
Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

Milk is rich in protein and calcium, and these ingredients are very helpful in promoting the height and development of children, so families with children often buy some milk for their children to drink.

However, the milk in the supermarket is various, before I specially opened a post, emphasizing that some milk can not be used as a daily nutrition for children to supplement calcium, today we write a post, briefly talk about the difference between boxed milk and bagged milk.

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

There are two kinds of milk packaging common in supermarkets, one is placed in a box on the shelf, and the other is placed in a bag in a refrigerated cabinet, why is the same milk, placed in a different position? It's not just that the placement is different, the difference between the two kinds of milk is great. First of all, parents should have a general concept in mind: the supermarket shelves are room temperature milk, and the refrigerated cabinet is pasteurized milk.

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

Although some milk is similar to the packaging of pasteurized milk, there is no obvious pasteurization word on the packaging, parents should pay attention to the distinction, like the milk in the following picture, in fact, it is also room temperature milk.

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

Having said that, parents should be able to distinguish between pasteurized milk and ambient milk, right? Don't underestimate the difference between these two kinds of milk, the same is to drink milk, if your child drinks room temperature milk, the neighbor child drinks pasteurized milk, within half a year, the height difference between the two children can be seen, why? See below:

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

1. Pasteurized milk has higher nutritional value

Pasteurized milk is actually low-temperature sterilized milk, which is a processing method that can achieve the purpose of disinfection without reducing the quality of milk. The room temperature milk is the use of high temperature to kill the bacteria in fresh cow's milk, as we all know, the nutritional value of food is easily destroyed by high temperature, so usually the nutritional value of room temperature milk is lower than pasteurized milk.

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

2. The shelf life of room temperature milk is longer

Usually, the shelf life of boxed milk at room temperature can reach half a year or even 1 year, while the shelf life of bagged pasteurized milk is only about 1 month. Pasteurized milk is relatively less easy to preserve because it is low-temperature sterilized. If parents want to give their children this kind of milk, it is best to go to the supermarket every three to five years, or order from a nearby local milk station, so that the quality of milk will be more secure.

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

Boxed ambient milk is not so exquisite, generally are hoarded in boxes, but some well-known milk brands have been exposed to some problems one after another, parents do not have to blindly pursue big names when buying milk, choose some local old milk, but more secure.

Is there a difference between "boxed" and "bagged" milk for the baby? Pediatrician: The difference is big

Understanding these two points, I think parents know how to buy milk for their children, in fact, it is not necessary to say that some kind of milk is indispensable, parents look at the development status of their children. If your child does not have significant symptoms of calcium deficiency, drinking boxed ambient milk is a more cost-effective option.

But if the child's body develops very quickly, and even some obvious symptoms of calcium deficiency, such as late teething, night noise, night sweats, XO legs, etc., then parents may not be able to drink pasteurized milk for their children, it is best to drink some pregnant sweet potatoes, strengthen the nutritional intake of calcium, iron and zinc, regulate the child's spleen and stomach to ensure adequate absorption of nutrients, and adjust the state of the child's physical development as soon as possible.

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