
Practical tips must be seen during pregnancy, and 5 things that must be done to give birth to a healthy baby

Pregnant mother can be described as really hard, pregnant in October, these months are careful, not only to avoid the mouth, to eat a balanced diet, but also to drag a big belly, inconvenient to move also have to go out to exercise. Sometimes when sleeping at night, some pregnant women will not be able to sleep, the stomach is too large, affecting sleep and other problems, and the mothers are really hard. However, these are all in order to be able to give birth to a healthy baby ~ maternal love is always great, so what can pregnant mothers do to give birth to a healthy baby?

Be sure to pay attention to exercise

It is indeed not very convenient for mothers to move with a big belly every day, but proper exercise during pregnancy is necessary. If you blindly lie in bed and rest, it is also not conducive to the growth and development of the fetus. Healthy living habits and regular exercise are the most basic requirements for fetal growth. Usually going out for a walk and a walk is also a very healthy lifestyle. However, pay attention not to exercise that exceeds the body load, and do not lift heavy objects usually. Let the body relax as much as possible~

Practical tips must be seen during pregnancy, and 5 things that must be done to give birth to a healthy baby

During pregnancy, attention should be paid to vitamin supplementation

The most recommended supplements by pregnancy doctors are calcium and iron. Usually eat something must be nutritionally balanced, meat and vegetarian collocation. Calcium supplementation is also a combination of food and calcium tablets. Pregnant women should drink more milk, soy products, fish, eggs, nuts, green vegetables and other calcium-rich foods. Usually more sun exposure can promote the absorption of calcium foods. Iron supplementation requires eating more animal kidneys, egg yolks, dried fruits and other foods.

Practical tips must be seen during pregnancy, and 5 things that must be done to give birth to a healthy baby

Regular obstetric check-ups

This one must be done on a regular basis. The importance of obstetric examinations should be known to everyone. If you want to achieve eugenics, obstetric examination is the only way, it can fully understand the development of the fetus. Whether they are healthy or not, whether they need a place to rest, these doctors can make judgments through obstetric examinations and give advice. Moms must not be lazy!

Practical tips must be seen during pregnancy, and 5 things that must be done to give birth to a healthy baby

List of packages to be delivered

A list of packages to be delivered can be made during the period to be delivered. Need to prepare something to write on. For example, some documents, daily necessities. There are many daily necessities, so you need to write them out in advance and prepare them, so you can definitely use them when the time comes. For example: nursing bras, baby wipes, leak-proof pads, large sanitary napkins, paper towels and other things that must be used in daily life are prepared in advance.

Practical tips must be seen during pregnancy, and 5 things that must be done to give birth to a healthy baby

Good things during pregnancy

Pregnant mothers sometimes do not sleep well is a common thing, and it is necessary to prepare a pregnant mother pillow. Many mothers do not sleep well because the pillow is uncomfortable and not relaxed enough. During pregnancy, the mother's pillow is relatively large, which can relieve fatigue very well, relax the body, and sleep better. During pregnancy, you must drink more water, and the water cup is a must.

Practical tips must be seen during pregnancy, and 5 things that must be done to give birth to a healthy baby

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