
12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

I believe that many parents attach great importance to the height of their children, when the family gathering, in addition to discussing the child's learning, there is also a comparison between height and appearance.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

In order to make their children grow taller in adolescence and make their children more temperamental, parents will buy some nutritional products for their children at all costs.

In fact, the height of children, in addition to our genetic factors, there is another important factor, that is, environmental factors.

First, the case study

Xiao Li, who just entered the 6th grade of primary school this year, is the learning committee member of the class, not only has a very good academic performance, but also Xiao Li, who is only 12 years old, has reached a height of 1 meter 69, which is the tallest of all the girls in the class.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

Because of the high advantages, coupled with good grades, the school will let Xiaoli be a small host every time it holds an event, which makes many students and parents envious.

There are many parents of students who have consulted Xiaoli's mother about what "panacea" they give their children to eat, and they are only 12 years old and half a head taller than my son.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

After understanding, in fact, Xiaoli was the shortest child in the class when she was in the second grade, introverted and not confident.

Because his parents are not very tall, Xiaoli's mother is afraid that Xiaoli will have low self-esteem when she grows up, so she takes him to the hospital for examination.

After the consultation, I learned that Xiaoli is due to the spleen and stomach deficiency caused by long-term spleen and stomach deficiency, which will easily cause poor nutritional intake, and if there is a lack of nutrients for a long time, it will have a great impact on the child's bone growth and development.

Under the advice of the doctor, Xiaoli's mother adjusted her eating habits and supervised Xiaoli to do some exercise every day, sometimes negligently, and the child also had lazy behavior.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

However, with the accumulation of time, in less than three years, the child's height has risen sharply, and now he is the best among his peers, confident and lively.

Xiaoli's mother also gave Xiaoli the following kinds of fueling foods.

Second, the height of the 12-year-old girl is straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, and the height is a strong upward

(1) Eggs

Eggs are a must-have food for families and are the best nutritional supplement for children. Especially eggs, eggs are rich in vitamins and lecithin, and there are some nutrients suitable for the human body to supplement, which is very beneficial for children who are in the long body of puberty.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

Insisting on eating one egg a day can not only promote bone development, but also prevent the production of iron deficiency anemia. It should be noted that the number of eggs eaten should be controlled at 1 to 2, because the eggs contain high cholesterol and are easy to cause obesity.

(2) Spinach

Spinach also contains a lot of vitamins. Regularly eating spinach also helps the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, promoting the detoxification speed of the body. After eating spinach more, children who are growing up can provide the body with rich vitamins and nutrients, which is of great help to the growth and development of the body.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

And spinach has a large number of antioxidants, which contribute to the proliferation of cells, beauty and beauty. It even has the effect of protecting vision and slowing down retinal degeneration, which is very helpful for children who use their eyes for a long time.

(3) Dairy products

Human height is determined by the growth and development of bones, scales, calcium is the main component of bones, so usually give children to eat some foods containing phosphorus and calcium.

For example, milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are the most convenient and safe way for the human body to supplement calcium.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

Milk contains high-quality protein and calcium, and a cup of milk per day for children with long bodies can help increase bone density and improve sleep quality, which is of great help to children's growth and development.

In addition to the above points, it is also necessary to ensure adequate sleep, which also plays a vital role in the process of growth and development.

Third, the food that "hurts the most" the height of the child

(1) Carbonated beverages

Relevant studies have shown that more than 85% of children who regularly drink carbonated drinks will experience calcium deficiency and stomach problems.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

Nowadays, the living conditions are good, many children will be carbonated drinks as drinking water to drink, do not know, this will continue to stimulate the child's stomach, causing children to have a poor appetite, picky eating situation.

It has a serious impact on the child's spleen and stomach, nutrition cannot be supplemented, and development is hindered, which is harmful to children in growth and development.

(2) Dessert

The temptation of sweet and soft glutinous things for children is too great, and many parents can't help but give their children more food. However, it is important that the sweetness of desserts is very high.

12-year-old girl height straight to 169, pediatrician: give the child 3 kinds of food, height a strong upwards

If the child eats it regularly, it is not only bad for the teeth and difficult to absorb the excess sugar, but also increases the burden on the spleen and stomach.

Over time, the child will have accumulated food, and if it is not corrected in time, it will seriously affect growth and development.

More importantly, children eating excessive sugar will reduce the formation of vitamin B1 in the body, reduce vision, and cause great harm to the eyes, which is also one of the important reasons for the common myopia in children today.

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