
On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes


Speed Depth Attitude

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Every advance and collision is a re-dialogue with this cruel and realistic world, and the ancient fortress crosses time and space.

Author 丨Wei Jinqiao

Responsible editor 丨 Xu Jinkai

Edited by 丨tian lanthanum

"Man is free only because he takes responsibility, and this is the true meaning of life." Kafka muttered to himself, trying to pick up the truth of life hidden in the details.

In this dreamy era of change, what is freedom and what is the true meaning?

Musk said: I am going to Mars, Li Shufu said: because of happiness and greatness, from Mercedes-Benz to Tesla, from Akio Toyoda to Li Shufu, all follow the heart, looking for the answer to responsibility.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

Shouldering responsibility is just like the bravery of Zhang Qian's westward journey 2,000 years ago; there are also five years ago, when the "born global" and "unlimited" Lynk & Co Automobile boldly and violently knocked on the solid barriers of foreign-funded automobiles like an iron wall.

Exploring the unknown will be a difficult journey to embrace China's young user groups, and it will also be a long march of destiny to change the world's perception of Chinese brands.

The New Axis Era

In 1949, the German thinker Carl Jaspers, in The Origin and Goal of History, called the phenomenon of human cultural breakthroughs that appeared in China, the West, and India around 500 BC the Axial Age.

Subsequently, Harari, the author of "A Brief History of Mankind", and the Chinese philosopher Tang Yijie began to propose the concept of the "New Axis Era", tang Yijie not only affirmed the important contributions of Chinese Confucian and Taoist culture in the Axial Age, but also emphasized the new vitality and new blood injected by the Oriental culture in the New Axial Age.

There is no doubt that China is the best witness of globalization and the new axis era, because of the blessing of national fortune and the awakening of consumption, Chinese auto brands are no longer bystanders and passive recipients in the new round of competition in the world market, but also an important participant, shaper and new leader of the opening of the new axis of internationalization and industry.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

The modernization of science and technology has brought mankind into an unprecedented new axis era, the spirit of the Internet of Everything has penetrated into all aspects, and the Internet has connected human civilization into a super-organism like a neural network, just like the world of the Indra network in Buddhism, and all the fields no longer exist in isolation.

Every important field of human society has a far-reaching axis of the times. For the automobile industry, which represents industrial processes and scientific and technological achievements, every progress of it is a witness and practitioner of the changing scene of the new axis era.

As we all know, Ford's first assembly line shortened the off-line time of each T-model car from the original 12 hours and 28 minutes to 10 seconds, which promoted the first revolution in the automobile industry; in the 1972 oil crisis, Toyota emerged, and with the TPS excellent production method, it created a great "Industry 2.0" era; in the 2009 financial crisis, Toyota Volkswagen surpassed GM and Ford Motors, and the Chinese market replaced the United States to jump to the world's first.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

In April 2009, in this episode of the David Late Night Show, the Tesla Model S was unveiled, and a new era of cars arrived. It was also this year that Geely Automobile began to approach Ford Motor, trying to acquire Volvo 100% of the shares, and a year later it became a reality. In just 10 years, this "snake swallowing elephant" merger and acquisition has not only become the driving force behind Geely Automobile's change of fate, but also laid the foundation for the rise of China's automotive technology and brand transition.

Every change is the baptism of blood and sand, the accompaniment of light and shadow. Under the background of intelligent interconnection, the automobile industry has also ushered in the "new axis era" with the "new four modernizations" as the turning point, and we, as well as everyone, are in the midst of it.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

In 2016, a new era began, and many key links in China's automotive industry chain began to subtly affect the world pattern, and this year, the "new four modernizations of automobiles" began to rise. This time, Chinese demand and Chinese consumers began to participate in this far-reaching change; this year, Geely and Volvo jointly developed the CMA platform began to bear fruit, and Chinese cars began to achieve technological parity with the development of the global automotive industry for the first time.

This will be destined for an even more exciting era, with young consumers and equally young Chinese cars growing together, local brands confidently maintaining an aggressive posture in the face of strong and thick opponents, and youth inspiring hormones, competing in awe while waving goodbye to tradition.

Roads and dreams

"Whenever we look back over an era, we find that the road we have traveled is a process of turning uncertainty into certainty." The day before yesterday (December 22), Zhang Wenhong replied to the young man's question.

Indeed, no matter what era of life young people are born, the main color of young people's lives is anxiety and hope. Whether you agree or disagree, you are destined to grow with the times. But the characteristics of life are always like this, it changes and jumps, full of sudden changes in fate.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

How thankful you and I live together in such wonderful and rewarding times. On the other side of every waiting time, we are looking forward to the emergence of heroes, just like Li Shufu's ignorance and vision of "the car is four wheels + two sofas", just like five years ago, with the concept of "born global, open and interconnected", declared that the world needs a car brand that is "more than a car", it is called Lynk & Co.

"The spirit itself is swallowed up by technological processes, and even science has to obey technology, but this is not the whole meaning of life." Carl Jaspers stubbornly believed that psychokines were the fundamental elements that made up history.

Therefore, holding high the responsibility and dream of "setting no limits" and "breaking boundaries" has become the spiritual source that has promoted Lynk & Co's "from 0 to 600,000" in the past five years, which is also the overlap of the fate of the ancient Chinese wisdom of "one life two, two life three, three life and everything".

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

Yes, although China's auto industry has made unprecedented progress in the past 20 years, it must be acknowledged that the integration of European, Japanese and American auto companies is a strong leader and promoter of the automotive market. "The way forward is a challenge, we must be trembling, like walking on thin ice, on the way to climb, we must stick to our original intention." In the face of the unknown, every step forward, Lynk & Co has never forgotten to look back at the original intention.

Born in 2016, Lynk & Co, just like the Lexus launched by Toyota in the US market in 1989, it is a fast-growing Chinese brand to ask the world a new answer, just like Henry Ford 125 years ago, Mercedes-Benz before 135 years, Toyota Kiichiro before 88 years, and Honda Soichiro before 73 years, when compared with these surnames that have gone through vicissitudes and become more and more great, these leaders of China's own brands no longer carry the previous "Chinese- style" implications. Instead, it is brave to bet on your last name, put on the glory of labels, and carry the weight forward.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

"Challenging Conventions", "No Limits"..... Whether it is to release brands and models overseas, or to create a trendy brand image to break into the life circle of Z era; whether it is to innovatively bring the intelligent interconnection of car machines and mobile phone APP collaboration into car ownership life, or rely on CO territory and Lynk & Co Center to extend direct communication between users online and offline; whether it is to implement the 4S+2S (social, sharing) sales model, or to create a "trinity" sales channel of online mall, offline Lynk & Co Center, and urban supermarket Lynk & Co space. Lynk & Co's seemingly small exploration in the past has suddenly become a routine action of the current car companies, opening a new era for Chinese cars.

In the past 5 years, the heavy 600,000 high-end customer groups, the young and "unlimited" Lynk & Co explored the road, the changes experienced, the hardships endured, and so on..... The samples she has established not only have the significance of industry exploration and the huge value breakthrough of China's automobile industry, but also bring new thinking and direction to the development of Chinese brands.

Lynk & Co, please answer

The first car brand and user to create a business operation ecology, the first 6S car sales and service model, the creation of the first Chinese performance car 03+, and the first Time Chinese car brand has a place on the podium of the world's top events...

Five years of beauty and memories are so memorable, but you and I have no intention of stopping.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

In the next five years that are about to begin, standing on top of 600,000 beating hearts, how will Lynk & Co once again grasp the pulse of growth? In fact, 2022 has not yet begun, and the challenges are coming one after another!

——In the face of young people attracted by intelligence, how can Lynk & Co ensure that the traditional advantages can be entered into a new era hand in hand?

——How to transform the potential energy of 600,000 vehicles in five years into the kinetic energy of climbing in the next five years?

——On top of the system of annual sales of 200,000 vehicles, how to build a top-level new plan for localization + globalization of the domestic + foreign 1 million vehicle system?

——In the overall situation of electrification and intelligence, how will Lynk & Co simplify complexity and explore new paths of differentiation?

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

These questions, the years are silent, the drums are urged.

In the face of unknowns and challenges, toyota, Volkswagen and Honda motor, these powerful opponents while maintaining the traditional brand and technical advantages of fuel vehicles, while carrying out a thorough electrification and intelligent transformation, these urgent and realistic pressures have been passed to Lynk & Co.

2021 must be a year worth remembering, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles from 5% in January to an average monthly increase of 1.3% rhythm express delivery to 20% in November, how Lynk & Co in the face of market upheavals far beyond expectations, will face more difficult challenges in 2022.

There is no doubt that in the next five years, globalization is the only way for Lynk & Co to achieve the goal of 1 million, since the release of the brand mission in 2016, all the planning and development strategies of Lynk & Co, the fundamental purpose is to achieve the mission of globalization, on behalf of China's manufacturing, to become a well-known brand in the international market and Toyota, Honda and Volkswagen.

In September 2020, Lynk & Co's "Europe Plan" was officially launched, and seven Lynk & Co experience stores have been opened, including Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Gothenburg in Sweden, Antwerp in Belgium, and Berlin in Germany; in 2022, Lynk & Co experience stores in Barcelona, Spain, Paris, France, and Milan, Italy will be unveiled one after another.

On the other side of every waiting time, we look forward to the appearance of heroes

Taking the initiative to go to the European market to find growth with young people is not only a key and solid step in the goal of building a "new global high-end brand", but also a pioneering sample of awakening Chinese consumption and global expansion.

Some of the numbers are really proud. On December 20, Geran Road data released a price index showing that in the first 11 months of 2021, the average selling price of products under the Lynk & Co brand reached 158,000 yuan, an increase of 0.15 million yuan over the same period last year, which not only stood at the forefront of its own brands, but also far higher than hyundai, Kia, Ford and Nissan, and also exceeded the average selling price of volkswagen brands of the two joint ventures of North and South Volkswagen, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Toyota and Honda, standing at the top of the pyramid of Volkswagen brands.

It is said that all encounters are long-term reunions, and every advance and collision of Lynk & Co and Chinese cars in the past five years is a re-dialogue with this cruel and realistic world, and the historical question and answer of the ancient fortress across time and space.

Looking forward to the new five years, looking forward to a better Lynk & Co, and a better you!

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