mouth disease.

Enteroviruses are mainly transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract or direct or indirect contact, so they are easily transmitted in collective institutions, especially in kindergartens. Although herpetic angina is not listed as a statutory infectious disease in China, it is best for children to stay at home for 2 weeks to avoid outbreaks.

How to keep the enterovirus away from children? Enteroviruses are generally not tolerant of high temperatures, boiling can die immediately, in addition, enteroviruses are more sensitive to drying and ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet radiation 0.5 to 1 hour, the virus can also die, so in addition to the usual practice of washing hands frequently, avoid sharing cups and tableware, if necessary, you can boil or ultraviolet disinfection.

If the child has herpetic angina, parents should not panic, it is best to take the child to the hospital to listen to the guidance and treatment of professional doctors. According to the 2016 "Evidence-based Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Several Problems of Acute Fever of Unknown Etiology in Children Aged 0-5 years in China", it is recommended that acute fever with a good condition and unknown etiology in children can provide more effective diagnostic information after 12 hours.

Therefore, parents encounter similar situations, if the child is generally in good condition, they can consider taking ibuprofen suspension (generally 5 to 10 mg / kg body weight, at least 4 hours apart, 24 hours no more than 4 times), observation for 12 hours, if there is no significant improvement that is, the doctor.

The treatment of herpetic angina is mainly symptomatic treatment, while parents pay attention to let the child rest more, light diet, avoid acid, spicy, hot and other irritating diets, do a good job of home isolation, avoid cross infection, observe the change of condition, if there is high fever does not go away, poor spirit, drowsiness, pale face and other situations, to seek medical treatment in time. If the recovery is relatively smooth, the symptoms will basically disappear in about a week.

Sharing personal experience does not constitute a diagnosis and treatment recommendation, can not replace the doctor's individual judgment of a specific patient, if you need to go to a regular hospital.

Author: Kling Xing

Edit: Dai Tian Doctor

The teacher saw his son's diagnosis and notified the class to suspend the class for 10 days in the group

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