
Tarot's 2022 Sagittarius Horoscope

Tarot's 2022 Sagittarius Horoscope

Do your best in everything and leave no regrets.

Overall horoscope: ★★★ ☆☆

Socially, there will be conflicts with people, please try to control your emotions. Career is still relatively smooth. Academically, we must know how to reduce unnecessary social interactions to ensure that there is enough time to study. Financially, listen to others' opinions and allocate your assets effectively. Love is long-lasting in a reciprocal way.

Career Horoscope:

Job search shooter

In the past year, job hunting seems to be less than ideal, and the passion has slowly receded, but 2022 has ushered in a turning point, trying to go to a new field may be a new beginning, and autumn will be a harvest season.

A shooter in the workplace

You have the passion to struggle and the courage to open up the territory, but the arrogance is unwilling to adapt to the situation, lack of sufficient patience for things, staying in a position for a long time will often feel bored and tired and want to change jobs, at the beginning of the year there is an opportunity, as long as you are good at grasping it. Because you live your own independent opinions and do not fit in, but you are a different firework.

Academic Horoscope:

Sagittarius has ideas and motivation, most people work as cadres in schools or classes, but too frequent socializing will distract academic energy, so corn rice recommends spending more time focusing on learning. Summer is a time of twists and turns, with some shooters seeing a decline in April-May but a rebound in June-July. Teachers have high expectations of you and may blame you for something at the end of the year. Because your excellence may be jealous, handle the relationship with your classmates well.

Don't think that you are good enough and slack in your studies, and remember that there are people outside the mountain. Some of the shooters in the professional title study and examination and examination are hesitant to achieve their ideal goals because of pleasure. Civil servants must jump out of the established thinking in order to make breakthroughs in their studies.

Fortune Horoscope:

2022 is still a relatively difficult year, the feeling is that it is not enough to even have disputes and disputes with people, at the end of the year, the business should be more careful to take precautions, think twice, and do not be used by people with hearts. This year' spending on cosmetics, apparel, jewellery and feminine products is relatively large. There is no need to increase efforts in investment, grasp the existing stock funds, etc., and wait quietly for the final profit.

Love Horoscope:


Sagittarius man is likely to get off the single year, do not need a blind date, your fate is around, actively fight, do not passively wait. June-August is a good time to get off the list, this time to confess to the object of your choice is easy to succeed, but the background gap between the two sides is too large, can not get the support of the people around you; of course, there are also the opposite sex to express love to you, you are very likely to step into the marriage hall, there may be pregnancy.

Sagittarius women In 2022, most Sagittarius women will not have new relationships, one is because the people you meet do not match your personality and cannot talk together, and you can't let go of the past. At the end of the year, there is a chance to reunite with the ex, both sides will adjust the pace for each other, no longer restrain each other, you master the way to get along and the other party is down-to-earth and hard work can provide a good material foundation.

The shooter in love

The relationship between Sagittarius and his partner in 2022 can be summed up in one sentence – you are responsible for being beautiful and I am responsible for earning money to support the family (especially aptly described). There was no big argument between the two sides and they were very single-minded and passionate in love. Some sagittarius men have the idea of getting married at the end of the year.

Sagittarius woman Some sagittarius women do not want to be bound by marriage in 2022, so there is no intention of marriage, or maintain a childlike playful mind, and will play some small sex from time to time, but the partner is very tolerant of sagittarius, this is a relationship that gets the support around him, maybe he can't meet the requirements you want but is still a person worth relying on.

Some shooters may enter the marriage hall at the beginning of the year, some shooters have the idea of getting married in June and September, and some shooters have the idea of breaking up at the end of the year because one party has someone else in mind, which is probably a more volatile year.

The shooter in marriage

Sagittarius man 2022 can not be simply described as good and bad, a year that requires both sides to work together, if the two sides are not on a horizontal line, there will inevitably be a lot of disputes and differences. In July-August, some sagittarius and partners may be divorced due to financial disputes.

Sagittarius woman a more difficult year, will be because of a lot of things unsatisfactory and lead to disputes, from material pressure, family strife to make your head bigger, but these will eventually pass, as long as you are firm with each other.

Health Transport:

Please try to avoid drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks.

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